Office In Charge Patrick Mwenda from Naivasha Maximum Security Prison has been recognised as the wonderful leader he is for his team and inmates in Naivasha Main Prison. The award ceremony was hosted by ICPA – International Corrections and Prisons Association where Patrick won the Outstanding Correctional Service Employee Award! This recognises his commitment, dedication and leadership with the Inner Rehabilitation of the inmates in the institution! Huge congratulations to OIC Patrick and his team, a wonderful achievement and well deserved recognition of the difference he and his team make to the inmates lives.
Category Archives: Project updates
Members of the International Youth Foundation visit Athiriver Prison
October 2017 – Mindful Leaders from Athiriver Prison in Kenya welcomed visitors from the International Youth Foundation in collaboration with the Good News Bible School. The Organisations were working together to share Mindfulness collectively to the inmates and staff. Teachings were also shared by the Mindful Leaders to their guests. It is collaboration like this that spreads the positive movement of Mindfulness and changes lives.
The day was enjoyed by all and a lot was learnt. The learning is going to be incorporated into the Mindful Leader programme Handbook to further enrich future Mindful Leaders lives.
Abigail, a Welfare Officer from the prison shared a topic that had a huge impact her from the day, the power of Perception… She shared these inspiring words.
A blind beggar sat on the road side with a placard written AM BLIND PLEASE HELP ME! no one was willing to help! A young lady came and changed his words on the placard and wrote IT’S A BEAUTIFUL DAY BUT I CAN’T SEE IT. Imagine just the change of the words made so many people to help him. Let’s change the words written on our prisoner’s hearts . let’s put beautiful smiles on their faces.
A lesson many of us could incorporate into our lives……
Here are a few pictures that illustrate the unity, sharing and learning that took place….
- Inmates learning Mindfulness
- Mindfulness sharing
- Guests sharing their teachings
- Staff of Athiriver and visitors
- Officer in charge enjoying the Mindfulness training too
- Here inmates and staff are listening to the lecture together
*** Mindful Generation Anthem ***
The second song created by Eriko aka ‘Daddy Cool’ The Mindful generation
Here he is describing what characterises the mindful generation and he is inviting the audience to “come to join our revolution” among many other things he talks about how this generation can manage their emotions, even under pressure they still focus. They have gratitude, sense of humour and they are merciful. He also talks about mindfulness as living in the now.
These songs are going to be used to share the Mindfulness message and support Eriko teach youth in the community Mindfulness living….
Ex-Inmate – reintegrated into the community…
October 2017 – This is wonderful news to share….We were delighted to hear from Mose – a Welfare Officer from Naivasha Maximum Security prison, of an ex-inmate being successfully integrated into the community… He shared
Mr Korir has been in prison for last 14 years. While in prison he become a church elder of Seventh Day Adventist inmates church. With support of SDA church, the officer in charge and other stakeholders we were able to build house for him. Buy some furniture and other household for him to start life. He was supported with carpentry tools to start up his enterprise!!!! He is orphaned with surviving grandmother who the church is building an house. Above all two mindful leaders accompanies the ex inmate and spoke the mindful message to the congregation. Let us take advantage to serve the community and give hope.
Mindfulness teachings were shared by the two Mindful Leaders with a huge amount of people from many different organisations and Religions, this includes SDA Church members, Catholic Chaplain, Muslim Chaplain, Protestants, Police, Provincial administration and community. Unity and togetherness was shared at this new beginning and the event was also covered live on Hope Channel TV! Link to follow….
- Korir received by the Church
- Korir handed over his new house
- Korir in Blue and Welfare Officer Mose
- A day of celebrating.
- Korir cutting a cake to be shared by all of the congregation
- Korir received by local administration, Assistant County Commissioner, Chief, Subchief and Elders of the Village.
Nairobi International Trade Fair
October 2017 – Welfare Officers and the team from Naivasha Maximum Security Prison have been sharing and showcasing the Mindful Leader Programme to many different people at the Nairobi International Trade Fair. They were able to view the Mindful Leader Guide books, training programme and the Ki-Swahili version of them, created by the Mindful Leaders themselves all whilst the Mindful Leader Blog was being streamed! It was viewed with enthusiasm and excitement and has had great support! Please get in touch if you would like to know more or are hosting a fair, *we* would love to share.
The ‘Mindfulness message’ beyond the prisons…
September 2017 – Mindful Leaders at Naivasha Prison are sharing their ‘Mindful Message’ to Strathmore University Staff and Students, Multi-media University Students, Nipe Sauti and Cristalgate Foundation and Tax Club who visited the Prison. Alex – the Chairman of the Mindful Leader programme explained about the Inner Rehabilitation Programme and taught Mindful techniques to the visitors… It was a truly beneficial to all and talks of continued work together and how the programme could spread to their organisations was had! Lets watch this space….
We are so excited to share that the Mindful Anthem has been released!! The song was created by a Mindful Leader who was at Naivasha Main Prison, Daddy Cool Erico! The video was filmed at Naivasha main Prison and truly encapsulates the passion, belief and change Mindfulness has had within the Institution.
Among many other things, the song notes that being a mindful leader means being “awake, alert and attentive”. He includes some of the teachings such as using the mindfulness technique on the go “the inner radio” and also he says that “we need to be the change in the world that we wish to see”. View THE MINDFUL ANTHEM song lyrics
The word is spreading…
We are excited to share that we are having multiple enquiries about the ‘Mindful Revolution’ that’s happening from ‘the inside out’ in Kenyan Prisons! Check out our Media Coverage page to see…..