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Exeter Student Switch Off

The Student Switch Off campaign is currently underway at Exeter University – your chance to win prizes like an NUS extra card or Ben & Jerry’s ice cream, just by doing simple things to reduce energy usage and protect the environment.

There are competitions running every two weeks, such as the Climate Change Quiz as well as numerous Facebook photo competitions. These are quick and easy to enter and help to raise awareness about simple energy saving techniques. As well as various individual prizes given out throughout the year, the halls that save the most energy at the end of the year enjoy a big party. Last year, Lafrowda Blocks C&D won the Student Switch Off competition and were awarded with a massive delivery of Ben & Jerry’s ice cream.

Some energy-saving photos submitted by University of Exeter Students

Get Involved

To show your support for the University of Exeter Student Switch Off campaign, simply sign up here. You will receive e-mails every 2-3 weeks over the year informing you of competitions and events, as well as energy saving tips. You can also like the Facebook page, follow Student Switch Off on Instagram or via the hashtag #exetersso.

Give Pearl an e-mail if you have any questions.

Become a Student Switch Off ambassador

Another great way to get involved with the campaign is to become a Student Switch Off Ambassador for your halls. You will get the opportunity to gain skills in sustainability communications and campaigning and also help your hall to win at the end of the year.

Sign up using this link:

Other Sustainability Opportunities

Please sign up to our sustainability opportunities mailing list to get involved with other exciting opportunities happening in and around campus, including projects similar to the SSO, as well as volunteering and internship opportunities.