Online Conference Guidance

Our aim is to make this online conference as accessible as possible. To this end, we will be trialling a system with more frequent breaks, including short 10-minute ones mid panel in the four paper panels. We hope this will aid everyone’s concentration and energy levels, because whilst we love the buzz a conference can cause, the exhaustion after can be incredibly draining.

To change your name, please click on participants, then hover over your name, select more, then rename.

We ask that everyone keeps themselves muted unless actively taking part in discussions.

We do not expect everyone to attend everything. Please look after your own wellbeing first. Turn the camera off, wander around, have a stretch, get outside if you can. If your attention is wavering, it’s a sign your brain needs a break, and it is ok to listen to your body!

It is always nice to see people’s faces, but we understand that attendees may not want or be able to have their cameras on. We would encourage the use of reaction options and the chat box to show engagement in alternative ways.

Captions will be available. Click on the ‘Live Transcript’ button on the bottom of the screen. They are optional, and you can have them as subtitles on the main screen or choose the ‘Full Transcript’ option to have them in a side panel.

If you have any questions or things you would like to raise you can contact Clare or Kathryn by the following methods.

Twitter: @emotionbodyconf, @emperorkathryn, @claremcldavis
