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Mary McCarthy and Vassar College

Last week, we studied Mary McCarthy’s Memories of a Catholic Girlhood (1957) on an M.A. module entitled The Literature of Cold War America. McCarthy (1912-1989) died thirty years ago this October. She was one of the most important American intellectuals of her generation but is relatively understudied and taught. My colleague, Dr. Ellen McWilliams, is working on McCarthy and will discuss her in her forthcoming book, Irishness in North American Women’s Writing: Transatlantic Affinities. You can read some of Dr. McWilliams’s work on McCarthy in this January 2017 piece that appeared in the Irish Times.

For the Cold War module, McCarthy is a very interesting writer to study because she had been a “fellow traveler” in Communist circles in the 1930s. However, after the Moscow Trials and the treatment of Leon Trotsky, she severed her connections to Communism and became an anti-Stalinist liberal. She wrote about her flirtation with, and subsequent disaffection from, Communism in an article for Encounter magazine in 1954.

I also find McCarthy interesting because she’s an alumna of Vassar College in Poughkeepsie, New York, with which Exeter’s Department of English and Film has longstanding teaching and student exchanges. Most years, a staff member from English and Film goes there to teach for a semester and a colleague from Vassar’s English department comes to Exeter in exchange. I’ve been lucky enough to go there twice, from January to June 2012 and January to June 2017. In 2017, I arrived four days before the Trump inauguration!

Over the years, many students on our English with Study in North America degree have also studied at Vassar for a full academic year.

McCarthy graduated from Vassar in 1933, when it was still a women’s college (it became co-ed in 1969). Her immediate post-graduation years were thinly fictionalised in her marvelous tell-all novel, The Group (1963). Her papers are housed in the special collections at Vassar’s stunning library. Here’s me, looking very cold outside said library, in February 2017.

And this is the entrance to Vassar, looking decidedly less wintry, in June 2017.

Dion Boucicault on a sunny Monday morning

This morning, I gave a lecture to our second year students on the nineteenth-century playwright and actor, Dion Boucicault. The lecture was given as part of our level 2 module, Crossing the Water: Transatlantic Literary Relations, but it could easily have appeared on one of our numerous Victorian Literature and Culture modules. My Victorianist colleagues Prof. Joe Kember and Prof. John Plunkett are very interested in popular forms of entertainment in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, of which Boucicault’s body of work (in “melodrama”) is an excellent example.

Dion Boucicault was an Irish-born playwright who was enormously successful in the nineteenth century theatre on both sides of the Atlantic. His first hit play was London Assurance in 1841. Our students study two of Boucicault’s plays: The Octoroon (first performed in New York in 1859) and The Shaughraun (first performed in New York in 1874). The plays fit really well with the themes of the module, which is concerned with the transatlantic circulation of authors, print culture and performances from the nineteenth century to today. It encourages students to consider how such works transcend national boundaries and configurations. The concerns of the module dovetail with my own research interests in the Irish Atlantic and the figure of the “Returned Yank” in the cultural imagination.

The question of genre is very important to the study of Boucicault. I draw students’ attention to the fact that, despite the seeming local specificities of the two plays (the one set in Louisiana during the time of slavery; the other set in rural Ireland), there are numerous similarities between the two, similarities that owe themselves to the overarching melodramatic form so beloved of Boucicault.

Boucicault has enjoyed something of a revival on both the stage and in scholarly contexts over the past several years. In 2004, the Abbey Theatre in Dublin – Ireland’s national theatre – revived The Shaughraun for its centenary celebrations, where it received mixed reviews. The staging of the play was somewhat controversial because the Abbey Theatre had been founded with a mission to do away with “buffoonery and easy sentiment,” the latter defining features (some would argue) of The Shaughraun.

The Octoroon has also been subject to re-staging and rethinking. The African American playwright, Branden Jacobs-Jenkins, adapted and reframed Boucicault’s work in a play renamed as An Octoroon which premiered in New York in 2014 and was later staged in London at the National Theatre in 2018.

Dr. Sinéad Moynihan, Department of English and Film

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