Academic Conferences
With support from our funder, the UK Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) and our host organizations the University of Vilnius (Lithuania) and the Devon and Exeter Institution (Exeter, UK), the Slavic and East European Maternal Studies Network will host TWO academic conferences in 2022. The first conference, at the University of Vilnius in January 2022, is a two-day event designed to kick-start networking and dialogue between Slavic and East
European Studies specialists and established Maternal Studies researchers. The second event, a symposium at the Devon and Exeter Institution in July 2022, is intended to re-unite selected researchers from the first conference in order to fine-tune potential research directions and plan new publications and follow-on projects.
A limited CfP for the first conference will be released in September 2021; registration will be possible closer to the time.
Click on the links below to find out more.
Virtual conference, January 28 and 29 2022
Devon and Exeter Institution symposium, July 2022

Mariam Aslamazian, The Hero-Mother (1949)