Workshop: Trade and Health: Empirical approaches and policy implications

We are soliciting papers for the workshop “Trade and Health: Empirical approaches and policy implications“. The workshop is part of the “Trade and Health” project funded by the John Fell Fund.

We invite submissions in any area of empirical health economics and trade, but preferences will be given to papers analyzing the relationship between trade and health. The workshop also aims to foster new connections among scholars with common interests in these areas. The workshop will consist in a small number of hour-long research presentations. We will allocate a discussant to each paper.

Keynote lectures will be given by Jay Bhattacharya (Stanford) and Alan Winters (University of Sussex).

There are no fees. Participants are responsible for their travel and accommodation expenses.

If you are interested in presenting a paper at the meeting, please send a draft of your paper to  by March 12, 2016. Decisions will be made by March 26, 2016. The detailed programme will be announced byApril 10, 2016.

7th Annual Conference of the Trade, Integration, and Growth Network (TIGN) Sao Paulo, Brazil, May 24-25, 2016

The 7th Annual Conference of the Trade, Integration and Growth Network (TIGN) will be held in Sao Paulo, Brazil, on May 24-25, 2016. This conference is sponsored by the Latin American and Caribbean Economic Association (LACEA), the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), the CAF-Development Bank of Latin America (CAF), and Sao Paulo School of Economics – FGV and is organized by Sao Paulo School of Economics – FGV. The TIGN conference is a unique event that brings together top researchers and policymakers to discuss recent theoretical and empirical advances in trade and integration and growth broadly defined.

The deadline for submissions is February 29, 2016.

Conference website

RCUK-FAPESP bilateral agreement

Research Councils UK (RCUK) and the State of São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP) have agreed a pioneering Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to welcome, encourage and support applications that may cut across their national boundaries and involve international collaborative teams.

The RCUK-FAPESP Memorandum of Understanding (RCUK website) provides for a ‘Lead Agency Agreement’ whereby the relevant UK Research Council will receive and assess collaborative proposals from eligible institutions on behalf of both organisations. However, FAPESP nominated experts will be involved with the peer review and decision making processes throughout.

Funder’s website

Job Opportunity: Assistant Professor, Columbia University in the City of New York

Columbia University’s School of International and Public Affairs (SIPA) invites applications for a tenure-track Assistant Professor of Economics to begin in July 2016 (or as soon thereafter as possible). We are particularly interested in candidates working in environmental economics, sustainable development or development economics. 

The successful candidate will contribute to teaching and intellectual leadership in the SIPA curriculum at the master’s level and advise Ph.D. students of the interdisciplinary Sustainable Development Ph.D. program.  

Website for job

39th Annual NBER Summer Institute: Call For Papers

The 39th Annual NBER Summer Institute will be held in Cambridge, Massachusetts from July 11 to July 29, 2016. Workshops will focus on a number of different topics including:

Asset Pricing Health Care
Corporate Finance Health Economics
Development Economics Household Finance
Development of the American Economy Industrial Organization
Economic Fluctuations and Growth International Finance
Economics of Aging International Trade and Investment
Economics of Children Labor Economics
Economics of Crime Law and Economics
Economics of Education Monetary Economics
Economics of Intellectual Property Personnel Economics
Economics of IT and Digitization Political Economy
Economics of National Security Productivity, Innovation, and Entrepreneurship
Economics of Real Estate Risk of Financial Institutions
Environmental and Energy Economics Social Security
Urban Economics

The NBER provides continental breakfast and lunch each day, as well as limited support services. Authors whose papers are selected for presentation and who are invited to attend any of the workshops must pay for their own transportation and lodging.

Researchers who have completed their Ph.D.s, and who are interested in participating in the 2016 Summer Institute, should submit a copy of the paper they would like considered for the program, or a one page abstract if the paper is not complete, no later than March 25, 2016. Please note that the following workshops will only consider completed manuscripts (abstracts will not be considered): Asset Pricing, Corporate Finance, Economic Fluctuations and Growth, Energy and Environmental Economics, Law and Economics, Monetary Economics, and Political Economy. Questions can be sent to .

