Tag Archives: Geography

Nicola, Science

Nicola, a Geography student, was looking for guidance through the job hunting and applying process, along with building a professional . Through the Career Mentor Scheme, Nicola was matched with the Head in the Centre for Research Services for Forest Research, the researching agency of the Forestry Commission. This mentor has many qualifications including BA Geography, MSc Environment Forestry, PhD Remote Sensing of Forests and Fellow Institute of Chartered Foresters.

A valuable experience which I fully enjoyed

Nicola achieved all of her objectives including receiving help with postgraduate education choices and the application process, widening her contacts and networking opportunities and increased knowledge of good and bad aspects of the profession.

Nicola shared her experience:

What were the highlights of the scheme?

  • Gaining an insight into the Forestry Commission, including a tour of the research centre.
  • Help with gaining an internship in Iceland through advice from career mentor in a subject related to my academic dissertation.

What did you find most useful from the mentoring experience?

  • Postgraduate advice
  • Insight into possible future profession
  • Help with gaining an internship

What message would you give to a student thinking of applying for the Career Mentor Scheme?

I would express the importance of always staying in contact with your mentor, and using the opportunity fully. For example visiting the work place and asking questions about their work. This was a valuable experience which I fully enjoyed and appreciated.

Olivia, Education, Teaching and Research

Olivia, a Geography student, wanted to gain insight into the teaching sector and thereby begin to develop the relevant skills for this profession. Through the Career Mentor Scheme, Olivia was matched with a Geography Co-Ordinator for KS3 and KS4 at Gravesend Grammar School. Through this mentor’s role, he coordinates the Duke of Edinburgh Awards, monitors student progress and develops schemes of work.

Advice that was specifically tailored to me”

Olivia achieved all of her objectives including increased her knowledge of the career by conducting a careers mentor interview, received academic support and increased knowledge of finding internships and work experience in this sector.

Olivia shared her experience:

What were the highlights of the scheme?

The scheme was very beneficial to me, especially in helping me to gain information about many different ways into teaching and my careers mentor helped me a lot by providing many resources on this.

What did you find most useful from the mentoring experience?

Insight into my chosen profession and resources to help me into this. Also advice that was specifically tailored to me rather than just general advice about the sector.

What message would you give to a student thinking of applying for the Career Mentor Scheme?

The career mentor scheme is hugely beneficial in giving students the chance to get one to one advice from a professional that has been in their position.

Olivia, Advertising, Marketing and PR

Olivia, a Geography student, had carried out multiple work experience placements in a variety of sectors but wanted to learn more about the possibilities of employment with a BA Geography degree. Through the Career Mentor Scheme, Olivia was matched with a Senior Business Development Executive for Pinsent Masons, International Law firm. This mentor’s previous work experience includes BD Assistant and Admissions and Communications Officer.

It opens your eyes into the world of work and applications”

Olivia achieved many objectives including how to write professionally, maintaining contact with people, and improved her knowledge of further education related to this sector.

Here is what Olivia thought about the scheme:

What were the highlights of the scheme?

They sent me their CV which meant that I could use this as a template when writing mine and they gave me good and useful constructive feedback on my CV.

What did you find most useful from the mentoring experience?

Insight into the profession and understanding what a Geography BA from the University of Exeter can enable you to do.

What message would you give to a student thinking of applying for the Career Mentor Scheme?

Do it because it opens your eyes into the world of work and applications and really allows you to learn about different work sectors.

James, Logistics, Supply Chain and Operations

James, a Geography student, was interested in a career in logistics and transport but was keen to build up a network of a variety of related industries such as Science and Aviation before pursuing one career path. Through the Career Mentor Scheme, James was matched with the Deputy Director of High Performance Computing Programme at the Met Office. He has a BSc in Mathematics and an MSc in Operational Research. This mentor works with super computers, ensuring funding delivers the given socio-economic benefit target.

“1 on 1 conversations about many aspects of finding a career”

James achieved many of his objectives including an understanding of how to deal with tests that you often undergo when starting a new job, widened contacts and networking opportunities and received help to improve his CV.

James shared his experience:

What were the highlights of the scheme?

