Lighting up RAMM (Royal Albert Memorial Museum)

Interested in volunteering? Contact me: Lauren @ .

Mark the date! On Saturday 21st July 2018 the PGR-led Exeter University Optics & Photonics Society (EUOPS) will be hosting a day of light-based activities in the Royal Albert Memorial Museum and Art Gallery, called Lighting Up RAMM, sponsored by the CDT in Metamaterials.

The PGRs will take over the museum with craft activities and experiments to explain the physics behind some of the items in the museum, such as why scorpions glow under UV light and others.

The event will run from 10 am – 4 pm with a lunch break from 12.30 – 13.30.

EUOPS is looking for people to man the various stations, or just wander around and encourage people to get involved. You can sign up for all or part of the day. If you’d like to volunteer, please get in touch with our CDT PGR Lauren Barr:    for more information.

If as volunteer or as a visitor: we’re looking forward to seeing you and your loved ones at the RAMM on 21st July!

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