11. Consequences

Consequences is a very well-known writing game that you can probably find variants of but I am going to describe the classic version that I know. Picture consequences, which I will describe later, is more suitable for younger or dyslexic children.

All players are given a blank or lined piece of paper, a pencil or pen and preferably a book to lean on unless you are gathered around a table. On the top of their individual piece of paper, each player writes one name. This can be a famous person, a fictional character or even a family member. The only rule is that all players or the majority should have heard of this person/character. Popular choices include God, pets, the queen, Mary Berry, Manchester City, Tinky Winky, your child etc. In fact the rules governing the choice of name are the same as those governing Botticelli-see entry number 1.

The paper is then folded over so that the name cannot be seen. Underneath this each player writes ‘met’. The papers are then passed around clockwise so that everybody passes their paper to the person on their left.

Everyone then chooses a second name which can be anyone along the same lines as above. This can be adapted so that the first name is female and the second male to avoid under-representation of females, although I have never found this necessary-as a rampant feminist I always choose at least one female character. It can also be extended to include objects on the second name e.g. a stone, a bar of chocolate, the planet Mars etc. but I recommend starting with the basic version.

Fold over the second name so it is not visible and write at/in and pass on as before. Now players need to write a place name or specify a location, ‘up a tree’ is equally good as ‘in Mum’s sock drawer’ or ‘London’. The papers are refolded then write ‘s/he said’. The papers are passed on again. We play a version where your lines may actually makes sense in your context so if you have written that Harry Potter met Jessica Ennis in a steam bath, then he might say ‘ Cor its hot in here’, for example.

Repeat the pattern-Fold the paper over,  then write ‘s/he said’ and pass the paper on. Everyone thinks of a line for the second character. Finally everyone can write ..’and the consequence was..’ and finish the story with a final sentence summarizing what happens.

At the end of the game, papers are passed around one last time before each person reads what is in their story in turn. A good reliable game which is easy for all the family to pick up.