Doctoral Positions at the Munich Graduate School of Economics

The Department of Economics at Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München offers various


Successful candidates will pursue their Ph.D. studies at the Munich Graduate School of Economics (MGSE).

The MGSE provides advanced training for in-depth research in economics. The MGSE’s Ph.D. program has a strong focus on the application of state-of-the-art methods. It combines demanding course work and an early start of individual research. Positions offer comprehensive supervising and mentoring schemes, excellent international contacts, and access to an outstanding research infrastructure from one of Europe’s’ top 10 Universities.


We expect knowledge in microeconomics, macroeconomics, and econometrics at an advanced Master’s level. Therefore, the standard entry requirement is a completed Master’s degree in economics. Exceptions from this rule are possible in special circumstances. Any missing graduate-level training will be specified in an individual supervision agreement. Candidates should be highly motivated to conduct independent research. Fluency in German language is not required for admission.


Generally, Ph.D. students are paid according to a 75% position under the German TVL-E 13 payment scheme (or a roughly equivalent scholarship). The exact salary might slightly vary depending on personal circumstances, the affiliating institution and the teaching load the position might carry (maximally 5 hours per week during the semester). Funding for the positions will come from one of the following programs or institutions: Department Chairs, Egon Sohmen Graduate Center, Evidence-Based Economics, GRK 1928 – Microeconomic Determinants of Labor Productivity, ifo Institute, Max Planck Institute for Innovation and Competition, Max Planck Institute for Tax Law and Public Finance.

Application Procedure:

The application period is from December 15th, 2016 to March 31th, 2017. In general, the positions and courses start in October 2017. The application tool will be available on our webpage.

An admission committee will screen applications on a rolling basis. Applicants who present a detailed offer by another doctoral program may ask the admission committee for an early decision on their admission.

Applicants need the following documents for their application: CV, Letter of Motivation, Certificate of Secondary Education (if available, encouraged), Bachelor Diploma, Master Diploma (or preliminary Transcript of Records), Proof of English-skills, GRE-Test, and two recommendation letters. All documents have to be either in English or German.


Munich Graduate School of Economics

Job Opportunity: Professor of International Trade and Development, Goethe University Frankfurt am Main

The Faculty of Economics and Business Administration at Goethe University Frankfurt invites applications for the following position starting at the earliest possible date:

Professorship (W3) for International Trade and Development

The professorship is part of the Department of Applied Econometrics and International Economic Policy and should fit into its teaching and research profile.

Applicants should have a record of publications in leading journals. A research focus should lie in international trade, foreign direct investment, migration and allocation of human capital or globalization. Connections to growth and development are desirable. We expect excellent teaching performance and sound empirical and theoretical methods. Teaching is expected at the Bachelor, Master, and PhD levels. The ability to teach in English is required. German knowledge would be useful.

Teaching obligations are 8 hours per week during the teaching period. The designated salary for the position is based on “W3” on the German university scale or equivalent. Goethe University is committed to increasing the proportion of female faculty and therefore especially encourages women to apply. For further information regarding the general conditions for professorship appointments, please see

Researchers with an excellent research and teaching record are cordially invited to send their applications in German or English, accompanied by the usual documents (CV, record of publications, teaching experience and extramural funding, certificates) and citing the reference “Professorship (W3) for International Trade and Development“ until March 16th, 2017 via e-mail to the Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration: .

For further information, please contact Prof. Dr. Alfons Weichenrieder,e-mail: .

Job Opportunity: Full Professor, International Economics, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität (LMU)

As one of Europe’s leading research universities, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität (LMU) in Munich is committed to the highest international standards of excellence in research and teaching. Building on its more than 500-year-long tradition, it offers a broad spectrum that covers all areas of knowledge within its 18 Faculties, ranging from the humanities, law, economics and social sciences, to medicine and the natural sciences.

The Faculty of Economics invites applications for a

Full Professorship (W3) of Economics with Emphasis on International Economics (Chair)

commencing on April, 1 2018.

The successful candidate is expected to carry out both teaching and research in a field of International Economics

Candidates should have a strong international research record. The appointee will be expected to teach courses at all levels in the Faculty of Economics.

Prerequisites for this position are a university degree, a doctoral degree or a comparable specific qualification, teaching skills at university level, excellent academic achievements and a productive and promising research program.

LMU Munich makes a point of providing newly appointed professors with various types of support, such as welcoming services and assistance for dual career couples.

LMU Munich is an equal opportunity employer. The University continues to be very successful in increasing the number of female faculty members and strongly encourages applications from female candidates. LMU Munich intends to enhance the diversity of its faculty members. Furthermore, disabled candidates with essentially equal qualifications will be given preference.

Please submit your application comprising a curriculum vitae, documentation of academic degrees and certificates, teaching evaluations as well as a list of publications electronically via the LMU Application Tool, no later than March 17, 2017. Furthermore, two research papers should be submitted that the candidate considers particularly helpful to support the application. The link for the application tool is Addressee for your letter of application is the Office of the Dean, Faculty of Economics, Schackstrasse 4, 80539 Munich, Germany.

Job Opportunity: Junior Research Scientist – International trade applied to agriculture and environment

INRA (the French National Institute for Agricultural Research) is seeking a junior research scientist with a focus on international trade applied to agriculture and/or environment. This is a permanent (no tenure track) and research-only position, although some teaching is possible. Candidates must  hold a PhD when they apply. The successful candidate will join the research unit “Economie Publique” in Paris.

Interested candidates are invited to get in touch with Christophe Gouel () before applying.

Candidates have until March 1st (5pm, Paris time) to submit their application online, or until March 3rd to send the application form by post.

Job description and futher information

Job Opportunity: Temporary Lecturer in Economics, UC San Diego

The Economics Department at UC San Diego is committed to building an excellent and diverse faculty, staff, and student body, and invites applications from candidates whose experience has prepared them to contribute to our commitment. The Department invites applications for one or more Lecturer positions. The Department is looking primarily for Lecturers in macroeconomics and econometrics, although applications in any area will be accepted. Appointments will likely be part-time, though possibly full time, from one quarter up to one year’s duration, for the 2017/18 Academic Year.

Candidates are required to have a Bachelor’s degree in economics or a related field. Preferred candidates will have a Ph.D. in economics or a related field, prior university level teaching experience, experience managing large classrooms (100-300 students), outstanding teaching evaluations and demonstrate strong or potential contributions to diversity, equity, and inclusion in the context of a large public university.

Salary is commensurate with qualifications and experience based on the UC pay scales.


Closing Date:
Applications will be accepted until June 30, 2017.

To Apply:
Submit a vita, three original letters of reference, past teaching evaluations, and a personal statement on diversity. The personal statement on diversity should summarize past experience in activities that promote diversity and inclusion and/or plans to make future contributions.

Applications are accepted through UC Recruit only. Please follow the direct link to apply.

The University of California is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, disability, age or protected veteran status

State Capacity and The Unintended Consequences of Military Intervention

State capacity determines the power of a state to raise revenues, to enforce contracts, to support markets through regulation, and to establish a ‘monopoly of violence’.  In fact, the extent of state capacity is perhaps the fundamental difference between developed and developing countries: developed countries have significantly more of it than developing countries do.  But, because state capacity is multidimensional, the challenge for developing countries is to determine which attributes of state capacity building to prioritize.  Samuel Huntington in his influential book, “Political Order in Changing Societies”, offers a guiding principle based on Max Weber’s notion that the most important attribute of a state is the monopoly of violence (also known as the monopoly of the legitimate use of force).  Huntington suggests that establishing a monopoly of violence is a necessary precondition for being able to build the other kinds of state capacity listed above, and to do this the state must build military capacity first.  A natural conclusion of this view is that the right approach for helping a developing country to build its state capacity encompasses a top-down approach, prioritizing military capacity ahead of other attributes of the state.  In recent years, this view has been embraced by a number of international institutions such as the World Bank.  In addition, this view formed the guiding principle that underpinned the US interventions in Afghanistan and Iraq.

However, experience has shown that building military capacity first and leaving aside other attributes of the state can have unintended consequences.  For example, in Colombia, the reliance on a top-down approach to military capacity building in order to suppress guerrillas and paramilitaries is correlated with a deterioration in security and a weakening of the local state.  The reason is that the attributes of the state that would make powerful agents accountable were not put in place and a major consequence was a surge of the murder of civilians falsely portrayed by the army to be guerrilla combatants.   Mexico also adopted a top-down approach to military capacity building in order to combat the drug trade but this backfired and generated significant increases in violence. In Vietnam air-strikes were used in an attempt to prevent the spread of communism and to strengthen the ability of the state to monopolize violence but, as in Mexico, this backfired because it lead more Vietnamese to participate in Viet Cong (insurgent) military and political activities.

On the other hand, bottom-up approaches that help with the provision of public goods combined with military intervention have been found to deliver more positive results.   During the Vietnam War, in areas where American soldiers were embedded in communities and helped to implement development programs, local populations were reported to have more positive attitudes towards the US and all levels of the South Vietnamese government.  In Iraq the Commanders’ Emergency Reconstruction Program was found to have reduced the level of violence against US and Iraqi troops, conditional on community characteristics.  In Afghanistan, although the National Solidarity Program has not been found to have had an effect on the local security situation, it has had a positive effect on people’s perceptions of their economic well-being and their attitudes towards the Afghani government.

Even though control over the monopoly of violence is a legitimate and sometimes necessary goal, for example in the cases of  the collapse of the communist Najibullah regime in 1992 in Afghanistan, or the fall of Siad Barre in Somalia in 1991, the over-riding conclusion of recent research appears to be that it is advisable to build state capacity on a multidimensional basis from the outset.  However, research is ongoing to establish a more nuanced perspective on exactly which aspects of state capacity building are most effective at supporting economic development and how they can be encouraged to co-evolve most effectively.


Acemolgu, Daron, Leopold Fergusson, James Robinson, Dario Romero and Juan F. Vargas (2016) “The Perils of Top-down State Building: Evidence from Colombia’s False Positives“. Working Paper.

Beath, Andrew, Fotini Christia, and Ruben Enikolopov  (2012) “Winning Hearts and Minds through Development: Evidence from a Field Experiment in Afghanistan,” Working Paper

Berman, Eli, Jacob N. Shapiro and Joseph Felter (2011) “Can Hearts and Minds Be Bought? The Economics of Counterinsurgency in Iraq.” Journal of Political Economy, 119(4): 766-819. [working paper]

Dell, Melissa (2015) “Trafficking Networks and the Mexican Drug War.” The American Economic Review, 105 (6): 1738–1779. [working paper]

Dell, Melissa and Pablo Querubin (2016) “Nation Building Through Foreign Intervention: Evidence from Discontinuities in Military Strategies.” Working Paper.

Huntington, Samuel P. (1968) Political Order in Changing Societies, Yale University Press.

6th AIEAA Conference: “Economics and Politics of Migration: Implications for Agriculture and Food”

  • Conference Dates: 15-16 June 2017
  • Abstract submission by authors: February 15, 2017
  • Notification of acceptance to authors: March 17, 2017
  • Authors’ early registration: April 30, 2017
  • Full paper/poster submission: May 26, 2017
  • Authors’ registration deadline: May 31 2017

Two key factors have recently contributed to place migration issues at the centre of the economic and political agenda. Firstly, the weaker economic prospects and the cuts in public spending due to the recession have increasingly contributed to make immigrants be perceived as competitors in the labour market and in the welfare state, rather than as a resource. Secondly, the refugee crisis, with the number of migrants seeking for asylum in Europe reaching a level not experienced since the mid-1990s, creates alarming tensions and un-coordinated reactions by the EU countries, revealing the fragility of EU institutions. What are the implications of this massive flow of migrants for the agricultural and food sector and, more in general, for rural areas both in the origin and destination countries? In the last decades, agriculture and rural areas have represented the main source of job opportunities for international migrants. Evidence of the key role played by migrant workers in keeping the sector competitive and resilient to the changes is solid. In Italy, for example, more than 25% of the agricultural labour force and nearly 70% of the seasonal labour force are represented by migrants. Similar patterns can be detected in other EU countries, such as Spain, France and Greece, as well as in the US. Yet, although migrant labour force has become a structural element of the agricultural sector in several developed countries, it has also occurred at growing and unsustainable social costs. The fact that agriculture often represents the first occupational opportunity for migrants has brought about at the same time problems of immigrants’ exploitation, illegal hiring and other social costs in many rural areas. In Italy for example, more than 30% of the total non-EU migrant workers are irregular, with a salary significantly below the average, extremely limited worker rights and without any kind of social protection. The interaction between migration and poverty – both at origin and destination – is still among the least studied topics in agricultural economics. This is surprising if one considers that migrants are coming mainly from rural areas where poverty is highly concentrated. Moreover, how the migration process affects the socio-economic contexts in the countries of origin is important not only from a social welfare point of view. The increasing market integration and the role of remittance may create externalities and economic growth in the rural areas (for example, by affecting food production, consumption and the rural demand for manufactured goods); as a consequence, the derived economic welfare is expected to influence future migration processes. Similarly, in destination countries, immigrants are contributing to change consumption patterns as well as food habits, by opening shops, restaurants and trade activities.

Economic research on migration has gone well beyond the analysis of the impact of migrants on natives’ wages and employment. Economists have started to analyse the interaction between immigrants and natives, their degree of substitution and/or complementarities, and how native workers, firms and local economies react and adjust to labour supply shocks. Furthermore, there is a wide literature on the effects of migration on education, health and crime, as well as on the political effects of immigrants at origin and destination. The relevance of these topics motivates the need to provide high quality studies also incorporating current knowledge from the economic literature to analyse the economics and politics of migration in rural areas. In this perspective, the sixth AIEAA Conference aims at providing a scientific contribution to these issues by expanding the knowledge base on the fundamental effects of migration, and by promoting a critical debate on the underlying theoretical and methodological issues and policy implications. Specific issues to be addressed include:

  • The effect of migrations on the agricultural labour market;
  • The contribution of foreign workers to agriculture productivity growth;
  • The effect of migration in rural areas;
  • Farms’ adjustment to local labour supply shocks;
  • Migration and poverty condition in the countries of origin;
  • Migration and the changing patterns of food consumption;
  • Migration, climate change and natural disasters;
  • The trade effect of international migrations;
  • The political economy of migration policy;
  • The political outcomes of international migrations;
  • Migration and crime in rural areas.
  • Migration, education and health

AIEAA welcomes the submission of contributions on the topics above. However, the submission of contributions on other agricultural and applied economics topics is encouraged as well


Contribution proposals should be submitted in English through the conference website at There are three types of contributions: contributed papers, organized sessions, and posters. Contributed papers Participants intending to present a paper are requested to submit an extended abstract (minimum 1000 words; maximum 1500 words) before February 15, 2017.

More information

Call for Papers: 8th Annual Conference of the Trade, Integration, and Growth Network (TIGN) Montevideo, Uruguay, May 19-20, 2017

The 8th Annual Conference of the Trade, Integration, and Growth Network (TIGN) will be held in Montevideo, Uruguay, on May 19-20, 2017. This conference is sponsored by the Latin American and Caribbean Economic Association (LACEA), the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), the CAF-Development Bank of Latin America (CAF), and the Research Institute for Development, Growth, and Economics (RIDGE) and is hosted by RIDGE. The TIGN conference is a unique event that brings together top researchers and policymakers to discuss recent theoretical and empirical advances in trade and integration and growth broadly defined.

For additional information on this conference and to register and submit a paper please visit:,7302.html

Call for Papers: The 16th Annual GEP Postgraduate Conference 2017

University of Nottingham, United Kingdom
4th – 5th May 2017

The 16th GEP Postgraduate Conference will take place on 4th – 5th May 2017 at the University of Nottingham. The Conference provides a forum for the dissemination of student research relating to issues of Globalisation and Economic Policy from both theoretical and empirical perspectives. These areas include Foreign Direct Investment, Trade, Productivity, Economics of the MNEs, Migration and Labour Market Adjustment.
The objective of the Conference is to bring together a number of PhD students and postdoctoral researchers to discuss their own research ideas with established researchers in a relaxed atmosphere. The conference is open to graduate students and post-docs. Speakers will be selected on the basis of submitted papers or an extended abstract. (Preference will, however, be given to papers.)
Applicants must submit their CV, a letter of support from their PhD supervisor (sent separately by email; this is not required for post-docs) and the paper to be presented. If a full paper is not yet available, please include a detailed abstract, providing clearly the motivation for the work, the relationship to the literature, the method used and the expected results.Every paper accepted will be assigned a discussant who will present and comment on the paper. Therefore, those who are invited to present a paper are expected to deliver a complete paper before the Conference.

Applications must be sent by e-mail to:
Dr Alejandro Riaño

Deadline for submission: 19th February 2017
Keynote speaker: Natalie Chen (University of Warwick and CEPR)

There is a £180 registration fee to contribute towards costs which includes up to two nights’ accommodation (3rd and 4th May).

Best Paper Prize
The organising committee will award a prize of ₤100 to the best paper presented at the Conference.

Further information
Further information on the Conference can be found at:

Workshop “Finance and Development“

Financial systems have developed rapidly in many developing countries. These changes increase the need for research into their effects in developing countries, especially with a focus on individual responses. To this end DIW Berlin will host a workshop on the topic of “Finance and Development” to be held in Berlin on May 4 in the afternoon and full day May 5, 2017. The workshop will last 1.5 days and there will be no parallel sessions. We ask for contributions towards the workshop with a particular focus on, but not exclusive to:

– Household finance in developing countries
– Individual responses to changes in financial institutions
– Financial literacy
– Microfinance
– Financial inclusion
– SME finance
– Capital flows and its impact on SME finance

Decisions of participation will be made by the program committee, which consists of Laura Alfaro (Harvard Business School) also providing the keynote address, Thorsten Beck (Cass Business School), Martin Brown (University St.Gallen), Robert Lensink (University Groningen), Lukas Menkhoff (DIW Berlin), Ugo Panizza (Graduate Institute Geneva) and Bilal Zia (World Bank). Please send full papers together with your name and affiliation to by February 5th 2017. Notices of acceptance will be given by March 2nd. In case of questions please don’t hesitate to contact Anja Kegel at the same email address.