Call for Proposals: International Growth Center (IGC)

We are pleased to open our call for proposals, across our four research themes: State; Firms; Energy; and Cities. Core research questions and priorities for each theme can be accessed here. Applicants are strongly encouraged to review these focus areas before preparing their applications.The IGC strongly encourages proposals for research projects implemented in any of our 15 partner countries in Africa and South Asia.

Projects in India

As a result of India’s economic growth over the last few years, DFID, our principal  donor, has changed its aid relationship with the country. Due to these policy changes, we are now able to only fund research in India that is of exceptionally high quality and has the potential to impact global academic and policy frontiers. Projects that focus on specific policy initiatives within India, whose findings cannot be broadly applied to global challenges, will not be considered. We therefore expect to apply tighter criteria, and commission significantly fewer projects in India, than we have in the past.

Project durations

Our current contract with our principal  donor terminates in December 2018. While we are confident of securing additional funds that will ensure the continuation of the program beyond that date, we are contractually obligated to only commission research projects that will be completed and produce a final deliverable by December 2018. This is an opportunity for researchers to submit proposals for projects that have either early impact, or that test proof-of-concepts for larger interventions. We also encourage analysis on secondary/existing datasets, which can produce a paper in a relatively short time. Please keep this in mind as you design your projects.

The IGC offers several benefits along with funding, such as:

  • Joining our global network of top researchers and policymakers
  • In-country teams who can facilitate engagement between researchers and policymakers, to generate ideas and build the policy impacts of research
  • Access to local and international datasets

To apply, please visit the ‘How to Apply’ section

Our process

The IGC funds its research through its two core funding streams, the Research Programme and the Country Programmes. This is a biannual call for proposals which encompasses both programmes. The Research Programme is primarily focused on the production of cutting-edge and policy-relevant academic research that goes towards informing effective policymaking in developing countries. The Country Programme is focused on tailoring top-quality research with the specific policy needs of the IGC’s partner countries.

Given the overlapping aims of the Research and Country Programmes, many proposals may be eligible for funding from either programme. Decisions on which programme will fund a particular proposal are made centrally at the IGC.

Submitted proposals are assessed against the following criteria:

  • Innovation: extent to which the proposed research contributes to knowledge creation by expanding and or strengthening the relevant literature on growth and development.
  • Policy relevance: reflects the importance of the policy target and both current and planned engagement with relevant policymakers.
  • Quality and composition of research team
  • Contribution to local capacity
  • Value for money: expected research and policy impact relative to costs.

All funding is centrally decided. Proposals are first graded by the relevant IGC Research and Country Programme Teams, with final assessment by a Commissioning Board that meets in March 2017. Applicants will be notified in April 2017.