Category Archives: Degree Subject

Louis, Engineering and Product Design

Louis, Computer Science student, applied to the Career Mentor Scheme to learn about the different roles within the industry and gain and understanding of the day-to-day activities. Through the scheme, Louis was matched with the Head of Product for Crowdcude Ltd.

“I am sure this will help me with future applications to internships and jobs.

Louis shared his experience:

What were your highlights of the scheme?

A highlight of the scheme for me was the interview practice my mentor gave me. It made me aware of many aspects recruiters might look for I would otherwise have not known about. It helped me to better understand which areas I will have to work on to improve and I am sure this will help me with future applications to internships and jobs.

What did you find most useful from the mentoring experience?

I found the insight my mentor could provide me into the role of a Product Manager particularly useful. I did not know that such a role exists and how relevant it is to many successful tech companies. Over the last couple of months I learned much more about this and found that it is an incredibly interesting career to pursue.

What message would you give to a student thinking of applying for the Career Mentor Scheme?

It is time well spent. You can learn a lot from someone who works in a job related to your own aspirations and this understanding will definitely help you to write better applications.

Benjamin, Human Resources, Recruitment and Training

Benjamin, Theology student, applied to the Career Mentor Scheme to learn more about the Human Resources profession and hear about individual career experiences. Through the scheme, Benjamin was matched with a Senior HR Manager for De Beers. His main responsibilities include leading the HR team in the downstream sector of the business to support three businesses in 14 countries with qualifications including a BA in Archaeology and an MBA.

“I have received fantastic support from my mentor”

Benjamin achieved all of his objectives including being offered a graduate job, widened his contacts, and increased his knowledge of effective interview techniques in this sector.

Benjamin shared his experience:

What were your highlights of the scheme?

It was great to receive advice and support from a senior person in HR

What did you find most useful from the mentoring experience?

I will meet my mentor next week and I think this will be a great opportunity to discuss my next career step.

What message would you give to a student thinking of applying for the Career Mentor Scheme?

Definitely apply. It is a great opportunity to receive advice and support from someone working in a job that interests you. I have received fantastic support from my mentor, which has helped me to think about the career path I would like to pursue.

Emily, Science

Emily, Zoology student, applied to the Career Mentor Scheme to improve her employability, receive advice in finding work experience in this area and gain some useful contacts. Through the scheme, Emily was matched with the Principal Research Scientist at Rothamsted Research. This mentor specialises in the agricultural inventory of greenhouse gases and research on gaseous emissions from agricultural soils.

“It gives you an idea as to whether you want to go into that”

Emily achieved all of her objectives including learning how to write effective applications, receiving help with her CV and increasing her knowledge of sector entry requirements.

Emily told us more about her experience:

What were your highlights of the scheme?

Got to know more about the jobs that I would potentially be interested in going into and got an offer of doing some work experience with my mentor.

What did you find most useful from the mentoring experience?

Work experience and getting an idea of how she got into the profession.

What message would you give to a student thinking of applying for the Career Mentor Scheme?

Apply for something you are interested in and learn more about the sector and try and get some work experience with them as it gives you an idea as to whether you want to go into that sector as well as giving you networking opportunities.

Koren, Politics and Government

Koren, Geography student, was interested in a career in politics and government and so applied to the Career Mentor Scheme to gain confidence in graduate applications and gain an understanding of what a government career entails. Through the scheme, Koren was matched with the Bill and Policy Lead for Scotland Office, UK Government. This mentor’s main responsibilities is managing the Scotland Bill which involves regularly briefing Ministers, engaging with stakeholders and the media.

“I have learnt how to effectively demonstrate the key skills”

Koren has achieved all of her objectives including improved personal development skills, knowledge of effective interview techniques in sector and received help with her CV.

What were your highlights of the scheme?

I now feel a lot more confident when I apply for graduate jobs, and I have learnt how to effectively demonstrate the key skills and attributes that are required in my chosen sector. I was also very impressed with the commitment that my mentor demonstrated to answering any questions that I had and proofreading job and internship applications. My mentor has also continued to help me even though the scheme has now finished, so I believe that this scheme has given me a really valuable contact that I would not have had otherwise.

What did you find most useful from the mentoring experience?

The opportunity to speak to someone with experience in my chosen sector, learning about Civil Service interview techniques and how to answer interview questions effectively.

Victoria, Financial Markets and the City

Victoria, Geography student, was interested in a career in Financial Markets and so applied to the Career Mentor Scheme to gain insight into the industry. Through the scheme, Victoria was matched with a Partner in Corporate Finance for KPMG who has previously worked as Head of European Project Finance for HSBC.

“There is nothing to lose”

Victoria achieved all of her objectives including to utilise her 8 week internship most effectively in order to be considered for a graduate role at the end of it, increase her knowledge of job hunting resources and increase her knowledge of effective application forms.

Victoria shared her experience in more detail:

What were your highlights of the scheme?

My mentor was great at supporting me throughout. Most significantly, having someone to discuss work-related topics that isn’t in your field really helps – it gives an outsiders view. He was great at supporting me in making decisions whilst I was working and gave me contacts to discuss insurance related products. Moreover, having my mentor to discuss work related topics means that I was kept on my toes and kept focused.

What did you find most useful from the mentoring experience?

Having someone to discuss work-related topics to, someone who has so much information about work environments and can provide insights into sectors.

What message would you give to a student thinking of applying for the Career Mentor Scheme?

University is fundamentally about getting qualifications to get a job afterwards – so be prepared and get an insight into a sector whilst at university, there is nothing to lose!

Lauren, Retail

Lauren, Business Management student, was interested in the fashion and retail industry and so applied to the Career Mentor Scheme to gain contacts and learn more about the industry. Through the scheme, Lauren was matched with a Multichannel Director at The White Company. The mentor’s main responsibilities involve driving sales across online and contact centre channels, providing business insight and developing customer proposition.

