Tag Archives: BBC

Annie, Media, Publishing and Journalism

Annie, an English student, was interested in a career in TV Broadcasting and wanted to use the scheme to answer questions she had regarding the industry and learn how to create an extensive professional network that would open up further employment opportunities. Through the Career Mentor Scheme, Annie was matched with the Home Affairs Correspondent for BBC South West. This role involves researching, preparing, writing and presenting new stories for three channels of media: radio, television and online. This mentor has also worked as Deputy News Editor for BBC South West, News Reporter for ITV and as a Radio Newsreader and Presenter.

“An unparalleled insight”

Annie achieved all of her objectives including widening her contacts and professional network, receiving help to improve her CV and knowledge of application forms to increase her chance of gaining internships and graduate roles.

Annie shared her experience:

What were the highlights of the scheme?

Finding out the type of person my mentor’s company would be looking to employ, successfully gaining a job with the invaluable help from my mentor

What did you find most useful from the mentoring experience?

Just getting more information about the industry and company from someone so experienced

What message would you give to a student thinking of applying for the Career Mentor Scheme?

Do it because you will gain an unparalleled insight into the working life of someone within your chosen industry.

Alice, Media, Publishing and Journalism

Alice, a Biological Sciences student, knew that she wanted to pursue a career with the BBC and so applied to the Career Mentor Scheme to improve her applications and learn more about working there. Through the scheme, Alice was paired with the Assistant Editor for BBC Radio Cornwall. Her responsibilities include the day to day running of the BBC Radio Cornwall, overseeing staffing and campaigns, and programming.

This is an opportunity not to be missed

Alice achieved all of her objectives including received advice on application forms for work experience, increased knowledge of sector entry requirements and received work experience within the media sector.

Alice talked about her experience:

What were the highlights of the scheme?

Receiving feedback on my CV face to face was invaluable. The advice was directed towards the work experience I was trying to gain from somebody who knew what the application process was like.

What did you find most useful from the mentoring experience?

CV advice and job shadowing

What message would you give to a student thinking of applying for the Career Mentor Scheme?

Do it! If you know what you want to achieve (i.e. job or work experience) and there is a mentor that suits you then this is an opportunity not to be missed.

Jack, Media, Publishing and Journalism

Jack, a second year Politics student, interested in Media, Publishing and Journalism was assigned a mentor who is the Home Affairs Correspondent for BBC South West, based in Exeter.

This mentor graduated with a Natural Sciences degree in 1990 and went onto do a Postgraduate diploma in Broadcast Journalism. Previous to his current position at the BBC he was a Deputy News Editor and before that he worked as an ITV news reporter.


Jack said that he felt he’d achieved his objectives through the Career Mentor Scheme. The following are a few that he mentioned:

  • It improved my confidence to seek graduate level employment and helped to prepare me for my next steps after graduation
  • It improved my personal skills needed for graduate employment
  • The scheme developed my professional contacts and networking opportunities as well as making a professional contact with my mentor
  • I gained an insight into the profession/sector as well as receiving advice and tips for applications and CVs
  • Gained academic support from mentor for degree programme

What was the highlight of the scheme for you?

Meeting with my mentor was both enjoyable and insightful. Having him as my mentor was a huge highlight in itself!

When we asked Jack for his feedback he said he’d like to stay in contact with his mentor after the scheme had finished and would recommend the Career Mentor Scheme to a friend.

We spoke to Jack’s mentor who said that some of the highlight of the scheme for him was:

“Meeting and getting to know an excellent, highly motivated young man who wanted to do his best in the world and being able to help in that.”


Alexandra, Media, Publishing and Journalism

Alexandra was interested in going into Media, Publishing and Journalism. A Geography student she decided to apply to the Career Mentor Scheme in the second term of her first year. She was successfully matched with Assistant Editor at BBC Radio Cornwall.


This mentor provided a lot of support and guidance to Alexandra. Apart from achieving personal development, such as improving her confidence, Alexandra also obtained help with application forms, developed professional contacts and got an insight into the good and bad aspects of the sector.

Were there any other objectives you achieved?

More commercial awareness of radio industry, observation of the different ways shows are presented and produced.

What were the highlights of the scheme for you?

  • Visiting BBC Radio Cornwall and being trusted to go out into the public, record sound clips and edit them together to be played on the radio. 
  • Being allowed to be in the same room when the news was being read out live.
  • Sitting with the producer during a call in show, learning how the technology worked as well as customer service skills.

What did you find most useful from the mentoring experience?

Real life work experience; the opportunity to see a working radio station throughout various points of the day, what the staff do, the different jobs/positions they have and the efficiency of running from one show to the next.

What message would you give to a student thinking of applying for the Career Mentor Scheme?

You really get an insight into a career and gain invaluable knowledge and contacts.

Her mentor said:

“Meeting such enthusiastic, clever youngsters and assisting them in their future development [was the highlight of the scheme for me]!”

Susannah, Media, Publishing and Journalism

Susannah did a Philosophy and Politics degree. In her second year she applied to the Career Mentor Scheme and was matched with a mentor in Media, Publishing and Journalism – Home Affairs Correspondent at BBC South West.

Her mentor is an experienced professional in this sector. He has previously worked as a radio newsreader and presenter and as a news reporter at ITV.


Susannah gave us more details about their successful 6-month partnership.

What were the highlights of the scheme for you?

My mentor, is amazing – he’s a constant source of support for me and always there when I need his help. He’s come onto campus and filmed friends and I for a segment on a BBC report he was doing, taking the time to show me how all the equipment and filming works. When I mentioned I was interested in journalism internships in America, he introduced me to a friend of his who offered invaluable advice and help with my applications.

What did you find most useful from the mentoring experience?

Insight into entry requirements for masters courses, what I should be doing now.

What message would you give to a student thinking of applying for the Career Mentor Scheme?

You’ll learn invaluable advice through taking part in the scheme, and it gives you a huge heads up on your chosen profession.

Her mentor said:

[The highlight for me has been] seeing Susannah grow, develop and extend her abilities and experience in media.