Tag Archives: economics

Oliver, Management and Consultancy

Oliver, Business Economics student, was in the process of applying to graduate roles in trading but was unsure about exploring other areas such as Private Equity aswell. Through the Career Mentor Scheme, Oliver was matched with a Economics and Political Development alumnus who is now a Consultant for Chestnut Advisory Group in the USA. His previous experience includes roles at Knight Capital, UBS London and New York and Citibank London and New York.

“His advice was useful and no doubt helped me get the job .

Oliver achieved all of his objectives including securing a exciting graduate job while also improving his personal development skills and increasing his knowledge of effective interview techniques in the finance and consultancy sector.

Oliver provided some insight in his experience:

What were the highlights of the scheme?

He went to the same school as me (as well as Exeter) so we had a lot to relate too.

What did you find most useful from the mentoring experience?

He gave broad recommendations and had knowledge outside the area of expertise which proved really helpful.

What message would you give to a student thinking of applying for the Career Mentor Scheme?

Give it a go, gaining a perspective on your career from someone with years of industry knowledge is invaluable. I ended up getting a job in something unrelated to my mentor’s career but his advice was still useful and no doubt helped me get the job (at Amazon).

Thomas, Financial Markets and the City

Thomas, a Economics student, was interested in a career in investment banking or finance after undertaking work experience over the summer. Thomas applied to the Career Mentor Scheme to gain contacts in the industry, advice regarding what it takes to be successful in the city and help understanding the different paths within the industry. Through the scheme, Thomas was matched with an Investment Director for Lonsdale Capital Partners LLP. This roles involved originating, assessing and executing investments and management of portfolios. This mentor is also an ACA qualified accountant.

My mentor has offered me a week of work experience over the summer with his private equity firm

Thomas achieved all of his objectives including assistance in developing a career plan, increased his knowledge of sector entry requirements and increased his knowledge of finding internships and work experience in the sector.

Thomas talked about his experience:

What were the highlights of the scheme?

It has been extremely helpful to discuss interviews and assessment centres with my mentor, helping me to feel more confident before attending.

In addition to this my mentor has offered me a week of work experience over the summer with his private equity firm, which should prove an invaluable experience.

Gracie, Human Resources, Recruitment and Training

Gracie, a Business Economics student, was interested in a variety of careers in the commercial sector and wanted to use the Career Mentor Scheme to help make a decision about her future career choice. Through the scheme, Gracie was matched with a HR Consultant for Aible with qualifications including BA Geography, MSc Human Resource Management and a Certificate in Business Strategy. Her role includes providing outsourced HR support to businesses.

“Do not be afraid to ask them anything.”

Gracie achieved all of her objectives including receiving academic help, received help to improve her CV and widening her professional network within the sector.

Gracie shared her experience:

What were the highlights of the scheme?

Speaking to a professional in an industry I am interested in, understanding what my mentor perceives to be the good and bad aspects of their job. Also hearing about how they came into the position they are currently in, and realising their career path did not progress perfectly.

What did you find most useful from the mentoring experience?

Extremely helpful in the application and interview stages for my industrial placement.

What message would you give to a student thinking of applying for the Career Mentor Scheme?

Make the most of the opportunity and do not be afraid to ask them anything.

Maddalena, Economics and Statistics


Maddalena, an Economics student, applied to the Career Mentor Scheme to learning more about working as an Economic Analyst for development agencies or financial institutions. Through the scheme, Maddalena was matched with an MA and BA Economics alumnus, work as an Administrator for Région Haute Normandie. His previous job roles include an Economist for the National Assembly for Wales, and Administrator for the European Parliament and an Economist for the Office for National Statistics.

Maddalena achieved all of her objectives including receiving an offer for her first choice of summer placement, widening her contacts and networking opportunities and increased her knowledge of sector entry requirements.

Maddalena provided some insight into her experience of the scheme:

What were the highlights of the scheme?

The continuous support, not only with respect to my academic and professional choices but also with respect to deciding the objectives on which to focus every day

What did you find most useful from the mentoring experience?

