Full reading list

This is a live page and is constantly being updated with the latest news and articles.

“The Science” (and interaction with policy)

Coronavirus: how values drive decisions in science, not data, March 26, 2020

International Council for Science collection of contributions and responses:

UK Parliament Science & Tech Committee enquiry on the UK response to COVID-19

UK Parl Health and Social Care Cttee enquiry on Preparations for Coronavirus

UK Gov SAGE Cttee COVID reponse published evidence

The UK’s coronavirus policy may sound scientific. It isn’t (Weds 25th March)

Ed Yong (science journalist) critical pieces on COVID response in the US and UK:

Ars Technica (S&T magazine): rolling updated FAQ piece (good on uncertainties)

Abraar Karan (26th March 2020), On trust, experts and the brilliance of everyday people


BBC article criticising the Imperial College modelling paper

Simplified version of Imperial College modelling paper

Self-surveillance/Power and COVID-19

Social Contagion: Microbiological class war in China

Why is the government relying on nudge theory to fight coronavirus? (13th March 2020)

Covid-19 coronavirus: You can get out in nature during the lockdown – but should you?

Diary of a cough (25th March 2020)

C-19 Covid-19 Symptom Tracker, Kings College LDN

Felipe Demetri (21st March 2020) Biopolitics and Coronavirus, or don’t forget Foucault

COVID-19 Experiences

Four Corners (2020) Coronavirus, how the deadly epidemic sparked a global emergency

Science Scholars and COVID-19

Jones (2020) Perspective: History in a Crisis — Lessons for Covid-19

A Twitter thread of articles by historians, philosophers and social scientists

A Twitter thread of relevant articles from history and philosophy of biology:

Graham Scambler (25th March 2020) What social science can learn from COVID-19

Somatosphere Dispatches from the Pandemic series:

A compendium of STS and HPS scholars responses:

History on Call (2020) https://www.mpiwg-berlin.mpg.de/research/projects/history-science-on-call

  • This series of 3-5 minutes-long interviews with historians of science examines historical and philosophical perspectives on various aspects of the pandemic, and what the current situation may mean for scholarly work on the sciences. Put together by the Max Planck Institute for the History of Science in Berlin.

After COVID-19

Steven and Evans (18th March 2020) Planning for the world after COVID-19 [In World Politics Review]

Van Bavel et al. (2020) Using social and behavioural science to support COVID-19 pandemic response PsyArcht Preprints

COVID-19 and Social Justice

INQUEST (23rd March 2020) COVID-19: Protecting people in places of custody and detention

Herd Immunity

I’m an epidemiologist. When I heard about Britain’s ‘herd immunity’ coronavirus plan, I thought it was satire. (15th March 2020)

Nik Brown new book ‘Immunitary Life: A Biopolitics of Immunity’ (incl MMR, AMR, human/animal aspects, multiple meanings of herd imm). Candidate for reading group?

COVID-19 and Psychiatry

Philip Strong (1990) Epidemic psychology: a model

Paul Daley, 24th March 2020, We face a pandemic of mental health disorders

Dr Lucy Johnstone, 27th March 2020. Why its healthy to be afraid in a crisis

Twitter thread in response to Lucy Johnstone’s article — debate around fear v. psychiatric “disorder”

Coronavirus Legislation + Mental Health Act 

Just Listening. 

Strong, P. (1990) Epidemic psychology: a model

Inequalities and COVID-19

COVID-19 and Persons with Psychosocial Disabilities: A Joint Statement and Some Recommendations (27th March 2020)

Asian American Feminist Collective, Asian American Feminist Antibodies: Care in the time of coronavirus

Commons Library, Resource for activists during COVID-19

News article: India’s poorest ‘fear hunger may kill us before coronavirus’

Syllabi/Reading Lists

Teaching COVID-19, A Collaborative Anthropology Syllabus Project

INGSA’s site on evidence and policy-related scholarship around covid-19:

The Syllabus: Coronavirus Readings