Tag Archives: wellbeing

Katie, Healthcare and Wellbeing

Katie, an Applied Psychology student, was interested in a career as a Psychological Wellbeing Practitioner but recognised the competitive environment of this career path. Katie had also considered a career with related Charities such as Headway. Through the Career Mentor Scheme, Katie was matched with a Clinical Psychologist for Birmingham and Solihull Mental Health NHS Foundation Trust. This mentor has a vast employment history of working in Psychology, including roles in child learning, psychological interventions, and group work on depression.

“It was really nice just being able to talk to somebody who had been in my exact position before”

Katie achieved all of her objectives including identifying key skills that are required for the job that she didn’t necessarily have experience demonstrating, received academic support and received support to improve her CV.

What were the highlights of the scheme?

It was really nice just being able to talk to somebody who had been in my exact position before, and the routes they took to get to where they are today. My mentor was very good at replying and offered to help me in the future.

What did you find most useful from the mentoring experience?

Insight into chosen profession and what it consists of on a daily basis

What message would you give to a student thinking of applying for the Career Mentor Scheme?

Do it, but make sure you pick someone whose career will be useful to you no matter what. Be aware of what you want from the scheme and set goals.

Hannah, Science

Hannah, a Biochemistry student, was interested in learning more about scientific careers in different sectors, widening networking contacts and learning about the job application process. Through the Career Mentor Scheme, Hannah was matched with a Health Research Scientist for the Met Office with qualifications including PhD in Surgery and Civil Engineering, PGC in Workplace Organisation, CPhys, PGCE in Physics and Science, MInstP and MPhys in Physics with Astrophysics. This mentor also has previous experience as a Physicist, Lecturer and Product Development Scientist.

My mentor gave me some great feedback and tips

Hannah achieved all of her objectives including increased knowledge of sector entry requirements, increased knowledge of effective interview techniques in this sector and received help to improve CV.

Here is what Hannah said about the scheme:

What were the highlights of the scheme?

I had a mock interview which was very helpful and my mentor gave me some great feedback and tips on how to improve.

What did you find most useful from the mentoring experience?

Improved job application skills

What message would you give to a student thinking of applying for the Career Mentor Scheme?

If it will take you out of your comfort zone then it’s a sign that you should do it. Also, it is something you can add to your CV!

Megan, Healthcare and Wellbeing

Megan, a Psychology student, was looking to get help and guidance into the Healthcare and Wellbeing sector. Through the Career Mentor Scheme she was matched with a Clinical Psychology at Research Department of Clinical, Health and Educational Psychology University College London.


The partnership helped Megan in various ways, including improving her confidence to seek graduate level employment and improved her professional contacts. Megan revealed more details about how the scheme was beneficial to her.

How do you feel the mentoring process has enhanced your employability?

I have a much more thorough understanding of how to approach gaining entry to the DClinPsy and necessary experience prior to this. I also have a much better understanding of what the job itself entails, which is one of the crucial things they look for in applicants. I feel more confident in talking about Clinical Psychology (the terms used etc.) and have been able to ask questions in a supportive environment. I’ve also had really valuable feedback on tailoring my CV to my field, and putting the year’s mentoring scheme on there is great in itself!

What did you find most useful from the mentoring experience?

Insight into the career, and what an “average day” looks like has probably been the most valuable experience. Because getting work experience or shadowing is very difficult in clinical psychology, the opportunity to gain inside knowledge and just to hear the way things are discussed (getting used to the terms and abbreviations used etc.) is really useful. Also the opportunity to ask questions which may seem silly and you wouldn’t want to ask in a more formal setting. As such a competitive course to get on, any advice on the interview process and which jobs are the best kind of experience prior to the doctorate, is like gold dust!

Why should students apply to have a mentor?

Any experience you can gain during your time at University will help you once you graduate. The chance to be paired with a professional in your field, who has signed up solely to help you and enhance your career chances and understanding, is amazing! It’s small things like being able to ask those questions that seem a bit too obvious, or silly to ask someone in a more formal setting that really make the scheme worthwhile. I can’t explain how much I’ve learned and gained from this, definitely recommend.

Isabelle, Healthcare and Wellbeing

Isabelle, a third year Psychology student, interested in healthcare and wellbeing took part in the Career Mentor Scheme and was assigned a Service Development Facilitator at Royal Devon and Exeter NHS trust since 2013. This mentor had a variety of qualifications including BA (Hons) in Music in 2000 from Exeter, a Professional Diploma in Financial Services Management, 2011, BSc (Hons) in Adult Nursing in 2012 from Plymouth, and became a Registered Nurse in 2012.


