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Have you heard about our Car Sharing Scheme?

Here at The University of Exeter, a car sharing scheme is offered to all employees. If you are a student entitled to a Standard Parking Permit you can also sign up to the scheme.

Car sharing is great for the environment as it reduces carbon emissions, city pollution, and congestion. Sharing your journey is not only better for the environment, it also has a number of benefits yourself and for the community.


Probably the most appealing of these benefits is cost. When more people travel in the same car you all benefit from a cheaper journey, with reduced fuel and vehicle running costs.

On top of this, the University offers extra incentives. Car sharing teams are given a free car parking permit and have access to extra car parking spaces on campus, making your journey even easier. In emergencies, when your lift fails the Emergency Travel Home Scheme will help to fund your journey home.

Many people also enjoy the added social aspect of commuting with friends and colleagues rather than by themselves or on crowded public transport. To find out if anyone is travelling the same journey as you, you can use the search facility on our Car Sharing page . The system will find everyone who’s journeys match yours, but this doesn’t mean you have to share with them. We recommend meeting up for a coffee first to check whether your routines match, and importantly, whether you get along.

To sign up to the car sharing group, visit the University of Exeter Liftshare website. With cheaper, more pleasant journeys which also help the planet, you might be glad you did.