Academic position in European Economic Policy, Catholic University of Louvain, Belgium

Vacancy Reference : 15702 / ESPO 088 / 2018 (to be quoted in any correspondence)

The Université catholique de Louvain and the Univeristy Saint-Louis Bruxelles invite applications for a tenure track or tenured full time position in European economic policy (75% UCL and 25% USL-B)


The successful candidate will be responsible for teaching on the joint European studies programmes offered by the Université catholique de Louvain (UCL) and Saint-Louis University, Brussels, and at UCL’s Louvain School of Management. Classes will cover the economic foundations of European integration, economic and monetary union, as well as the involvement of the European Union in international trade and EU trade policy.


The successful candidate will conduct research on the economic policies of the European Union, such as economic and monetary integration, international trade and trade policy, the internal market and competition policy, geographical inequalities and regional policies, the common agricultural policy, migratory flows or environmental issues. An aptitude for and interest in trans-disciplinary collaborations would be appreciated, especially when this is backed up by evidence of work already done with colleagues from other disciplines.

Practical informations

Starting date : 1st of September, 2018

Further information :
Professor Denis Duez, President of the Institute of European Studies USL-B,
Professor Sébastien Van Bellegem, dean ESPO –
Professor Michel Liegeois, research director ISPOLE –

Localization : Humanities Sector
Faculty of Economic, Social and Political Sciences and Communication (ESPO) (
Institut de sciences politiques Louvain-Europe (ISPOLE) (
Institut d’études européennes (IEE) (

General conditions

Tasks : the applicant will
– be responsible for teaching courses at all study levels (i.e. undergraduate and postgraduate), as well as in programmes of continuing education;
– supervise the final diploma research (i.e. theses) of undergraduate and graduate students, as well as Ph.D. theses;
– be involved in (and/or supervise, promote) research programmes;
– contribute to the international visibility of the University through teaching and research excellence;
– be available to ensure, in the long term, different service activities and responsibilities within the University and its entities;
– contribute to activities of the University with a societal impact in the fields of the economy, socio-cultural changes or cooperation with developing countries.
Qualifications : the applicant must have

– a Ph.D. and show a significant research activity in Economics;
– significant scientific record with international publications;
– either studied abroad for an extensive period or have had substantial experience outside the UCL;
– experience in and the aptitude for teaching at university level;
– capacity to work within a team of teachers and to integrate research findings into teaching;
– creativity and must be open to teaching innovation and interdisciplinarity;
– capacities required to undertake high-level academic research: capacity to raise research fundings, to supervise projects, to animate and lead a research team;
– good knowledge of both spoken and written French and English. If this is not the case, the applicant accept to learn French and/or English in order to be able to teach in French and English within 2 years. Fluency in other languages is an asset.

URL for Further Information