Rebecca, Education, Teaching and Research

Rebecca applied to the Career Mentor Scheme in order to get guidance and advice about getting into Education, Teaching and Research. Her mentor was a Geography Teacher at Rookwood School. This mentor is an Exeter alumnus who has had a wide variety of experiences in the industry. Prior to joining Rookwood School she was a Geography Teacher at George Stephenson High School Newcastle-upon-Tyne.

Apart from achieving all objectives Rebecca had set, such as developing professional contacts and preparing for the next steps after graduation, she also managed to see what teaching on a daily basis is like by visiting her mentor at her school and learning more about the profession from Hannah.


What were the highlights of the scheme for you?

I really enjoyed visiting the school, I sat in in some lessons and was really able to understand what it is like to teach a lesson, and everything else that goes with it. Visiting a school other than the one I went to also helped me to see how different schools operate, and overall I really enjoyed the experience.

What did you find most useful from the mentoring experience?

I wanted to gain insight into teaching, and I definitely achieved that. My mentor was able to show me all of the work she does on a daily basis, from planning a lesson through to teaching it. This was incredibly useful as I was able to learn what it really takes to be teacher, which has helped to guide my work experience and internship choices to see if I am suited to the job.

What message would you give to a student thinking of applying for the Career Mentor Scheme?

Taking part in the career mentor scheme is such a valuable experience; not only did it give me a brilliant networking opportunity, but it also allowed me an insight into my chosen profession that is so difficult to find elsewhere.

Really good to keep in touch via email – asking and answering emails -felt that I got to know Becky.  It was also great that she got to come to my school and meet with me in the work environment.” – Rebecca’s Mentor