Ciaran, Libraries and Heritage

Ciaran, Medieval studies postgraduate student, applied to the Career Mentor Scheme to gain advice form a professional in the industry. Through the scheme, Ciaran was matched with a Volunteer Coordinator at the Royal Albert Memorial Museum and At Gallery (RAMM). This mentor has an MA in Archaeology and Heritage Management and a BA in Egyptology and Ancient History.

“If you put effort into it, you will be rewarded for it.”

Ciaran achieved many objectives including developing a LinkedIn profile, received help with CV and increased knowledge of further education and professional courses relevant to this sector.

Ciaran shared his experience of the scheme:

What were your highlights of the scheme?

I helped host a launch event at the Royal Albert Memorial Museum for my mentor and was able to meet lots of people employed locally in the heritage sector- which was great!

What did you find most useful from the mentoring experience?

Insight into volunteer management work in the heritage sector.

What message would you give to a student thinking of applying for the Career Mentor Scheme?

Only go for it if you are willing to make the most of it; otherwise someone else might miss out who needs the help more. If you put effort into it, you will be rewarded for it.