The European Association for Comparative Economic Studies (EACES), The Association for Comparative Economic Studies (ACES), The Japanese Association for Comparative Economic Studies (JACES) and The Korean Association for Comparative Economic Studies (KACES) in collaboration with the Italian Association for Comparative Economic Studies (AISSEC), The Society for the Study of Emerging Markets (SSEM), The Chinese Economists Society (CES), The European Association for Evolutionary Political Economy (EAEPE) and other scientific associations and networks invite you to submit proposals for panel sessions and individual papers for the Second World Congress of Comparative Economics in St. Petersburg on June 15-17, 2017.
The Second World Congress of Comparative Economics will be held at National Research University Higher School of Economics (HSE University, St. Petersburg, Russia), June 15 – 17, 2017, following the first successful meeting in Rome in 2015. It is expected that the congress will bring together about 300 – 350 academics and experts from around the world to discuss a broad spectrum of economics issues in a comparative perspective, both at micro and macro level of analysis.
The Congress will include plenary sessions, workshops, as well as the editors’ panel and special events. There will also be a small exhibition area which will give participants the opportunity to meet with vendors who specialize in providing e-resources.
Keynote Speakers
- Gerard Roland (University of California, Berkeley, USA);
- Alexander Auzan (Moscow State University, Russia).
Topic Areas for Submission
Sessions (parallels and plenaries) and round tables of the Congress will be devoted to a broad spectrum of theoretical and empirical contributions on the following topics:
- institutional design and institutional dynamics;
- catching up, cyclical development and structural transformation;
- macroeconomic stability and macroeconomic policies;
- development of financial and banking sector;
- labor market and industrial relations;
- human capital development;
- industrial organization;
- issues of regional development;
- international trade and trade policy;
- migration and foreign direct investment;
- issues of international economic integration;
- economic history.
The above list is not exhaustive and all submissions broadly related to the topic of socio-economic development and policy will be considered.
The Editors’ Panel
The Editors’ Panel will be chaired by Ali M. Kutan (Distinguished Research Professor of Economics and Finance, Department of Economics and Finance, Southern Illinois University Edwardsville; Editor, Emerging Markets Finance and Trade; Co- Editor, Economic Systems). It aims to provide attendees with an opportunity to meet, interact with, and hear the views of journal editors from leading international journals. This panel is targeted toward active researchers interested in learning about possible publication opportunities. Each invited editor will have an opportunity to present their journal, its aims, scope, and submission guidelines.
Special Issues
Papers presented at the Second World Congress of Comparative Economics are eligible, if accepted, for publication in special issues of partner journals listed below. Supporting publications confirmed for now are: Comparative Economic Studies, Review of Industrial Organization, Eastern European Economics, Emerging Markets Finance and Trade, Russian Management Journal, Russian Journal of Economics, and Public Administration Issues.
Working language: English.
Local organizer of the 2nd WCCE is National Research University Higher School of Economics in St. Petersburg (HSE University, St. Petersburg).
For any questions about programme, submission or further information please contact the Local Organizing Committee at