Tag Archives: Energy

Huw, Mining, Environment and Natural Resources

Huw, a Mining Geology Postgraduate student, wanted to learn more about networking, professional development, the recruitment process and corporate workings after previous work experience placements he had completed. Through the Career Mentor Scheme, Huw was matched with the Chief Financial Officer for IGas Energy Plc. This mentor’s role includes responsibility for the finance function, investor relations, IT and corporate development.

“There is always a plethora of things you can learn from someone who has been working their whole life”

Huw achieved all of his objectives including learning how to network, improving knowledge of further education and professional courses related to this sector and increased knowledge of effective application forms in this sector.

Here is what Huw said about the scheme:

What message would you give to a student thinking of applying for the Career Mentor Scheme?

Even if you’ve been in the industry before, already have a good CV, or know a lot about interviews and application systems, there is always a plethora of things you can learn from someone who has been working their whole life.

Considering the importance of developing your professional network, whether it’s to find an internship, secure your first job, or even something 10 or so years along your career, any addition is potentially of great benefit and therefore an opportunity well-worth taking advantage of.

Hugh, Mining, Environment and Natural Resources

Hugh, a Mining Geology Postgraduate student, wanted to create professional links with the Mining and Energy industry, improve knowledge and employability in the sector, and learn about the human resource and finance department within the industry. Through the Career Mentor Scheme, Hugh was matched with a Senior HR Manager for De Beers. This mentor’s main responsibilities include leading the HR team in the downstream sector of the business to support three businesses in 14 countries.

“Offered an internship for the summer from mentor passing on my details”

Hugh achieved all of his objectives including establishing links in the mining industry and receiving assistance in networking, getting help with job applications and hints for job interviews and gaining insight into working abroad or jobs involving travel.

Hugh shared her mentoring experience;

What were the highlights of the scheme?

Offered an internship for the summer from mentor passing on my details to colleagues and organizing details

What did you find most useful from the mentoring experience?

Mentor provided a useful link to the industry and was always quick to get back to me in regard to questions and support over career applications/interviews.

What message would you give to a student thinking of applying for the Career Mentor Scheme?

Set out plans early and be active in contacting mentor. Make good impression early and be keen to talk and don’t shy away from contact. The mentor is there to help and has applied to the scheme to do just that.

Joshua, Mining, Environment and Natural Resources

Joshua, second year Geography student was matched with the Head of Energy & Environment at Bicton College.

This mentor has previously worked as a Section Leader Environment & Sustainability and Founding Associate at Catalys. Prior to that he was Head of Energy & Carbon Policy at West Midlands Development Agency and Partnership Development Manager at East Midlands Development Agency.

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Joshua had some really positive feedback to give on the ways in which the scheme was beneficial to him:

What were the highlights of the scheme for you?

Massively improved application techniques and had far higher success rate than prior to the scheme.

What did you find most useful from the mentoring experience?

Someone in my desired sector who could give me information and tailor my applications to what companies desire from candidates. 

What message would you give to a student thinking of applying for the Career Mentor Scheme?

Definitely apply for somebody within your desired career sector, they can provide you with both insight and personalised application tips for that sector.