If anyone out there is a teacher, you will know the impact that the last 6 months has had on the typical day to day working methods of a teacher.
It doesn’t matter if you are a teacher at a large school or you run a private tuition business, like many of the teachers I work with under mgrmusic.com, thing have changed. We as teachers, and business owners in a broader sense, need to adapt to this.
So, one conversation I’ve had many times since March is relating to what teachers can do to continue working both in a safe and controlled manner that does not go against any Government guidelines.
The simple option is move online. Many teachers I work with have moved a majority of their workload onto online platforms like Skype and Zoom. This allows them to continue working with students over a video call.
Teaching over video presents some new challenges that face-to-face lessons don’t present, but most teachers are able to quicky adapt to this.
Now that things are slowly returning to some form or normality, many teachers with teaching studios big enough, or indeed those who work at schools, are able to resume face-to-face lessons with social distancing measures in place.
If you teach one on one, this could be as simple as keeping your distance and wearing a face mask. Some teachers may want to look into a plexiglass screen that can be placed between you and the student, similar to those you see at supermarket checkouts.
While there are many challenges currently in the way, and with more to probably come, teachers are now being made to think outside the box more than ever.
Assess your teaching environment and see if you can make it safe for resuming your day to day work.
Guitar Lessons Sheffield
Here is a small business update for this week to round this off. I’m delighted to announce that we’ve recently partnered up with Robbie Chapman who will be heading up the Guitar Lessons Sheffield website. Robbie is a fantastic teacher and it brings me great pleasure to bring him onboard during this turbulent time.
I look forward to seeing his business grow and seeing him pass on his knowledge and experience to all his students.
Posted under mgrmusic.com
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Matthew Rusk on September 17, 2020