The following fields are covered by this call for expressions of interest:
1. Economic analysis of trade and investment arrangements/agreements (unilateral, bilateral, multilateral, sectoral etc.) covering the EU and partner countries, including inter alia the use of modelling techniques, econometrics and literature reviews (Excluding Sustainability Impact Assessments, Ex-post Evaluations and studies supporting impact assessments prepared for Commission initiatives which are expected to have significant direct economic, social or environmental impacts).
2. Economic analysis of trade restrictive measures taken by partner countries e.g. in the context of the Trade Barriers Regulation or disputes discussed at the World Trade Organisation.
3. Economic analysis, including literature reviews, of any other specific trade policy topic.
4. Development of trade policy modelling and trade data analytical tools. For example, building extensions of existing models, creating user-friendly modelling modules and providing analytical means to assess and analyse large volumes of trade related data such as firm level trade data and product level trade data.
5. Trade policy related surveys.
6. Peer review (blind) of tasks carried out under the points above (primarily points 1-3) safeguarding standards of the work undertaken commensurate with the level of technical requirements for publications in peer reviewed journals (A vendor may be included in one or several of the sub-lists above, but must not review his/her own work. Collusion with vendors on the other sub-lists is prohibited. Any potential conflict of interest should be signalled to the Commission before the review commences).
Expressions of interest should be submitted in one of the official languages of the European Union by electronic means at the following address:
The list will become operational on 1 May 2015. Inclusion on the list entails no obligation on the part of the contracting authority concerning the conclusion of contracts.
For full details, see