The call for papers can also be found online at

Job Opportunity: Assistant Professor of Economics – University of San Diego

The School of Business Administration, University of San Diego, anticipates a tenure-track Assistant Professor position to begin Fall 2016, pending budget approval. The successful candidate will have a Ph.D. in Economics prior to the start of the appointment and is expected to maintain a record of high quality scholarly achievement and dedication to teaching excellence in a liberal arts environment. We have primary interests in the fields of Macroeconomics/International Macroeconomics or Applied Econometrics/Forecasting/Data Analytics. The University of San Diego is a private, Catholic institution that embraces diversity and is an Equal Opportunity Employer.
Teaching responsibilities will likely include field courses that reflect the candidate’s research and teaching interests at either the undergraduate or graduate (MBA) levels, along with principles of economics and/or introductory business statistics.

Application Procedure: Step 1: Submit through JOE the following: (1) detailed cover letter addressing your interest in this position and this university, (2) curriculum vita, (3) statements on teaching and research, (4) teaching evaluations, (5) job market paper, and (6) three letters of reference, at least one of which addresses teaching. Step 2: Go and register for job IRC18634. Fill in the required personal data and upload only your Resume.

Empirical Investigations in Services Trade Second Biennial Conference European University Institute, Florence, Italy — June 15-16, 2016

Organized by:
Trade Policy Research Network, CEPR
Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies, EUI, Florence
TEDU-Trade Research Center, Ankara
World Trade Institute, Bern

We invite submissions of papers and expressions of interest in attending the Second Empirical Investigations in Services Trade (EIST) conference.  The meeting will take place on June 15-16 in Florence, Italy, hosted by the Global Governance Programme of the Robert Schuman Centre, European University Institute.

The theme of the conference is economic analysis of trade and investment in services. We welcome submissions related to any aspect of international trade and investment in services, including empirical analyses of sectoral policy and regulation and trade and investment agreements, analysis using firm-level data, and papers on the role of services in value chains.

Travel and accommodation expenses will be covered for successful applicants. The meeting is open to attendees who are not presenting papers, subject to space constraints. Participants who are interested in attending but are not presenting papers must fund their own travel expenses.

Conference Format: The program will include 10-12 papers, with one hour per paper devoted to presentation, discussant remarks, and open discussion.

The (draft) papers should be submitted by Saturday 27 February 2016. Selections will be made and authors notified by March 15. A final conference schedule will be posted on the conference website by April 30.
– Please submit only completed or nearly completed papers.
– Papers should be submitted electronically, in PDF format, to Mia Saugman: .

Conference Registration:
– Please notify Mia Saugman if you would like to attend but are not submitting a paper, and, if so, would be willing to serve as a discussant.

The Scientific Committee
Nazire Nergiz Dinçer, TEDU
Joseph Francois, University of Bern & CEPR
Bernard Hoekman, EUI & CEPR
Ayça Tekin-Koru, TEDU

PRONTO Annual Conference: Quantifying Non-Tariff Barriers to Trade and Investment 26-27 February 2016 Vienna Institute for International Economic Studies (wiiw) Vienna, Austria

Organised by:
Joseph Francois (University of Bern, WTI, and CEPR)
Ron Davies (University College Dublin)
Local organisers:
Robert Stehrer  (Vienna Institute for International Economic Studies)
Veronika Cervinka-Janýrová (Vienna Institute for International Economic Studies)

Over the past fifty years, there has been significant progress in lowering tariff barriers to international trade. This has led to a growing awareness of the importance of what are termed the “new” Non-Tariff Measures (NTMs). The relevance of these new NTMs has grown with the rising importance of global sourcing and multinational enterprises. Today, with the dominance of global value chains and the increased tradability of non-tangible products, we are confronted with new and important questions about the impact of NTMs on competitiveness and productivity. To better understand these issues, we invite the submission of papers on the following topics:
  • Quantifying the incidence of NTMs in goods and services
  • Costs, benefits and regulatory objectives of NTMs
  • Sustainabilty and the regulation of trade and investment
  • Quantifying the social and economic impacts of NTMs
  • Political economy determinants of NTMs
  • NTMs and global and regional supply chains
To propose a paper for the conference, please submit abstracts of 200-250 words. The abstract should give the paper title, a short description of the research paper, including the aim of the research, main results (if already available), methodology etc. Each paper will be discussed by another participant, (you will be asked to indicate whether you are willing to act as a discussant on your reply form). If you have a draft version of the paper, please submit this with the abstract.Funding Travel and accommodation funding will be available to all participants on the programme. However, if you could cover the costs of your attendance from a research grant at your disposal this would free up space for someone else. Please indicate on your reply form whether you will be able to cover your own travel costs or whether you will require funding.Where CEPR does contribute to travel costs, this will be in accordance with the CEPR Travel Guidelines: can only cover the costs of general participants if they are members of the PRONTO network.

