XM2 visit at IBM in Daresbury

On Friday, 7th December 2018, 16 of our third and fourth year postgraduate researchers visited The Hartree Centre (IBM) in Daresbury.  The Hartree Centre is transforming UK industry through high performance computing, big data and cognitive technologies. We got to know representatives from Daresbury’s IBM research team, who introduced us to their work on data […]

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Miguel Camacho Aguilar – an award for past achievements and a contract for the next step in his research career

Congratulations to 4th year PGR Miguel Camacho Aguilar for his recent Spanish national award of 3,300 € as best undergraduate student in Physics (class of 2015). He is supervised by Prof A Hibbins and Prof R Sambles and has so far produced 8 publications during his PhD, 3 more are currently under peer-review. He is […]

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Conor McKeever passed his viva!

We are delighted to announce that Conor McKeever successfully defended his thesis on high frequency dynamics of nano magnetic particles last Friday, with minor corrections. His external examiner was Richard Evans (University of York) and internal examiner was Dr Eros Mariani. Conor is author/co-author on the following publications: Influence of surface anisotropy on exchange resonance modes […]

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Excursion to California: Beam-time at the Advanced Light Source in Berkeley.

XM² PGR David Newman (1st year, supervised by Prof Rob Hicken and Dr Mustafa Aziz ) recently went to the Advanced Light Source in Berkeley, California where he was using X-ray magnetic circular dichroism (XMCD), X-ray ferromagnetic resonance (XFMR) and other magnetic spectroscopic techniques to characterise spin currents in ferromagnetic/anti-ferromagnetic/ferromagnetic trilayer structures and probe the dynamics of […]

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New Publication: A Broadband Stripline Technique for Characterizing Relative Permittivity and Permeability

Congratulations to the XM² PGRs Cameron Gallagher and Conor McKeever for their publication on “A Broadband Stripline Technique for Characterizing Relative Permittivity and Permeability” in IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques: 10.1109/TMTT.2018.2851563 Abstract: We present a stripline design and calibration method allowing the extraction of relative permittivity of single dielectric samples in the 200-MHz-50-GHz range. […]

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New Publication: From colloidal CdSe quantum dots to microscale optically anisotropic supercrystals through bottom-up self-assembly

Congratulations to XM² PGR Ben Hogan (4th year) who is co-author on an article that outlines the analysis of quantum dot self-assembly into ordered superstructures, along with the evolution of their morphological and optical properties. The work has just been published as accepted manuscript in the Journal of Materials Chemistry C: https://pubs.rsc.org/en/content/articlepdf/2018/tc/c8tc04780d Abstract The development […]

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