Having 1 on 1 conversations with my mentor about many aspects of finding a career and personal development.

What did you find most useful from the mentoring experience?

Insight into professions and networking opportunities

Hannah, Financial Markets and the City

Hannah, a Politics with Geography student, applied to the Career Mentor Scheme to gain advice and learn about good and bad experiences in order to help her make an informed decision about a future career in the Finance sector. Through the scheme, Hannah was matched with the Executive Director for MSCI Inc. His role involves looking after the pension funds and insurers for German-speaking Europe, and he has past experience in credit, performance measurements for investment portfolios and sales of asset management.

An excellent opportunity

Hannah achieved all of her objectives including increased knowledge of effective application forms and interview techniques in this sector, and improved personal development skills.

Hannah talked about her experience:

What were the highlights of the scheme?

Having someone there to check over my application answers and help with interviews

What did you find most useful from the mentoring experience?

Talking to a professional who is not related to me, as David had an unbiased opinion which was useful.

What message would you give to a student thinking of applying for the Career Mentor Scheme?

An excellent opportunity to meet someone new and have a guide who can help during this uncertain time (in final year) when we need to decide what to do next.

Katherine, Education, Training and Research

Katherine, a Geography student, applied to the scheme to gain an understanding of what she needed to achieve in the Education sector and improve employability. Through the Career Mentor Scheme, Katherine was matched with a Geography Teacher and Head of Department at Rookwood School. This mentor is also a Chartered Geographer, a fellow of the Royal Geography Society and qualified in PGCE Secondary Geography. Her main responsibilities include organising and implementing field trips, teaching key stage 3 and 4, and looking after her tutor group.

“Insight into job prospects that you wouldn’t consider.”

Katherine achieved all of her objectives including increased awareness of other job prospects after university, evaluating the benefits of travelling after graduation and received academic support.

Katherine discussed her experience:

What were the highlights of the scheme?

It was really useful to see what other graduates had done in the years after university

What did you find most useful from the mentoring experience?

I found help on my CV the most useful aspect.

What message would you give to a student thinking of applying for the Career Mentor Scheme?

It is a great opportunity to gain an insight into job prospects that you wouldn’t consider.

Amy, Management and Consultancy

Amy, Geography student, was interested in a career in Entrepreneurship after being inspired by the work of entrepreneurs, such as Casey Neistat, CEO of Beme. Through the Career Mentoring Scheme, Amy was matched with the Founder of City Mixology. This mentor has worked as a Corporate Lawyer for Slaughter and May before progressing into PR and Marketing and then working with start-ups. He has worked in London, New York and Tokyo, among other key business cities.

“The Career Mentor Scheme is the best extracurricular activity I have taken part in this year.”

Amy achieved her personal objectives of setting up a Linkedin profile, completing applications for Law vacation schemes and setting weekly goals as a means of time management. She also improved her personal development skills, widened her networking opportunities and increased her knowledge of sector entry requirements.

Amy shared her experience:

What were your highlights of the scheme?

Meeting my career mentor in person was a highlight of the scheme; it gave an opportunity to continue conversations face-to-face which had only been conducted over email previously.

Being able to increase my confidence in formal communication on a professional level from emails and phone calls, to meeting in person has definitely been a highlight over the whole scheme for me.

Despite not being successful in obtaining a law vacation scheme, being able to submit multiple applications and cover letters to magic circle law firms and making it through the initial stages of application in some cases has been a huge achievement considering my complete lack of experience in the sector beforehand.

What did you find most useful from the mentoring experience?

Being able to receive first hand insight into my chosen sectors (law and entrepreneurship) was immeasurably useful. It is so different to simply reading about that particular career, I am now able to fully appreciate both the pros and cons associated with the sector. It has helped me narrow down my career path moving forward.

Perhaps most useful, has been the transferable skills I have gained from the scheme. I now have fully functioning LinkedIn and RiseTo profiles as well as hugely improved CV. I am now able to conduct formal and professional emails, phone calls and face-to-face meetings – these skills have vastly increased my confidence and will be extremely useful in future professional settings.

What message would you give to a student thinking of applying for the Career Mentor Scheme?

