Jessica, Management and Consultancy

Jessica, Business and Management student, applied to the Career Mentor Scheme to learn more about starting her own business and gain advice from an experienced professional. Through the scheme, Jessica was paired with the Founder of International Dance Supplies Ltd, specialising in Entrepreneurship. This mentor has been running her own businesses for over 30 years and has experience across the business departments.

“My mentor provided an inspiring life story, and I hope to follow in her entrepreneurial footsteps”

Jessica achieved all of her objectives achieved including gaining an understanding of how a mail order/online business operates in all of its many areas, increased knowledge of sector entry requirements and increased knowledge of the good and bad aspects of the profession.

Jessica told us more about her experience:

What were your highlights of the scheme?

Visiting my mentor at work for two days and spending time with her talking her talking about the growth of her business, as well as mine.

What did you find most useful from the mentoring experience?

Insight into life as a successful entrepreneur.

What message would you give to a student thinking of applying for the Career Mentor Scheme?

It’s a unique opportunity to connect with a successful mentor who is more than willing to help you achieve your own goals.