Materials Research Exchange 2020 – a poster prize winner and new connections for Exeter

Exeter’s Metamaterials delegation returned from the biennial Materials Research Exchange 2020 event with a poster prize, a wide range of contacts made, and new insights in the UK materials landscape across industry, academia, and UKRI. 2 eventful days in London with over 80 speakers, 1500 delegates, and 70 exhibitors attending enabled interesting conversations on how […]

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CDT students co-organise Exeter-Bath Knowledge Transfer conference

During October 2019, some of our CDT students hosted a one-day student conference at the University of Exeter. This was co-organised with some PhD students from the Centre for Photonics and Photonic Materials (CPPM) from University of Bath- the “Exeter-Bath Knowledge Transfer”. The aim of this event was to bring together researchers from both institutions […]

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XM2 Graduation Winter 2019

Congratulations to Thomas Collier, Henry Fernandez, Cameron Gallagher, Santiago García-Cuevas Carrillo, Ben Hogan and Cheng Shi, who graduated on Friday 13th December. We held a post-graduation celebration in Physics SCR, attended by their fellow PGRs and supervisors. These graduates have gone on to a variety of destinations, including both academia (three of our graduates have stayed […]

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Beyond a PhD: Dr Ben Masheder speaks about his journey from a UK PhD in Chemistry to postdoc in Japan, SME scientist in Wales, and Innovation Specialist at Business West in Bristol.

On Friday, 29 December 2019, Dr Ben Masheder gave a hugely inspiring talk to the CDT in Metamaterials PhD students on his career progression since he left University with a PhD in Chemistry. He highlighted how not knowing what’s next and just being a nice person by sharing a picture with a research visitor from […]

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