  • Insights into my chosen profession
  • Support in the application process

What message would you give to a student thinking of applying for the Career Mentor Scheme?

Be honest with yourself and with the career mentor as to where you feel you are at the moment, whether you already know what you want or you are very confused about your future.

Jordan, Financial Markets and the City

Jordan, an Economics and Finance student, applied to the Career Mentor Scheme to receive advice and guidance from somebody who understands his position and can advise of where best to target his career efforts. Through the scheme, Jordan was matched with an Investment Director for Lonsdale Capital Partners LLP. This role involves originating, assessing and executing investments and management of portfolios. This mentor is also an ACA qualified accountant.

It is good to know that my career journey has been helped by having a mentor”

Jordan achieved all of his objectives including widened contacts and networking opportunities, received work experience and job shadowing therefore greatly increasing his knowledge of effective interview techniques in this sector.

Jordan shared his experience:

What were the highlights of the scheme?

I can see how my path, over the last year, has been positively influenced by having Mr. Knott as a mentor. It is good to know that my career journey has been helped by having a mentor, and I am grateful for the opportunity.

What did you find most useful from the mentoring experience?

Insights into the mentalities/personalities of people working in banks, hedge funds and private equity. Coming from a daunting outsider’s perspective, it was helpful to realise that the people working in these roles are human too.

Sophia, Accounting and Auditing

Sophia, a Philosophy, Politics and Economics student, applied to the Career Mentor Scheme to further her job prospects and possibilities through advice from an experienced professional. Sophia particularly wanted to gain confidence in her interview techniques and skills. Through the scheme, Sophia was matched with an Accounting and Finance Alumnus who is now a Global Sarbanes Oxley Analyst & CSA Operations Manager for Procter & Gamble. This mentor is certified in Internal Audit and has 11 years of experience in this role, working in over 20 countries.

Advice that you would not have had the opportunity to get without the scheme.

Sophia achieved all of her objective including improved knowledge of further education and professional courses related to this sector, increased knowledge of find internships and work experience in this sector and a increased knowledge of job hunting resources in this sector.

Sophia gave us some insight into her experience;

What did you find most useful from the mentoring experience?

Insight into possible career paths and what they entailed and help with internship application forms and advice with confidence etc.

What message would you give to a student thinking of applying for the Career Mentor Scheme?

It is a really good source of information and advice that you would not have had the opportunity to get without the scheme.

Elizabeth, Management and Consultancy

Elizabeth, a first year economics student, interested in Management took part in the Career Mentor Scheme in 2013. Through the scheme, Elizabeth was assigned an Industry Strategy & Transformation Consultant for Accenture who graduated from the University of Exeter in 2009.


Elizabeth said she felt she had achieved all of the objectives she had set for the Career Mentor Scheme, including:

  • Gaining understanding of how to get in to the management sector and an insight into the good and bad aspects of the industry
  • Improving personal skills needed for graduate employment e.g. confidence building
  • Obtaining help to improve her CV and getting help with application forms, cover letters and interview techniques

We asked Elizabeth a few questions about her experience. Here’s what she said…

What was your highlight of the scheme?

The adaptability of my mentor to suit my needs, as well as obtaining exceptionally useful knowledge from an individual who is high up in the sector I wish to enter.

What message would you give to a student thinking of applying for the Career Mentor Scheme?

Think carefully about which type of mentor will give you advice around an area that you are really interested in. This will mean you can obtain advice about entering a sector that really gives you motivation and enjoyment from any future opportunities that may arise.

Adrienne, Accounting and Auditing

Economics student Adrienne participated in the Career Mentor Scheme and was mentored by an Executive Advisor at KPMG LLP. As such his main responsibilities were to identify sales opportunities in Technology Risk and Assurance services and to develop those opportunities into sales. This mentor also managed the delivery of Technology Risk and Assurance services to our organisation’s Construction, Infrastructure, Transport and Public Sector portfolio of clients including agreeing contracts, planning, work on site (fieldwork), financial management and agreeing deliverables with clients.


