Category Archives: History

Emily, Education, Training and Research

Emily, a History and German student, was interested in studying for a PGCE and working in the teaching profession. Through the Career Mentor Scheme, Emily was matched with the Headteacher of Ratcliffe College, an independent school, with previous employment including Senior Deputy Head of Kingswood School and Assistant Director of Reading Blue Coat School. This mentor is also studying for his Phd at Sheffield, alongside achieving a variety of qualifications prior.

“This is an excellent scheme to participate with as it gives you impartial support and understanding”

Emily achieved all of her objectives including increased knowledge of finding internships and work experience in this sector, increased knowledge of good/bad aspects of the profession and increased knowledge of effective application forms in the education sector.

Emily shared her experience:

What were your highlights of the scheme?

Getting an insight into the positives of teaching and the mood of the profession in light of government involvement has been an interesting and informative experience. Just being able to speak to a teacher who had been in teaching at all levels was very rewarding and a highlight of the scheme for me.

What did you find most useful from the mentoring experience?

I found insight into entering the profession and possibly looking at moving towards education policy useful.

What message would you give to a student thinking of applying for the Career Mentor Scheme?

If you’re looking for an insight into a profession you are interested in but uncertain about, this is an excellent scheme to participate with as it gives you impartial support and understanding. I found it to be a valuable experience but I would recommend further participants to engage themselves better than I did.

Holly, Media, Publishing and Journalism

Holly was studying History and Politics and was looking for guidance into the Media, Publishing and Journalism sector. She applied to the Career Mentor Scheme and was matched with a Rights Administrator at Warner Bros. This mentor’s main responsibilities include managing the pre and post-sales administration of deals including output and volume agreements.negative-1531346

Holly had an amazing experience being mentored. She achieved every single objectives she had set at the beginning of their partnership, including gaining professional experience to put on her CV and obtaining help with application forms.

What were the highlights of the scheme for you?

My highlights from this scheme was the work experience that my mentor helped me to get at Lionsgate. I spent the week helping various departments and also shadowing my mentor.

What did you find most useful from the mentoring experience?

My mentor’s insight into the TV and Film industry was one of the most helpful parts of the scheme for me. However, the work experience I did at Lionsgate where he works was really interesting and helpful. The CV and application advice was also very helpful.

What message would you give to a student thinking of applying for the Career Mentor Scheme?

This is the best opportunity to get a real-life insight into the career you’re interested in.

The highlight for the mentor was:

“Having my mentee to do some work experience with my company was great – especially as she proved herself to be friendly and hardworking.” 

Jessica, Management and Consultancy

History student Jessica was interested in going into Management and Consultancy. Through the Career Mentor Scheme she was matched with a Management Consultant at Hisley Consulting. This mentor also has experience in the Pharmaceutical and Supply chain sectors. Her previous employment includes General Manager of Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Site and Director of Regional Outsourced Manufacturing organisation.

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Jessica gave us an insight into the ways in which she benefited from the scheme.

What were the highlights of the scheme for you?

Being able to meet with her and talk about consultancy with a neutral person (not family or friends) who was very knowledgeable and really helped me gain a perspective of what was expected of me and what I need to do to achieve such a position.

What did you find most useful from the mentoring experience? 

Insight into my chosen career. You don’t ever get an opportunity like this to talk to someone in depth about a certain career path which was invaluable experience.

What message would you give to a student thinking of applying for the Career Mentor Scheme?

It is a perfect way to get inside knowledge on a particular career and discuss your own ambitions and opportunities with someone neutral


Anya, Charity and Development Work

In Term 2 of her first year Anya applied to the Career Mentor Scheme because she was looking for guidance and advice about how to get into Charity and Development work. After submitting a successful application, Anya was matched with a New Business Development Manager at Parkinsons UK.


Through the scheme and Hannah’s help Anya achieved every single objective she had at the beginning of the scheme, including gaining work shadowing, having her CV proofread and improved and developing her interview techniques.

What were the highlights of the scheme for you?

My mentor kindly arranged two work insight days at her current and previous places of work. These days were incredibly valuable; rather than follow my mentor around all day, she had arranged short meetings with a variety of people, all of whom gave lots of different advice. I loved receiving a range of insights from different people.

What did you find most useful from the mentoring experience?

I loved having a relatable role model in the sector – my mentor was young, female and had a similar background to me. I knew I could trust what she was saying and her advice was even more poignant because of its relevance to me.

What message would you give to a student thinking of applying for the Career Mentor Scheme?

This scheme is an absolute dream. It provides a supported, informal entrance to your chosen sector with individualized help from someone who already has experience. For me, there is no better way to find out information about a sector, profession or company. It even gives generalized advice about the workplace, the transition from university to working life, and career progression. Moreover, it allows you to build a rapport with a contact within an organization which goes beyond the end of the scheme.

The highlight for the mentor was:

“Having the opportunity to support someone so enthusiastic in the sector I was working in, and being able to understand her questions as it was where I was at 5 years ago.  The opportunity to stay connected to my university and offer a student real insight into a place of work.”

Oliver, Banking and Financial Services

Oliver, a History student participated in the Career Mentor Scheme and his mentor was a Global Head of Equities & Strategy at Jupiter Asset Mgmt.

This mentor has previously held a variety of positions in his career. He started off as Fund Manager at Sun Alliance Insurance Group and then moved to Senior Portfolio Manager at Fleming & Co. In 1999 he became head of Japan Portfolios Group at JP Morgan Asset Management until in 2007 he became Chief Investment Strategist for EMEA at JP Morgan Private Bank. In 2011 he joined Caledonia Investments plc as Head of Global Equity Income & Growth Team before moving to Jupiter Asset Mgmt.


