Category Archives: economics

Rachel, Accounting and Auditing

Between May of her penultimate year and October of her final year Economics student Rachel was mentored by the UK/I Finance Controller at Unilever.

This mentor’s responsibility at Unilever is to lead a team of 80 people across all the key financial areas of the business. His has previously held various positions at Procter & Gamble, as a Financial Controller, Sales Finance Manager and Marketing Finance Manager. Prior to that he was a Tax Structured Finance Manager at Deloitte.


Rachel discussed the advantages she got out of the scheme with us. Amongst other things their partnership achieved, Rachel received help with application forms and covering letters and developed her confidence to seek graduate level employment.

What were the highlights of the scheme for you?

Learning about what my career mentor did and getting advice on how to get there myself.

What did you find most useful from the mentoring experience?

Advice from somebody who works in the industry and can give advice on how to do well in interviews.

What message would you give to a student thinking of applying for the Career Mentor Scheme?

Make the most of the opportunity.

Christopher, Defence and Public Protection

While in his final year of doing Economics and Politics, Christopher applied for the Career Mentor Scheme and was matched with a Defence & Public Protection mentor who was an Army Officer at HM Forces.

An Exeter graduate, this mentor’s previous employment includes being Company Commander commanding 100 infantry soldiers specialising in dismounted close combat.  He was also involved in contingency security planning and response for London 2012 Olympics including working with Special Forces, Met Police and civilian organisations. His other military experience has been broad, he has worked closely with senior officers, deployed on operations around the world, been responsible for HR in a major unit and have been a key planner for operations in Afghanistan.


Christopher shared with us he had an outstanding experience being mentored. He achieved every single objectives which they had set at the beginning of their partnership.

What was the highlight of the scheme for you?

Getting to speak to my mentor’s contacts, and [having] his support and encouragement.

What message would you give to a student thinking of applying for the Career Mentor Scheme?

Absolutely excellent scheme – couldn’t be more useful. The opportunity to be personally mentored by incredibly accomplished people – even from a different field from your own – is invaluable.

The highlight for the mentor was the Meet Your Mentor Event and the focused preparation for a job interview him and Christopher did.

James, Banking and Financial Services

In May of his final year James, studying Economics with International Study applied to the Career Mentor Scheme and was matched with a Management Consultant at IHM Associates Ltd.

This mentor studied Economics and Economics History at Exeter. Some of his previous employers include Union Bank of Switzerland, PwC, WJ Calder Sons & Co and Sutton Valence School.


Through the scheme James achieved all his objectives, such as obtaining job hunting resources in the sector and obtaining help with application forms. He told us more details about his experience.

Were there any other objectives you achieved?

Gaining  knowledge on a specific programme – The Mountbatten Institute and assessing whether it was suitable for me.

What were the highlights of the scheme for you?

It was very useful to have somebody to talk to and bounce ideas off, somebody who knows the industry standards and workings. I particularly liked the critical side and the fact that my mentor would challenge me and was happy to say if he disagreed with my ideas. This was very useful!

What message would you give to a student thinking of applying for the Career Mentor Scheme?

Apply! Whether you’re looking for answers to specific questions or just somebody to chat to because you’re totally lost like I was, it’s a great scheme and well worth the small amount of time it takes to apply.

The highlight for his mentor was:

“…meeting someone different. Not just a new person but a student who had already graduated, so the focus was really on his employability and getting him in front of potential employees.”

Katie, Customer Service

Whilst in her second year of doing Economics with Industrial Experience Katie applied to the Career Mentor Scheme and was matched with a Centre Manager at Land Rover Experience, as her mentor.

This mentor has a wide experience of working in Customer Service, having worked in positions such as a Support Team Leader at Barclays Bank, Senior Partner at Clydesdale Bank and Relationship Manager at Santander.


Katie told us more about the experience of being mentored for six months. Through the scheme she managed to achieve many career objectives, such as gaining a better understanding and insight into the industry.  What she found most useful from the mentoring experience was the networking opportunities, getting recruitment information along with developing her interview techniques and gaining work experience.

What were the highlights of the scheme for you?

Attending a networking Chamber of Commerce lunch with my mentor and setting up work experience in a bank for summer.

What message would you give to a student thinking of applying for the Career Mentor Scheme?

It’s a really worthwhile scheme and it’s really great to be able to have an outside perspective on careers from someone who is in your chosen industry and who has done it all before you. Make the most out of it and be enthusiastic, if you are willing to put more into the scheme with your Mentor then it’s likely you’ll get more out of the process – don’t just take the scheme as something to put on your CV and say you’ve done.

 Her mentor’s personal highlight of the scheme was:

It was an honour to be part of this University scheme and what worked well for me was the ability to meet my mentee in person, on campus, to work through their objectives.”

Lucy, Law and Legal Services

Lucy, a second year Economics and Politics student who was looking to go into Law was matched and mentored for a period of six months by an experienced lawyer who graduated from a Politics degree at Exeter 10 years ago and has since then worked at three different law firms: TWM LLP, Irwin Mitchell LLP and currently Stephenson Harwood LLP in London. law-order-1240301

Lucy shared some insights from her experience with us:

What did you find most useful?

Insight into my chosen profession as I am currently not studying law.

What was the highlight of the scheme for you?

My highlight was visiting the office in London. It was great to be shown round and loved seeing inside a real law office whilst they were working. The offices were extremely impressive and showed what can be achieved in the law profession.

What objectives did you achieve?

I received a greater insight into the profession and had really interesting conversations with trainees in the graduate scheme. This gave a further insight I wasn’t expecting but was very helpful.

What message would you give students thinking of applying for the career mentor scheme?

Make sure to meet up with your mentor early on so that it is easier to communicate and develop a personal connection.