Category Archives: Degree Subject

Angela, Agriculture, Farming and Animal Care

Angela, who is studying for a MSc in Food Security and Sustainable Agriculture student, was interested in a career in the private sector that involved raising global and local good security issues to attention. She also wanted to learn about the Fertiliser industry. Through the Career Mentor Scheme, Angela was matched with the Director of Ammonia Services for Fertecon Ltd, part of Informa PLC. This mentor has also worked as a Shareholder and Director for the same company which specialises in providing information and analysis around the Fertiliser industry.

I pitched a report to one of the oldest newspapers in England and got a contract as a consultant

Angela achieved all of her objectives including obtaining a paid job or internship with the help of her mentor, improve her personal develop skills and increasing her knowledge of effective interview techniques.

Angela talked about her experience:

What were the highlights of the scheme?

There are so many!

  • I learned about the fertilising publishing industry in great detail.
  • I applied to many internship positions.
  • I pitched a report to one of the oldest newspapers in England and got a contract as a consultant!
  • All this would not have been possible without my wonderful mentor Vivien Bright.

What did you find most useful from the mentoring experience?

The industry connections provided by mentor.

What message would you give to a student thinking of applying for the Career Mentor Scheme?

Do it! There is nothing better for your self-esteem and career than personalised advice from someone who has worked many years in the field that you are interested to break into.

Katie, Theatre and Performing Arts

Katie, a Drama student, wanted to learn more about a career in theatre after gaining some valuable work experience in stage management and as a runner. Katie wanted some advice on breaking into the theatre sector and different routes in than the more conventional ways. Through the Career Mentor Scheme, Katie was matched with a Freeland Theatre Producer and Project Manager. His previous employment includes Associate lecturer at Exeter College, Co-Founder and Director of the Bike Shed Theatre and Performing Arts Programmer at The House, Plymouth University.

 “It helped me decide on my career path”

Katie achieved all of her objectives including deciding on her career path and job role she would like to go into, increased knowledge of sector entry requirements and received help to optimise her CV for the specific sector.

Katie talked about her experience:

What were the highlights of the scheme?

  • Being given advice about how to go about achieving my goals.
  • Also reassurance that I can achieve what I thought was impossible

What did you find most useful from the mentoring experience?

  • Insight into my chosen profession.
  • I joined valuable knowledge of how to go about achieving career goals

What message would you give to a student thinking of applying for the Career Mentor Scheme?

It helped me decide on my career path, I got advice from a professional in the sector and the scheme was really low commitment. Brilliant.

Georgina, Charity and Development

Georgina, a History student, was interested in a career in the Public or Voluntary sector but was slightly confused about the overwhelming number of opportunities in both sectors. Previously, Georgina has researched the Civil Service schemes, MI5 programmes and the Met Police tracks. Through the Career Mentor Scheme, Georgina was matched with the Director of Development and Engagement for Contact a Family, a national charity supporting families with children who have disabilities or additional needs. This mentor has also worked for Join In, National Council for Voluntary Youth Services, and London Voluntary Services Council.

Make it your responsibility to make the most out of it.

Georgina achieved many objectives including increased knowledge of job hunting resources, increased knowledge of effective application forms and a increased knowledge of finding and securing internships and work experience.

Georgina shared her experience:

What did you find most useful from the mentoring experience?

  • Talking to a professional
  • My mentor introduced his colleagues including both recent graduates and more experienced
  • Went to a conference and saw how it operated

What message would you give to a student thinking of applying for the Career Mentor Scheme?

Take the opportunity and make it your responsibility to make the most out of it.

Hannah, Science

Hannah, a Biochemistry student, was interested in learning more about scientific careers in different sectors, widening networking contacts and learning about the job application process. Through the Career Mentor Scheme, Hannah was matched with a Health Research Scientist for the Met Office with qualifications including PhD in Surgery and Civil Engineering, PGC in Workplace Organisation, CPhys, PGCE in Physics and Science, MInstP and MPhys in Physics with Astrophysics. This mentor also has previous experience as a Physicist, Lecturer and Product Development Scientist.

My mentor gave me some great feedback and tips

Hannah achieved all of her objectives including increased knowledge of sector entry requirements, increased knowledge of effective interview techniques in this sector and received help to improve CV.

Here is what Hannah said about the scheme:

What were the highlights of the scheme?

I had a mock interview which was very helpful and my mentor gave me some great feedback and tips on how to improve.

What did you find most useful from the mentoring experience?

Improved job application skills

What message would you give to a student thinking of applying for the Career Mentor Scheme?

If it will take you out of your comfort zone then it’s a sign that you should do it. Also, it is something you can add to your CV!

Huw, Mining, Environment and Natural Resources

Huw, a Mining Geology Postgraduate student, wanted to learn more about networking, professional development, the recruitment process and corporate workings after previous work experience placements he had completed. Through the Career Mentor Scheme, Huw was matched with the Chief Financial Officer for IGas Energy Plc. This mentor’s role includes responsibility for the finance function, investor relations, IT and corporate development.

“There is always a plethora of things you can learn from someone who has been working their whole life”

Huw achieved all of his objectives including learning how to network, improving knowledge of further education and professional courses related to this sector and increased knowledge of effective application forms in this sector.

Here is what Huw said about the scheme:

What message would you give to a student thinking of applying for the Career Mentor Scheme?

Even if you’ve been in the industry before, already have a good CV, or know a lot about interviews and application systems, there is always a plethora of things you can learn from someone who has been working their whole life.

Considering the importance of developing your professional network, whether it’s to find an internship, secure your first job, or even something 10 or so years along your career, any addition is potentially of great benefit and therefore an opportunity well-worth taking advantage of.