Oliver had some really great feedback to give about the scheme. The mentoring partnership with his mentor helped him obtain job hunting resources and gain an insight into the career. He also developed professional contacts and learned more about the entry requirements.

What was the highlight of the scheme for you?

Meeting my mentor – this was beneficial in a way that is often hard to achieve simply via email.

What did you find most useful from the mentoring experience?

My mentor’s advise was very honest and showed me how best to approach a career in the sector from the position that I was in.

Katie, Management and Consultancy

Katie wanted to go into the Management and Consultancy sector. Through the Career Mentor Scheme she was matched with a Revenue Director at Microsoft. This mentor went into Management and Consultancy. His recent previous employment includes being a Head of Business Development at MSN Asia between 2008 and 2012 and Head of Commercial Partnerships between 2012 and 2014.

Katie benefited hugely from the mentoring partnership. She achieved all personal development and career development objectives, such as improving her listening and confidence building skills and receiving help with application forms.


What were the highlights of the scheme for you?

Learning about the Marketing sector from an experienced marketer.

What did you find most useful from the mentoring experience?

Gaining useful contacts that have enabled me to secure work experience and a summer internship.

What message would you give to a student thinking of applying for the Career Mentor Scheme?

Don’t be afraid to ask your career mentor for something you want [i.e. work shadowing].

Janice, Surveying and Property Management

Janice, a History student participated in the Career Mentor Scheme and her mentor for the six-month period was Housing Development Manager & Client Lead at Exeter City Council. After completing a Building Surveying degree at Exeter, this mentor gained a variety of different professional experiences. She has previously worked at MCR Property Group as Development Manager, and at Norman Rourke Pryme Project Managers as Consultant Project Manager.


Janice found a lot of what the mentoring partnership achieved for her really useful. She improved her confidence and got help with application forms.

Were there any other objectives you achieved?

Help with overall interview questions.

What were the highlights of the scheme for you?

Developed my confidence for interviews and got me thinking of a broader picture of my future job and what team I should go into considering my lifestyle choices.

What did you find most useful from the mentoring experience?

Developing confidence to go and talk to potential employers and having further professional connections.

What message would you give to a student thinking of applying for the Career Mentor Scheme?

Even if you apply for a mentor who is in a profession you are not 100% sure about, it is worth considering varying options, getting feedback from an experienced professional and building confidence in a working environment.

Her mentor said:

“Being able to observe Janice grow and develop in her confidence was great!”

Jessica, Law and Legal Services

Jessica doing a Law degree was matched with mentor the Director of Legal & Insurance Services at the University of Exeter. A professional with a wide range of experiences, this mentor has previously worked at Bevan Ashford (now Ashfords) as an Associate Solicitor and at the University as as Contracts Manager.


Jessica achieved many objectives during the six months in which she was mentored. She got help to prepare for her next steps after graduation,  received job hunting resources and help with application forms.

What were the highlights of the scheme for you?

Meeting with my mentor to get to know about her career and the different sections of Law she worked through before getting to her current job.

What did you find most useful from the mentoring experience?

Showing me how she got to her career has given me inspiration on how to get to this chosen career path myself. My mentor also gave me support and advice during my law internship in Singapore on how to make the most of it.



Ray, Banking and Financial Services

History and Politics student Ray applied to the scheme at the end of his first year. He was matched with an International Banking Manager at HSBC Holdings plc.

Throughout his career, this mentor has gained experience in a variety of industries, including Customer Service, HR, Retail, Sales with Banking and Financial Services being his main sector.


The partnership was a real success. Here is what Ray had to say:

What were the highlights of the scheme for you?

The shadowing experience. This allowed me to experience first hand the daily working life of my mentor, his responsibilities and the working culture at the company.

What did you find most useful from the mentoring experience?

The feedback and the ability to ask questions e.g interview tips, what makes a bad CV etc. to then be given realistic answers.

What message would you give to a student thinking of applying for the Career Mentor Scheme?

It is a brilliant way to not only make professional connections but to also provide you with a means to have those questions, myths and issues relating to the world of work properly answered.

Maartje, Education, Teaching and Research

Coming from a History degree, Maartje applied for the Career Mentor Scheme in his second year. Interested in the Education, Teaching and Research sector he was matched with a Senior Lecturer at the University of Exeter for a period of six months.

This mentor’s main area of research is in the history of the body, with particular interests in gender, sex and reproduction, sexuality, ageing, body size, shape and management, health and medicine in early modern England. Her responsibilities at the time were to supervise doctoral theses on the following topics: facial disfigurement in early modern England; the material culture of health in Victorian England; birth, death and illegitimacy in eighteenth-century Wales; and appearance and the interpretation of character in early modern England.


Maartje shared some insights about the ways in which the scheme was beneficial to her:

What were the highlights of the scheme for you?

The highlights were the face to face meetings as I felt such a personal approach, which really motivated me to improve my work: my mentor’s advice and encouragement thus ensured I put in every effort in achieving my goals.

What did you find most useful from the mentoring experience?

The gained insight into my chosen profession is very useful indeed. I had a vague plan of becoming a lecturer but had no idea how to get there and how to ‘prepare’ for such a career. I now understand the path in front of me more, what I need to work on to achieve this and what to prioritise.

What message would you give to a student thinking of applying for the Career Mentor Scheme?

Absolutely apply. Having a mentor is tremendously helpful as his/her guidance will allow you a more focused and goal-orientated university experience. Essays and presentations thus become opportunities to achieving that ultimate career goal instead of ‘homework’ .