Sharing stories

Every experience of autism is different, so capturing that diversity is an important aspect of understanding autism and how to support students with Autism Spectrum Conditions. As part of the Exeter Spectrum Programme, we want autistic students at the University of Exeter to record their experiences over the course of an academic year, so we can better understand the challenges they face, the support that is helping most, and what more could be done.

We also want to share and celebrate successes across the Higher Education sector to educate and encourage institutions to do more to support students with autism.

There will be a (virtual) Conference on Autism in HE will take place on 1st July 2021. You are very welcome to give a talk there. The link to register to attend or give a talk at the conference is below:

Provided on the Wellbeing blog, at the University of Exeter, are two stories – Adjusting to University: A Current Student’s Advice for New Students with ASC, and The Reality of Being a Student on the Autistic Spectrum.

Blog written by a student at the University of Exeter.