Tag Archives: KPMG

Adrienne, Accounting and Auditing

Economics student Adrienne participated in the Career Mentor Scheme and was mentored by an Executive Advisor at KPMG LLP. As such his main responsibilities were to identify sales opportunities in Technology Risk and Assurance services and to develop those opportunities into sales. This mentor also managed the delivery of Technology Risk and Assurance services to our organisation’s Construction, Infrastructure, Transport and Public Sector portfolio of clients including agreeing contracts, planning, work on site (fieldwork), financial management and agreeing deliverables with clients.


Adrienne had an extraordinary experience in the year in which she was part of the scheme.

How do you feel the career mentor scheme has helped you overall?

  • Improved my confidence to seek graduate level employment
  • Improved my personal skills needed for graduate level employment
  • Helped me prepare for my next steps – graduate level employment / further study
  • Professional contacts from networking
  • Made a friend / future professional contact in my mentor
  • Greater idea of what the career path involves (audit)

How do you feel the mentoring process has enhanced your employability?

Gained greater knowledge of the field (audit)(good for interviews), greater knowledge of the professional qualifications open to me after university, improved personal skills (more confidence in interviews) and CV enhancement.

What did you find most useful from the mentoring experience?

Insights into my chosen profession/sector, greater knowledge of the professional qualifications open to me after university.

Why should students apply to have a mentor?

Now I have a greater idea of the career I would like to go into, the possible qualifications that I could partake in after my studies, an insight into where said career could take me. Really great insight!