The Hive…. it’s going LIVE!!!

Well, it’s not long now before the email containing our ‘umble plan to run a workshop on realist evaluation and synthesis wings it’s merry way across the inboxes of early career researchers and postgrad students from Humanities and Social Sciences as well as the Medical School…. soon, our plans will come to pass, and we shall, once and for all, be the MASTERS OF THE UNIVERSE!!

I have always wondered precisely what is meant by Early Career Researchers – is the plan behind calling those at grades E and F ECRs some form of trying to show that at some point, we shall reach middle age, and then older age, and then die off?  It seems a funny way of looking at things, particularly if you came to academia ‘late’ like I did.  I mean, I’m only (only!) 37, so I’m definitely not ‘early’ in my career, but this is my first academic job, so I guess I am an Early Academic Career Researcher… which is even more of a mouthful.  Either way, we are hoping that the Blog, Wiki and the Introductory session and book group will gather a broad range of interest from across the University, as well as across the grades of researchers.

Looking forward to meeting you…..

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