XM2 Graduation Winter 2019

Congratulations to Thomas Collier, Henry Fernandez, Cameron Gallagher, Santiago García-Cuevas Carrillo, Ben Hogan and Cheng Shi, who graduated on Friday 13th December. We held a post-graduation celebration in Physics SCR, attended by their fellow PGRs and supervisors. These graduates have gone on to a variety of destinations, including both academia (three of our graduates have stayed […]

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Fun-COMP creates first ever integrated nanoscale device programmable with either photons or electrons

Congratulations to Prof. C. David Wright whose work as lead of the EU H2020 project Fun-COMP was featured on the University’s main news webpage. The team have created the first-ever integrated nanoscale device programmable with either photons or electrons. This device helps achieve faster and more energy efficient computer memories and processors. Fun-COMP is a collaboration […]

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Oliver Latcham presents his work at Magnetism and Magnetic Materials (MMM: 2019) Conference

Second year PGR Oliver Latcham discusses presenting at MMM 2019 and attending the SAM 2019: Symposium on Acoustic Metamaterials: From Oct. 9th-11th I attended a symposia “SAM 2019: Symposium on Acoustic Metamaterials” in Naples, Italy and Nov. 4th-8th a conference “Magnetism and Magnetic Materials (MMM: 2019)” in Las Vegas, Nevada, presenting my work on Hybrid Magneto-Acoustic […]

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