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Islay Energy Trust study heat from the sea - GeoAtlantic Cornwall

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Islay Energy Trust study heat from the sea

Islay Energy Trust have recently completed a feasibility study for a water source heat pump using heat from the sea. Working as part of the GeoAtlantic project, they have undertaken research to examine how Loch Indaal (a sea loch) could be used as a heat source for homes on the islands of Islay, Jura and Colonsay off the west coast of Scotland. 

In the same way that ground source heat pumps use a heat exchanger buried in the ground to extract heat, water source heat pumps use a heat exchanger submerged underwater. The heat pump technology itself is exactly the same.

The majority of water source heat pumps in use today utilise fresh water sources. The Trust’s research is a move towards understanding more about the potential of harnessing heat from the sea, with a focus on remote rural areas. This could prove very useful for coastal communities in Cornwall.

Findings will be published over the coming months. However, a precursory event ‘Heat from the Sea: Could Lochindaal heat our homes?’ will take place at Islay Nature Centre in Port Charlotte on Tuesday 23rd of July at 7.30pm, in partnership with the Islay Natural History Trust.

For more information, visit:

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