Hugh, Mining, Environment and Natural Resources

Hugh, a Mining Geology Postgraduate student, wanted to create professional links with the Mining and Energy industry, improve knowledge and employability in the sector, and learn about the human resource and finance department within the industry. Through the Career Mentor Scheme, Hugh was matched with a Senior HR Manager for De Beers. This mentor’s main responsibilities include leading the HR team in the downstream sector of the business to support three businesses in 14 countries.

“Offered an internship for the summer from mentor passing on my details”

Hugh achieved all of his objectives including establishing links in the mining industry and receiving assistance in networking, getting help with job applications and hints for job interviews and gaining insight into working abroad or jobs involving travel.

Hugh shared her mentoring experience;

What were the highlights of the scheme?

Offered an internship for the summer from mentor passing on my details to colleagues and organizing details

What did you find most useful from the mentoring experience?

Mentor provided a useful link to the industry and was always quick to get back to me in regard to questions and support over career applications/interviews.

What message would you give to a student thinking of applying for the Career Mentor Scheme?

Set out plans early and be active in contacting mentor. Make good impression early and be keen to talk and don’t shy away from contact. The mentor is there to help and has applied to the scheme to do just that.

Katherine, Education, Training and Research

Katherine, a Geography student, applied to the scheme to gain an understanding of what she needed to achieve in the Education sector and improve employability. Through the Career Mentor Scheme, Katherine was matched with a Geography Teacher and Head of Department at Rookwood School. This mentor is also a Chartered Geographer, a fellow of the Royal Geography Society and qualified in PGCE Secondary Geography. Her main responsibilities include organising and implementing field trips, teaching key stage 3 and 4, and looking after her tutor group.

“Insight into job prospects that you wouldn’t consider.”

Katherine achieved all of her objectives including increased awareness of other job prospects after university, evaluating the benefits of travelling after graduation and received academic support.

Katherine discussed her experience:

What were the highlights of the scheme?

It was really useful to see what other graduates had done in the years after university

What did you find most useful from the mentoring experience?

I found help on my CV the most useful aspect.

What message would you give to a student thinking of applying for the Career Mentor Scheme?

It is a great opportunity to gain an insight into job prospects that you wouldn’t consider.

Maddalena, Economics and Statistics


Maddalena, an Economics student, applied to the Career Mentor Scheme to learning more about working as an Economic Analyst for development agencies or financial institutions. Through the scheme, Maddalena was matched with an MA and BA Economics alumnus, work as an Administrator for Région Haute Normandie. His previous job roles include an Economist for the National Assembly for Wales, and Administrator for the European Parliament and an Economist for the Office for National Statistics.

Maddalena achieved all of her objectives including receiving an offer for her first choice of summer placement, widening her contacts and networking opportunities and increased her knowledge of sector entry requirements.

Maddalena provided some insight into her experience of the scheme:

What were the highlights of the scheme?

The continuous support, not only with respect to my academic and professional choices but also with respect to deciding the objectives on which to focus every day

What did you find most useful from the mentoring experience?

  • Insights into my chosen profession
  • Support in the application process

What message would you give to a student thinking of applying for the Career Mentor Scheme?

Be honest with yourself and with the career mentor as to where you feel you are at the moment, whether you already know what you want or you are very confused about your future.

Amanda, Law and Legal Services

Amanda, a Law student, was interested in a career in Law after completing multiple work experience placements and identified a need to learn about the recruitment process of graduate-level law jobs. Through the Career Mentor Scheme, Amanda was matched with a Solicitor for Irwin Mitchel, specialising in the Medical Negligence Team. This mentor has also worked as a Solicitor for Slater and Gordon and a Trainee Solicitor for Coffin Mew LLP.

“The mock interview was a fantastic opportunity to improve my skills and try to ease my nerves.”

Amanda achieved all of her objectives including improving interview technique, structuring cover letters and gaining open day tips.

Amanda described her experience:

What were the highlights of the scheme?

The mock interview was a fantastic opportunity to improve my skills and try to ease my nerves. Meeting for a career focused chat for the first time was really useful and reassuring. Confirmed the type of law I wanted to go into.

What did you find most useful from the mentoring experience?

Insight into my chosen profession.

What message would you give to a student thinking of applying for the Career Mentor Scheme?

I would definitely recommend this to gain insight and industry specific advice as well as practical tips from someone with the relevant experience.

Jake, Charity and Development

Jake, a Geography student, was interested in charity work after volunteering in the sector with a variety of organisations. He wanted to gain contacts and develop a deeper insight into the industry. Through the Career Mentor Scheme, Jake was matched with the Founder & Managing Director of Bhubesi Pride Foundation. His previous work experience includes Design, Technology and Physics Teacher at Dean Close School and Graduate Engineer for Parsons Brinckernoff.

“A great way to learn real life experience from someone who has been successful”

Jake achieved all of his objectives, including receiving academic support, increased knowledge of job hunting in this sector and improved personal development skills. He also described a personal objective of “working on a personal development plan throughout the scheme, allowed me to identify how I can improve myself through different scenarios.”

Jake shared his experience:

What were the highlights of the scheme?

Feeling as though I and Richard really got on well, both on a professional and personal level. I feel as though Richard believes in me as a person and really wants to push me forward in life.

What did you find most useful from the mentoring experience?

Having a one to one basis for experience in the charity sector was probably the most useful. Richard and I worked on much of the development on the same level, and I liked the way that I could suggest improvements for myself as I progressed through the scheme.

What message would you give to a student thinking of applying for the Career Mentor Scheme?

Great way to learn real life experience in your charity from someone who has been successful and only wants the best for you! It may be scary at first but once you meet them then you’ll feel suddenly more relaxed.