On February 27th the Cornish Institute of Engineers and Women in Mining sponsored a panel discussion at the Penryn Campus of the University of Exeter on the theme of ‘Making Tailings Safe’. A good turnout of audience members heard the panel’s thoughts, and were invited to give their opinions, on several questions relating to making tailings safe. Everyone agreed that significant advances are being made in safer tailings management using phytoremediation, dry stacking and underground storage. However, the historical legacy of often abandoned tailings dams, especially those within short distances of habitations, is of significant concern and needs more research and funding for remediation.

From left to right, chair Laura Newsome (Camborne School of Mines) and panel members Richard Elmer (Knight Piesold), Morwenna Rogers (Paterson & Cooke) and Karen Hudson-Edwards (Camborne School of Mines).