Nicola, a Geography student, was looking for guidance through the job hunting and applying process, along with building a professional . Through the Career Mentor Scheme, Nicola was matched with the Head in the Centre for Research Services for Forest Research, the researching agency of the Forestry Commission. This mentor has many qualifications including BA Geography, MSc Environment Forestry, PhD Remote Sensing of Forests and Fellow Institute of Chartered Foresters.
“A valuable experience which I fully enjoyed”
Nicola achieved all of her objectives including receiving help with postgraduate education choices and the application process, widening her contacts and networking opportunities and increased knowledge of good and bad aspects of the profession.
Nicola shared her experience:
What were the highlights of the scheme?
- Gaining an insight into the Forestry Commission, including a tour of the research centre.
- Help with gaining an internship in Iceland through advice from career mentor in a subject related to my academic dissertation.
What did you find most useful from the mentoring experience?
- Postgraduate advice
- Insight into possible future profession
- Help with gaining an internship
What message would you give to a student thinking of applying for the Career Mentor Scheme?
I would express the importance of always staying in contact with your mentor, and using the opportunity fully. For example visiting the work place and asking questions about their work. This was a valuable experience which I fully enjoyed and appreciated.