Category Archives: law

Yazmin, Law and Legal Services

Yazmin joined the Career Mentor Scheme to gain an insight into a career in Law and for guidance on employability skills and applications. She was paired with a solicitor at Irwin Mitchell. Like Yazmin, this mentor studied an undergraduate Law degree at Exeter. She then went on to obtain a training contract and has since worked as a solicitor for several law firms before obtaining her current at Irwin Mitchell.


Yazmin achieved several objectives, including experience in professional CV writing, obtaining work experience and gaining an invaluable insight into the sector. Here is what she shared with us.

What were the highlights of the scheme for you?

I enjoyed my week of work experience at Slater & Gordon, and felt as though I developed my employability skills during this week. I also gained an insight into what a career in the legal sector may be like.

Also, my mentor was always willing to read my applications and give me constructive feedback on how I could improve them.

What did you find most useful from the mentoring experience?

The week of work experience.

 What message would you give to a student thinking of applying for the Career Mentor Scheme?

This is an ideal opportunity to gain an insight into a career that you may be interested in. There is also the chance to develop employability skills and to gain valuable contacts.

Deziree, Banking and Financial Services

Studying towards a degree in Economics and Law, Deziree was keen to get into the Banking and Financial Services. She participated in the Career Mentor Scheme and was mentored by the Managing Director at Barclays Bank.


Deziree told us more about the advantages of the scheme.

What were the highlights of the scheme for you?

I had the great opportunity in meeting with my mentor face-to-face early into the scheme. It had really given us the chance to ‘break the ice’ and get to know each other outside our email and text message exchanges. Finding a job is a daunting task for every University student, so I was very happy to have been paired with a mentor who had faced the same qualms as I did towards entering the employment pool. It was truly inspiring to hear his work experience from the best (investment) banks around the world, whilst keeping me aware of the pros and cons of each job. My mentor was also kind enough to provide me a list of resources to nurture my commercial awareness and knowledge into financial events.

What did you find most useful from the mentoring experience?

Perhaps learning in particular what the ‘compliance’ job role really entails has been very useful. Despite my embarrassing lack of knowledge on the profession, my mentor had been patient in explaining in depth of what the role not only requires, but also its benefits and disadvantages. His advice had certainly fuelled my desire to learn more about the job and even determined me to pursue a role in compliance.

What message would you give to a student thinking of applying for the Career Mentor Scheme?

I highly recommend joining the Career Mentor Scheme for any student, be it to gain a deeper insight into an industry, receive support in work placement applications or even to chat with a professional. Just from my first meeting with my mentor, I had already received so much useful information into the processes of securing a career and had my many questions about my future in the financial industry answered!

Cherrina, Law and Legal Services

Whilst in her first year, Cherrina applied to the Career Mentor Scheme to be mentored by a Partner at Ropes & Gray LLP. At the time of their mentoring partnership, this mentor was focusing on private equity, public and private M&A and innovative special situation deals. He also provided advice on all aspects of domestic and cross-border M&A transactions and on a broad range of corporate finance, joint venture, restructuring, and corporate governance issues.


Cherrina benefited from the mentoring experience in a number of ways. She achieved all objectives she had, including improving skills needed for graduate employment and gaining work shadowing. Here is what Cherrina shared with us.

What were the highlights of the scheme for you?

One of the highlights was going into my mentor’s office for a meeting. Received his comments on application forms, which later helped me secure an open day, was also really great.

What did you find most useful from the mentoring experience?

Insight into law.

What message would you give to a student thinking of applying for the Career Mentor Scheme?

It is a hugely useful opportunity if you can take full advantage of it.


Maximilian, Management and Consultancy

Maximilian is a Management and Law student who was mentored by a Senior Consultant at Altus Ltd, as part of the Career Mentor Scheme. This mentor has a lot of experience of working in this sector. Between 2003 and 2008 he worked at AON Hewitt as a Business Systems Analyst. He then moved on to IMS Health Ltd at the same position. In 2009 he became a Director and Co-founder of What’s My Pension Ltd before joining Altus Ltd.


The scheme helped Maximilian in various ways. He received help improving his CV and learned more about the good and bad aspects of the profession. He also developed his networking opportunities.

What were the highlights of the scheme for you?

One of the highlights for me was being able to present a 20 minute Skype presentation to my mentor. I was lucky to find out that his CEO was also attending so I received some really valuable feedback from both of them. I was able to raise some questions regarding their opinion about the developments of financial services which might in fact really influence my career decision.

What did you find most useful from the mentoring experience?

I think having a relevant professional contact is very useful/will be even more useful when it comes to researching graduate opportunities.

What message would you give to a student thinking of applying for the Career Mentor Scheme?

I would advise them to make the most of their time with the mentor, definitely meet in person and try to tackle as many issues as possible.

Nick, Politics and Government

Law student Nick participated in the Career Mentor Scheme, and his mentor was Head of International and EU Law at the Attorney General’s Office.


Nick shared more details about the success of his mentoring partnership with us.

What was the highlight of the scheme for you?