Adrienne had an extraordinary experience in the year in which she was part of the scheme.

How do you feel the career mentor scheme has helped you overall?

  • Improved my confidence to seek graduate level employment
  • Improved my personal skills needed for graduate level employment
  • Helped me prepare for my next steps – graduate level employment / further study
  • Professional contacts from networking
  • Made a friend / future professional contact in my mentor
  • Greater idea of what the career path involves (audit)

How do you feel the mentoring process has enhanced your employability?

Gained greater knowledge of the field (audit)(good for interviews), greater knowledge of the professional qualifications open to me after university, improved personal skills (more confidence in interviews) and CV enhancement.

What did you find most useful from the mentoring experience?

Insights into my chosen profession/sector, greater knowledge of the professional qualifications open to me after university.

Why should students apply to have a mentor?

Now I have a greater idea of the career I would like to go into, the possible qualifications that I could partake in after my studies, an insight into where said career could take me. Really great insight!


Michael, Banking and Financial Services

Michael, a second year Economics student at the time, was interested in going into the Financial Services sector and applied for a mentor in this industry. He was matched with a Director at EY. This mentor graduated from the University of Exeter with a BA in Economics and Politics in 1997. Between 1997 and 2002 he worked as a Manager in Fraud Investigation at PricewaterhouseCoopers, before working at Credit Suisse as a Global Head Securities Customer Onboarding from 2002 to 2010. He then joined HSBC in 2011 as the Global Head of KYC Data Remediation.


Michael, having completed the scheme, let us know some of the highlights of the scheme for his career development.

He told us that he improved his personal skills, made a future professional contact in his mentor and developed his interview techniques – these being just a few examples of what he achieved by participating in the Career Mentor Scheme. Michael particularly highlighted that he increased his “knowledge of finding internships and work experience in this sector”, something incredibly useful considering how competitive the financial industry can be to get into.

What were the highlights of the scheme for you?

Meeting my mentor in London and seeing the EY offices was a good experience and getting the insight into interviews in the industry; as well as having a practice interview with my mentor was an invaluable experience.

What did you find most useful from the mentoring experience?

Gaining an insight into my chosen profession.

What message would you give to a student thinking of applying for the Career Mentor Scheme?

Make sure you choose your mentor carefully to ensure they’ll be the most applicable to your career and that you make the most of the time as part of the scheme.

Deziree, Banking and Financial Services

Studying towards a degree in Economics and Law, Deziree was keen to get into the Banking and Financial Services. She participated in the Career Mentor Scheme and was mentored by the Managing Director at Barclays Bank.


Deziree told us more about the advantages of the scheme.

What were the highlights of the scheme for you?

I had the great opportunity in meeting with my mentor face-to-face early into the scheme. It had really given us the chance to ‘break the ice’ and get to know each other outside our email and text message exchanges. Finding a job is a daunting task for every University student, so I was very happy to have been paired with a mentor who had faced the same qualms as I did towards entering the employment pool. It was truly inspiring to hear his work experience from the best (investment) banks around the world, whilst keeping me aware of the pros and cons of each job. My mentor was also kind enough to provide me a list of resources to nurture my commercial awareness and knowledge into financial events.

What did you find most useful from the mentoring experience?

Perhaps learning in particular what the ‘compliance’ job role really entails has been very useful. Despite my embarrassing lack of knowledge on the profession, my mentor had been patient in explaining in depth of what the role not only requires, but also its benefits and disadvantages. His advice had certainly fuelled my desire to learn more about the job and even determined me to pursue a role in compliance.

What message would you give to a student thinking of applying for the Career Mentor Scheme?

I highly recommend joining the Career Mentor Scheme for any student, be it to gain a deeper insight into an industry, receive support in work placement applications or even to chat with a professional. Just from my first meeting with my mentor, I had already received so much useful information into the processes of securing a career and had my many questions about my future in the financial industry answered!