Author Archives: Yang Liu

Success in Royal Society Grant – International Exchanges 2020 Cost Share (NSFC)

Dr Liu has been awarded £11,685 by the Royal Society as PI for the International Exchanges 2020 Cost Share (NSFC) programme. This grant will allow Dr Liu’s team to collaborate with Professor Caishan Liu’s research team at Peking University to work on the project “On the dynamics of two contacting bodies under frictional sliding”. The project aims to investigate the friction mechanism for a pill-sized capsule endoscope moving in the gastrointestinal tract.

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Call for Paper – Special Issue on “Self-Propelled Robots: from Theory to Applications”

Our special issue on “Self-Propelled Robots: from Theory to Applications” is open for your submission now in Meccanica.


Potential topics include but are not limited to:

  • Modelling of the self-propelled robots, including mathematical modelling and robot-environment interaction modelling
  • Characterization of the nonlinear dynamic response of the robotsAnalytical and numerical techniques to study the nonlinear dynamics of the robots
  • Nonlinear dynamic phenomena and interactions in these robots
  • Dynamic stability of these robots due to multiphysic interaction
  • Experimental studies of observed nonlinear dynamic phenomena
  • Control of the self-propelled robots including time delay
  • Bifurcations and chaos in self-propelled robots
  • Non-smooth dynamical systems
  • Numerical and analytical techniques for non-smooth dynamical systems
  • Micro-robots and their applications
  • Biomechanics of self-propelled robots

Ali H. Nayfeh Awards in NODYCON 2021

The second year PhD student of ADCE, Jiyuan Tian, at the University of Exeter, has been awarded the Ali H. Nayfeh Award at the Second International Nonlinear Dynamics Conference held in 16-19 February 2021. His paper title is “Finite Element Modelling of a Vibro-Impact Capsule Moving in the Small Intestine“.

The paper aims to study a finite element (FE) model to depict the nonlinear dynamics of a vibro-impact capsule moving in the small intestine for controllable capsule endoscopy. FE results were compared with the simulation results calculated using non-smooth differential equations and experimental results conducted at the ADCE lab. It was found that the FE model can provide a more realistic prediction of the system in the complex intestinal environment in terms of capsule’s tilted motion and asymmetric distribution of capsule-intestine contact pressure.

Success in Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions Individual Fellowships


1,630 funded out of 11,573 applications of the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) Individual Fellowships (IF) 2020.

Dr Liu has been awarded €212,933 as PI for the MSCA-IF grant (101018793) named “OMEGA: On the ModElling of micro-robots in the Gut: a non-smooth dynamics Approach”.

A highly experienced fellow with background in applied dynamics and control will work on this 24 month project on mathematical modelling of the intestinal tract which can be used for simulating different micro-robots to conduct tasks, such as biopsy, drug delivery and therapies. The outcomes of this fellowship will potentially contribute to improving the wellbeing of European society by developing state-of-the-art GI diagnostic tools, enhancing the conventional GI diagnostic procedures, and advancing early cancer diagnosis.

CSC PhD Scholarship Oppotunities

China Scholarship Council and University of Exeter PhD Scholarships for September 2021/22 Entry

Requirements: IELTS 6.0 (average), inidividual mark is not less than 6.0

  1. Project 1: Early bowel cancer detection and staging by using nonlinear system identification techniques
  2. Project 2: Machine learning for early bowel cancer detection by using capsule endoscopy
  3. Project 3: Control of multistability in a non-smooth dynamical system: numerical study and experimental investigation
  4. Project 4: Intelligent capsule robot for pipeline inspection
  5. Project 5: Very flexible wings for civil aviation electrification: modelling and testing
  6. Project 6: Nonlinear modelling and testing of an endoscopic capsule robot

Please contact Dr Yang Liu for further information.

Success in EPSRC New Horizons

Dr Liu has been awarded £200k as PI for an EPSRC New Horizons grant (EP/V047868/1) entitled “When a Micro-Robot Encounters a Bowel Lesion”. This EPSRC New Horizons call was very competitive, with about 50 projects being funded out of about 1,200 applications. This is also Dr Liu’s 4th EPSRC project out of his five applications since joining the University of Exeter in August 2016.

The project partners include the Royal Devon and Exeter NHS Foundation Trust, the Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh, Escuela Superior Politécnica del Litoral (Ecuador), ETH Zurich and Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

Project Summary: Detection of bowel cancer is currently performed by visual inspection of the colonic mucosa during endoscopy, which is less reliable for smallsized lesions that are not easily visualised. If they are not detected and removed at an early stage, there is a chance that they may become cancerous. This 24-month project seeks to develop a new mathematical tool for analysing the sensing capability of micro-robots to aid the detection of hard-to-visualise bowel lesions. Micro-robots experiencing vibrations, frictions, and impacts, known as non-smooth systems, exhibit a rich variety of different long-term behaviours co-existing for a given set of parameters, which is referred to as multi-stability or co-existing attractors. When the robot moves in the colon and encounters a lesion, some particular attractor may dominate its dynamics, while the other co-existing attractors could fade away due to the tissue’s mechanical properties associated with different stages of malignant transformation. This significant change in multi-stability can be utilised to distinguish between healthy and abnormal tissues. Dr Liu will use for the first time robot’s multi-stability through the development of state-of-the-art numerical techniques to analyse such robot-lesion correlation, and produce a suite of computational analysis and advanced control methods for cancer detection and staging. In the long term, this work will initiate a new modality for bowel cancer screening, delivering an efficient minimally invasive procedure for patients.

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