“The mentor scheme was an invaluable experience”

Lauren achieved all of her objectives including a formal visit to the Exeter store, shopped at the London store as a mystery shopper to gain a better understanding of the company and visited the head office in London.

Lauren shared her experience:

What were your highlights of the scheme?

Meeting with the Exeter store manager to ask questions about the running of the store, how the layout is chosen, find out more about customer journeys etc. I was then offered a part-time job at the Exeter store without an interview or CV check based on my mentors recommendation.

What did you find most useful from the mentoring experience?

I found getting Insight into my chosen sector the most useful. I got a lot out of meeting my mentor over dinner, this gave us an opportunity to get to know one another and lay out what our expectations where of the scheme and of each other. I know work part-time at The White Company Exeter store and am hoping to get a placement at head office in London for placement year.

What message would you give to a student thinking of applying for the Career Mentor Scheme?

The mentor scheme was an invaluable experience; it opens up new opportunities you may have otherwise missed and it gives you access to the knowledge and experience of a senior member in your chosen profession.

Yu Chuan, Mining, Environment and Natural Resources

Yu Chuan, Renewable Energy student, was interested in entering the Energy sector and so applied to the Career Mentor Scheme to gain a better understanding and receive advice. Through the scheme, Yu Chuan was matched with the Managing Director at Pure Energy Professionals Ltd. This mentor has previously served as a director, officer and advisor in a global renewable energy organisation and has experience in assisting start-up companies in the industry.

“Getting involved in real world business preparation work”

Yu Chuan achieved all of his objectives including increasing my knowledge in how the Renewable Energy business sector works, particularly, an increase in knowledge on the wind energy industry.

Yu Chuan told us more about his experience of the scheme:

What were your highlights of the scheme?

  • Getting involved in real world business preparation work
  • Site visits to wind projects
  • Getting to know more professionals in the Renewable Energy industry

What did you find most useful from the mentoring experience?

  • Insight into my chosen profession and work experience.
  • Great advice and interaction with my mentor.

What message would you give to a student thinking of applying for the Career Mentor Scheme?

Make sure you appreciate your career mentor for their time and effort, be it being proactive and attentive when you’re communicating with them or getting prepared before you meet them. This shows a lot of how much you want to get out from this mentor-ship.

Claire, Charity and Development

Claire, English student, was interested in a career in the Charity sector and applied to the Career Mentor Scheme to gain an understanding of career progression and life working in the third sector. Through the scheme, Claire was matched with an Application Development and Support Manager at RSPB. Melissa’s main responsibility is on team management of the 2nd line IT team who support and develop the business applications.

“Insight into my chosen profession and sector”

Claire achieved all of her objectives including gained an understanding of the personal and day to day aspects of a career in the nature conservation sector, increased knowledge of sector entry requirements and increased knowledge of effective interview techniques.

Claire shared her experience:

What were your highlights of the scheme?

The highlight of my experience was how lovely and helpful my mentor was. She was both extremely friendly and professional, it was a pleasure to have discussions with her both over the phone and in person. She was also very proactive in obtaining me advice and information about working in public relations even though it wasn’t her specialism.

What did you find most useful from the mentoring experience?

Insight into my chosen profession and sector – my mentor obtained useful information from the public relations department in the RSPB which aided me in understanding how to best represent my work experience and answer interview questions in a focused and engaged manner.

Ciaran, Libraries and Heritage

Ciaran, Medieval studies postgraduate student, applied to the Career Mentor Scheme to gain advice form a professional in the industry. Through the scheme, Ciaran was matched with a Volunteer Coordinator at the Royal Albert Memorial Museum and At Gallery (RAMM). This mentor has an MA in Archaeology and Heritage Management and a BA in Egyptology and Ancient History.

“If you put effort into it, you will be rewarded for it.”

Ciaran achieved many objectives including developing a LinkedIn profile, received help with CV and increased knowledge of further education and professional courses relevant to this sector.

Ciaran shared his experience of the scheme:

What were your highlights of the scheme?

I helped host a launch event at the Royal Albert Memorial Museum for my mentor and was able to meet lots of people employed locally in the heritage sector- which was great!

What did you find most useful from the mentoring experience?

Insight into volunteer management work in the heritage sector.

What message would you give to a student thinking of applying for the Career Mentor Scheme?

Only go for it if you are willing to make the most of it; otherwise someone else might miss out who needs the help more. If you put effort into it, you will be rewarded for it.

Isobel, Law and Legal Services

Isobel, Law student, wanted to pursue a career in the Legal industry and applied to the Career Mentor Scheme to begin building contacts, see the practical side of her degree and receive help with internship applications. Through the scheme, Isobel was matched with a Paralegal at Anglo Pacific Group PLC. This mentor has also worked in the legal profession for EDF Energy, Burges Salmon and at Exeter Crown Court.

“A great help in improving my application techniques and widening my knowledge of the industry outside of what I previously knew.”

Isobel achieved all of her objectives including increased knowledge of effective application forms, improved personal development skills and increased knowledge of sector entry requirements.

Isobel shared her experience of the scheme:

What were your highlights of the scheme?

Good to have someone who has been through the same route I wish to go down.

What did you find most useful from the mentoring experience?

Insight into alternative career paths I didn’t anticipate.

What message would you give to a student thinking of applying for the Career Mentor Scheme?

Definitely apply! The scheme broadens your horizons and allows you to think about alternative options you may not have considered. I went into the scheme with a very clear vision of my career path and now I have come out with many other options I never thought I would consider. It has also been a great help job applications; having a fresh pair of eyes on your CV and cover letter and from someone within the industry is very beneficial.