Samantha, Charity and Development Work

Samantha, a postgraduate Social & Organisational Psychology student was interested in going into Charity and Development work. Through the Career Mentor Scheme she was matched with a Communications and Project Manager at Oxford Brookes University.


Samantha shared with us what the advantages of the scheme were to her. She felt she achieved every single objective she and her mentor set at the beginning of the scheme, such as developing her interview techniques, gathering information about the sector and improving her personal skills needed for graduate employment.

What were the highlights of the scheme for you?

Visiting my mentor, sorting out my CV, and identifying how to network and build networking skills.

What did you find most useful from the mentoring experience?

Going to visit my mentor and shadow her/others with her employer as it helped me understand precisely what I did and didn’t like about the sector.

What message would you give to a student thinking of applying for the Career Mentor Scheme?

Definitely apply as you learn lots about the job area and why it is or isn’t right for you which is something research alone won’t tell you and importantly you make a friend you can keep in contact with in the future.

“I enjoy helping my mentee develop her confidence and reassure her that she doesn’t need to have every single answer just yet.” – Samantha’s mentor