Brinda Gurung

Brinda is a PhD student at the University of Exeter Medical School, supervised by Dr Jon Brown and Professor Andy Randall.

Brinda completed her BSc in Neuroscience with Biochemistry at Keele University. During her degree, she carried out a summer placement (funded by Action on Hearing Loss) with Professor David Furness at the same university, studying a potential transplantation technique to repair the cochlear lateral wall using cell therapy and transplantable matrices. She then continued with this topic for her final year project. She then went to obtain her MSc in Translational Neuroscience from Imperial College London, where she researched the regulation of the blood brain barrier permeability in Alzheimer’s disease using molecular (an anti-inflammatory mediator) and engineering (ultrasound) approaches.

During her PhD, funded by BBSRC Lilly CASE studentship, Brinda will be using a wide range of electrophysiological tools and computational analysis to study the regulation of cortical and subcortical neural circuits by incretins.