Visiting my mentor at Downing Street.

What did you find most useful from the mentoring experience?

My mentor was exceptionally helpful in assisting me with guidance for a future legal career. He has given me the opportunity to meet a number of his colleagues, both in and out of Government. Without his help, I doubt I would have been able to decide on a particular career path.

What message would you give to a student thinking of applying for the Career Mentor Scheme?

The Career Mentor Scheme has given me such a unique opportunity and opened many more options that I never knew were possible. As a result of the CMS, I was able to visit my Mentor at No. 10 and also meet a number of his colleagues who have offered me work experience and further connections. I would urge every student to apply for the CMS as you never know where it may lead you!

Christina, Law and Legal Services

During her third year Christina, who was working towards a LLB Law degree, was matched with mentor a Consultant at Green Square Advisers.

This mentor red the same degree as Christina in Exeter: LLB Law. He has worked at various organisations throughout his career including Accenture, ITV digital, BBC Worldwide, and KPMG, where he was a Director of Corporate Finance at the Media Team.


Christina informed us of how beneficial the scheme was to her.

Amongst achieving other objectives she had, Christina gained a graduate position as a trainee solicitor with an international law firm during the mentoring partnership.

What were the highlights of the scheme for you?

A highlight for me during the scheme was gaining a training contract with an international law firm. I attribute part of this achievement to my mentor as he proofread my CV in addition to giving me some tips on how to improve it. My mentor also offered interview techniques and helped me prepare for some likely interview questions which proved extremely useful.

What did you find most useful from the mentoring experience?

[…] My mentor put me in contact with professional contacts he knew that were based closer to where I live. This enhanced my networking opportunities and gave me the chance to speak to someone in person about my goals and enabled me to gain a further insight into my chosen profession.

Her mentor said:

“[The highlights for me were] providing advice to Christina and connecting her to friends that I have in the legal profession in very senior positions who were able to meet with her and give her valuable advice!” 

Shiryn, Regulation and Consumer Protection

At the end of her penultimate year Shiryn was matched with the Head of Data Protection at Guardian News and Media Group as part of the Career Mentor Scheme.

An Exeter graduate, this mentor has a lot of experience in the Regulation and Consumer Protection sector. He has previously worked at Deloitte as a graduate and then was a Data Protection Manager at the Royal Bank of Scotland and Regional Head of Privacy at the Royal Bank of Canada. At the Guardian his responsibilities include managing legal data protection/privacy compliance for the Guardian’s operations in the UK, Australia and the USA.


Here is what Shiryn told us about how the scheme was beneficial to her:

What were the highlights of the scheme for you?

Having my CV checked, speaking to people in a broad range of areas of Law.

What did you find most useful from the mentoring experience?

Being put in touch with other professionals that my mentor knew and having phone calls with them to discuss their careers and advice.

What message would you give to a student thinking of applying for the Career Mentor Scheme?

It’s a fantastic opportunity to make contacts that you would have real difficulty meeting outside of the university scheme and is especially useful if you’re feeling confused about your next steps – the insight you get from people already in the industry is invaluable. I would really recommend this scheme to other students as there’s no downside – you gain information and contacts through just a few conversations without having to set aside hours and hours of your life.

Neel, Law and Legal Services

Neel Rokad, second-year LLP Law student was matched with a Partner at Ropes & Gray LLP for a 6-month mentoring partnership.

This mentor has worked for a variety of different law firms in his career. He started off at Slaughter and May, where he was first a Trainee and then became an Associate. After spending 11 years there, in 2005 he moved to Wickersham & Tarf, where he spent 3 years as a Partner.


Neel achieved all pre-set objectives, such as increasing his knowledge of job hunting techniques and improving his personal development objectives. He gave us an insight of his mentoring experience.

Were there any other objectives you achieved?

Getting help on soft skills such as networking.

Please let us know some of the highlights for you during the scheme.

Getting personalised advice on how my mentor got to where he was.

What did you find most useful from the mentoring experience?

Really helpful advice on how to approach being rejected from interviews etc.

What message would you give to a student thinking of applying for the Career Mentor Scheme?

I didn’t realise how much the Scheme would help me until I finished. The fact that you have someone who is at the apex of their field taking time out to discuss how you can improve and garner your own success is something that really motivates you.

His mentor also shared with us his excitement for the scheme:

Neel was delightful and very much looking for advice!

Anastasiya, Law and Legal Services

During her second year Anastasiya was accepted onto the scheme. Studying LLB Law she wanted to get first-hand advice about how to get into the industry and she was matched with a Solicitor at Thomson Snell & Passmore.


At the end of their 6-month partnership Anastasiya discussed with us the ways in which she benefited from the scheme.

What was the highlight of the scheme for you?

The highlight for me was the personal meeting with my mentor and the help I received with application forms.

What did you find most useful from the mentoring experience?

I found the insight into my chosen profession most useful.

What message would you give to a student thinking of applying for the Career Mentor Scheme?

I’d strongly encourage everyone to apply as this experience is invaluable – mentees can get an insight which is beyond any attendance of an open day.