Library and Research Skills module in ELE


Would you like to learn about effective information searching and research skills, and discover more about the different kinds of library resources available to you? Then the Library and Research Skills module in ELE is for you! In it you will find lots of information to help you find and use different kinds of resources.

You don’t have to work systematically through the module! Simply dip into it as and when you need information about a particular type of resource or want to learn more about a particular library technique or tool.

The topic areas include information skills, referencing, using the library catalogue, research databases, books, journals, theses, current awareness services and using the Internet.

A key feature of the module is the suite of video tutorials providing quick and easy to follow demonstrations of all kinds of library and research techniques and skills. For example: finding a book, an electronic book or a journal article on the library catalogue. Or learn how to activate your reading history, so that you can see all the books you’ve ever borrowed from our libraries. Not to mention the demonstrations on setting up a blog, or finding book reviews. And that’s just a few of the tutorials on offer.

There are also short films introducing you to different library services and facilities. Why not watch the introductions to the Forum Library and Lasok Law Library, or meet your Subject Librarian team on film?

There are various ways to access the Library and Research Skills module:

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