How to apply
To respond, please visit The deadline for replies is 18:00 GMT on Friday, 15 January 2016. Alternatively you can send your submission with your funding requirements to Amanda Vincent-Rous in the CEPR Events team at .

Guidelines on how to register online for CEPR Meetings can be found at If you have any difficulties registering for this meeting, please contact Amanda Vincent-Rous at  or +44 20 7183 8808.

Yours sincerely,

Joseph Francois and Ron Davies

PRONTO is a collaborative research project on regulatory barriers to trade.
Visit us at

Conference Session: “Social Preferences, Institutions and Performance in the Labour Market” within the theme “labour market, work and family” at the 3rd International ESS Conference in Lausanne (CH), 13-15 July, 2016

InsTED member, Simone Moriconi, is organizing a session at the 3rd International ESS Conference in Lausanne (CH), 13-15 July, 2016. Paper submissions are welcome.  Here is the session proposal:

Abstract submissions are welcome on “Social Preferences, Institutions and Performance in the Labour Market” within the theme labour market, work and family at the 3rd International ESS Conference in Lausanne (CH), 13-15 July, 2016.

An extensive economics literature associates the bad functioning of the labor market to the persistence of inefficient institutions (unemployment insurance, labor taxation, unionization) and adverse economic shocks. A related strand points out that aggregate employment outcomes may reflect underlying individual preferences. In-work and job search effort depend on the opportunity cost of enjoying leisure in terms of foregone income. This cost is subjective and can be high e.g. in the presence of a social norm of unemployment. Individual perceptions regarding job insecurity are important predictors of own employment probabilities. Also, individuals’ attitudes towards inequality and fairness as opposed to preferences for hard work, personal responsibility and merit may shape policies, thus the characteristics of a country’s institutions. Finally, individual risk attitudes shape preferences too, and the view regarding government’s commitment towards disadvantaged worker categories.

Notwithstanding their importance, it is widely acknowledged that individual preferences are made of two components. The first component is idiosyncratic, affected by the social and economic context where an individual lives and responsive to external shocks. The second component, is structural, deeply rooted in the past, and may be inherited from past generations through “culture”, thus exogenous to other individual decisions e.g. labour supply.

Papers in this session will have to tackle the issues sketched above, and will try to answer the following questions. What is the role of individual preferences for important decisions in the labour market (e.g. labour supply, job-search, job mobility etc.)? What is the relationship between preferences and institutions? Does the evolution of preferences shape individual views regarding government intervention in the institutional setting? How does the idiosyncratic component of preferences matter as compared with deep and culturally-transmitted preferences in determining institutional and economic outcomes in the labour market?


On line submission tool available here

Closing date for abstracts submissions: 17th January, 2016.

Notification of acceptance: early March.

3rd International ESS Conference: “Understanding key challenges for European societies in the 21st century” 13-15th July 2016, Amphimax, University of Lausanne, Switzerland

The 3rd International ESS Conference will showcase research that uses data from the European Social Survey (ESS) to address a range of substantive issues highly relevant to European societies. It will bring together ESS data users from around the world and working across a range of disciplines to share ideas, discuss their results and showcase the depth and breadth of research made possible by the ESS. Papers should address one of the substantive topics covered by the ESS from a comparative perspective either cross-nationally and/or across ESS Rounds.

Papers which draw out practical and policy implications of findings are encouraged. The use of complementary data (contextual data or data from other surveys) is welcome. Papers should be submitted under one of the following themes:

• Immigration

• Labour market, work and family

• Health and well-being

• Welfare and social policy

• Political evaluations and engagement

• Social attitudes, norms and values

• Other societal challenges


Abstracts should be submitted by January 17th 2016


For more information please go to: