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Research Partnerships - ExeterPartner Research Community

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Research Partnerships

The research studies being undertaken by teachers at Redruth school needed direction, technical guidelines and practical support. Annabel and Alison fully provided these in an informative yet entertaining way during their group and one on one seminars. This in turn has lead to greater focus and commitment to the projects, invigorating our staff to take a fresh outlook on the way forward.” – Ian Oliver, Redruth School.

Our staff can provide CPD for teachers (or other people who work in education-related fields) which is designed to enable them to conduct and share their own rigorous, informed research as a way of developing practice.

We are happy to tailor bespoke input and can develop ‘packages’ which range from ongoing support for a group of teacher-researchers for a full year, to a one-off whole-staff ‘lecture’. We are also able to support evaluation of existing or planned projects.

Ball-park costs for a member of staff to provide bespoke CPD are in the region of £700 for a full day / £350 for a half day, depending on distance to travel (and travel expenses will be incurred on top of this). Actual costs will vary depending on the hours you require, additional resources, numbers of staff requested, etc – do contact Annabel at if you’d like to discuss options.

If you are hosting an event and would like to request a speaker on a particular topic, we may be able to provide input free of charge – again, please contact Annabel to discuss options. Areas of notable expertise include SEND, STEM, Creativity, Writing, Social Mobility, Lesson study, Digital Technology and Education, English as L2, Professional Learning (including teacher retention), Leadership and Dialogic Education, as well as Research Engagement.

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