XM2 visit at IBM in Daresbury

On Friday, 7th December 2018, 16 of our third and fourth year postgraduate researchers visited The Hartree Centre (IBM) in Daresbury.  The Hartree Centre is transforming UK industry through high performance computing, big data and cognitive technologies. We got to know representatives from Daresbury’s IBM research team, who introduced us to their work on data science and how this supports real-world problems in machine learning, chemistry, life sciences, engineering and manufacturing.

IBM’s super computer facilities are quite impressive, and the virtual reality simulator gave us incredible insights in how IBM supports for example the health care sector: Based on the data they received IBM researchers created a 3D version of a 5 year old’s heart to give a surgery team a better understanding of where the hole in it is, hence being able to plan and conduct the operation effectively and as quickly as possible to minimize the impact on the patient. Thoroughly impressive.

We would like to thank Demelza Farrer (IBM UK, University Programs Manager) and Dr Martyn Spink, Programme Director of the IBM UK Research Team (Daresbury Labs), and his team for committing their time and energy to organising the insightful visit. It was very much appreciated and received very positive feedback from our PhD students:

“The visit was very informative. I learned a lot about research in data science and computational modelling. I was very surprised that IBM worked on problems such as healthcare, genomics, and fluid flow!” (Natalie Whitehead, 4th year PGR)

“It was thoroughly interesting seeing interdisciplinary research so prominent in a company. I didn’t realise jobs like these existed!” (Ned Taylor, 3rd year PGR)

“I enjoyed every aspect of this visit. It encouraged me to pursue the path I’m on with renewed hope for the future.” (Emanuele Gemo, 3rd year PGR)

The XM2 PGRs and Dr Martyn Spink (right) in IBM’s creativity encouraging common room in Daresbury.


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