Isabelle said she achieved all of the objectives she had set-out for the Career Mentor Scheme including:

  • Improving her personal skills for graduate employment e.g. listening skills, general confidence
  • Gathering information about how to get in to the career she was interested in, and obtaining help with these next steps
  • Gaining help with cover letters and application forms
  • Making a future professional contact in her mentor
  • Gaining insight into the industry she was interested in and finding out about good and bad aspects

What were the highlights of the scheme for you?

A particular highlight included visiting my mentor’s place of employment for a shadowing experience which was extremely interesting. It was also eye-opening to see another industry that I previously had not considered for graduate employment. More generally, an outside perspective and opinion on my choices for graduate employment was extremely beneficial.

What did you find most useful from the mentoring experience?

Personally, the major benefit from the scheme was gaining the confidence to seek graduate level employment, specifically outside the sector I had been narrowing my search to previously. In addition, there was a number of hints and tips given to aid my seeking of graduate employment which I would have otherwise not have been aware of.

What message would you give to a student thinking of applying for the Career Mentor Scheme?

The Scheme is an extremely useful tool provided by the University to allow students to gain insight into real-life graduate recruitment, and the options available after the particularly scary reality of graduating. Personally, I have gained invaluable experience that has boosted my confidence to allow me to seek graduate employment with more belief in oneself.

Isabelle’s mentor added his thoughts about the scheme –

“ It was lovely to work with a younger person and give them the encouragement and insight I wish I had had.”

Andrew, Healthcare and Wellbeing

In his final year Exercise and Sport Sciences student Andrew was looking for an insight into the Healthcare and Wellbeing sector. Through the Career Mentor Scheme he was matched with a Clinic Director at Flex Physical Health.

An Exeter graduate, this mentor has previously been employed at Devon and Cornwall Police as a Force Physiotherapist.


Andrew discussed with us some of the advantages he felt the scheme gave him. He achieved all of his job hunting objectives such as improving his interview techniques and increasing his knowledge of finding work experience. Andrew also developed personal skills, such as confidence building and received help with his CV as well as academic support. What is more, Andrew received work experience and developed an understanding of the entry requirements for the sector. He found the insight into his chosen profession to be the most useful benefit from the Career Mentor Scheme.

Please let us know some of the highlights for you during the scheme.

Meeting with an established expert allowed me to discuss and uncover more information about their specific field and how to be successful in applying for jobs within it.

What message would you give to a student thinking of applying for the Career Mentor Scheme?

An insightful experience to communicate personally and informally with an expert in their field which you otherwise wouldn’t have the chance to do.

Kelly, Healthcare and Wellbeing

During her Paediatric Exercise and Health postgraduate study Kelly applied for a mentor in the Healthcare and Wellbeing sector. She was matched with a retired Chief Executive of Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health.

This mentor has accomplished a Masters of Philosophy from Nottingham and a Masters of Science from Oxford after he graduated from Exeter.  He has also got a PhD from Sheffield. His previous employment includes working as a Trustee and Advisor for Sentebale charity and as a Deputy Chief Executive at Barnardo’s. He also worked as a Chief Executive at Thomas Coram Foundation.


At the end of the six months, Kelly discussed with us the benefits of the scheme to her personally.

She achieved all job hunting, personal development and career objectives she had set to herself. An additional outcome she achieved was improving her presentation skills with the help of her mentor.

What were the highlights of the scheme for you?

I thoroughly enjoyed being a part of the career mentor scheme. It was so valuable to receive help and advice from a caring and friendly mentor. I feel that I have a vastly improved CV, in addition to gaining a wealth of advice in other areas including interview techniques and presentation skills.

What did you find most useful from the mentoring experience?

The whole experience was useful! It was really helpful to receive guidance in compiling a strong CV and to create networks and contacts for both now and the future.

What message would you give to a student thinking of applying for the Career Mentor Scheme?

The career mentor scheme is such a fantastic opportunity that will prove beneficial in both the short and long term. You will have an opportunity to engage with a willing professional and receive a broad range of support, from learning how to compile an effective CV to gaining valuable contacts and networking opportunities. Simply just having somebody to discuss your thoughts with regarding both your current studies and future career is hugely beneficial. I would definitely recommend this scheme to all students, and the more you put into it, the more you will get out of it!

The highlight of the scheme for her mentor was:

The opportunity to understand, a little more, the pressures experienced by university students in 2012 and to offer some support