Tag Archives: Fundraising

Lucy, Charity and Development

Lucy, English Literature student, applied to the Career Mentor Scheme to gain understanding of the Charity Sector and increase her employability. Through the scheme, she was matched with the Fundraising and Communications Manager for Headway Devon. Her role includes creating fundraising and marketing strategies, bidding for public sector contracts and disseminating press releases. This mentor also has a Certificate in Fundraising Management with the Institute of Fundraising.

“I was lucky to have a very motivated and involved mentor, who was well matched to what I wanted out of the scheme.”

Lucy achieved all of her objectives including increased knowledge of good and bad aspects of the profession, received work experience/ job shadowing and increased knowledge of sector entry requirements.

Lucy shared some of her experiences;

What were the highlights of the scheme?

I was offered work experience at Headway which I really enjoyed, insofar as I applied for a part-time job there and was successful. I am now working at Headway Devon 20 hours a week, which has been great having just finished my degree.

What did you find most useful from the mentoring experience?

The work experience, as well as discussions with Holly, really helped me to gain an insight into the charity sector. Now employed in that sector, I feel more confident about working in the third sector, such as its demands, what skills are useful, and so on…

What message would you give to a student thinking of applying for the Career Mentor Scheme?

I would say that the amount that you put into the scheme is the amount that you will get out of it. Prepare properly for meetings and take the meetings seriously, otherwise you won’t get as much from it as you otherwise would. Respect your mentor. And finally, make sure you apply for a mentor or sector that you really are considering working in, otherwise you could waste your own as well as your mentor’s time.

Gemma, Charity and Development Work

Gemma was interested in getting into Charity and Development Work. Studying towards a Politics and International Relations degree she applied for the Career Mentor Scheme and was as a result matched with a Fundraising (Development) Manager at the University of Exeter.


Gemma found the mentoring partnership extremely helpful. She shared with us how the Career Mentor Scheme has helped her career development.

What were the highlights of the scheme for you?

The highlights of the scheme were gaining a real insight into the advantages and disadvantages of the not for profit sector, in particular the area of fundraising. My mentor was able to provide me with detailed information that is impossible to just find online. I was able to really consider what work experience I need to gain to prepare for my career and the steps required to gain a job.

What did you find most useful from the mentoring experience?

I found that insight into the not for profit sector was the most useful aspect of the mentor scheme.