The Career Mentor Scheme is the best extracurricular activity I have taken part in this year. It helps to start you on your career path well before graduation is even on the horizon and has provided me with numerous transferable and valuable skills which I can apply into everything from everyday situations to more formal interactions and interviews. It is an extremely rewarding way to spend your time and gives the opportunity to network and boost employability skills.

Anna, Science

Anna, a second year Geography student, took part in the Career Mentor Scheme in 2013 and was assigned a Scientific Consultant for the Met Office. The mentor had a BSc in Geography from the University of Birmingham (2011) and an MSc in Applied Meteorology from the University of Reading (2012). Her role for the Met Office involved working on meteorological consultancy projects across a range of sectors, and she was also a member of Weather Analytics where she was responsible for supplying historical weather data to clients.


Anna said she felt she had achieved all of the objectives she had set for the Career Mentor Scheme, including:

  • Developing professional contacts and networking opportunities
  • Gaining knowledge of how to get in to the environmental sector
  • Improving her CV and getting help with application forms, cover letters and interview techniques
  • Gaining professional work experience

We asked Anna a few questions about her experience. Here’s what she said…

What was your highlight of the scheme?

Gaining two days of work experience at the Met Office and having the chance to network with people who work there and build contacts.

What message would you give to a student thinking of applying for the Career Mentor Scheme?

Apply, as it can lead to valuable work experience and the chance to have 1:1 career advice and guidance from a professional.



Sam, Surveying and Property Management

Sam joined the mentor scheme to gain some insight into the property sector. He was
paired with a Housing Development Manager for Exeter City Council. This mentor’s previous roles have included a Development Manager and a Consultant Project Manager for other organisations.


Sam achieved many of his objectives through the partnership, including guidance towards finding a job in the sector, professional experience to add onto his CV and help preparing for graduate level applications.

Please let us know some of the highlights for you during the scheme.

I attended a number of conferences and managed to hear influential people speak and listen to interesting discussions. This included the Exeter Breakfast Forum and a conference where many of the regional leading renewable energy companies had representatives at.

What did you find most useful from the mentoring experience?

Insight into chosen profession.

What message would you give to a student thinking of applying for the Career Mentor Scheme?

It’s definitely worth your time.

Sam’s mentor added some comments on her highlights.

“Enabling an undergraduate to widen their horizon on career opportunities. Assisting an undergraduate with shaping the topic of their dissertation and providing them with contacts to assist them in their research.
Sharing with an undergraduate the work and role of the public sector. Observing an undergraduate develop their confidence and self-awareness skills.”

Lucas, Science

Lucas, a second year Geography student, was interested in Science and Geography. He was assigned the Head of Centre for Research at the Forestry Commission in Farnham. This mentor graduated from Exeter in 1998 with a BA (Hons) in Geography. From there he went on to further study an MSc in Environmental Forestry and then a PhD in Remote Sensing of Forests. He has been working at the Forestry Commission in the department of forestry research since 2007 where he has worked his way to the post of Head of Communications and Operations.

Lucas said that he achieved the objectives he was hoping for in taking part in the Career Mentor Scheme.

  • It improved and required management skills, it was down to Lucas to set up and organise meetings with his mentor at a time that was suitable for both of them
  • The mentor scheme improved the students confidence for seeking graduate level employment and gave guidance to help prepare for the next steps after University
  • The mentor scheme gave a useful insight into the profession with helpful advice on good/bad aspects of a career from someone in the know
  • Useful to understand if your current career ideas are right for you and how you can go about getting into that career

What were the highlights of the scheme for you?

  • Meeting with someone who is employed in the field you are interested in to give you useful insights and information about the career field to explain real life positives and negatives
  • Having someone to discuss your future career with is very useful with someone asking specific questions about what sort of business size and team dynamic is important to define exactly what direction you want to go in and what kind of company is most suitable for you
  • Expanding network and encouraging and helping student to find internship opportunities
  • Mentor discussing University work with student and discussing ideas and progress to help with perspective of degree in career path

What did you find most useful from the mentoring experience?

Getting advice on the career I wished to go into from someone in the know and the wealth of resources and people I could talk to about career opportunities.