Call for Papers: Deadline – 7 November 2014

10th Australasian Trade Workshop

School of Economics, University of Sydney

7‐8 April 2015

Local Organisers

Dr Mark Melatos

Professor John Romalis

The School of Economics at the University of Sydney will host the 10th Australasian Trade Workshop on 7-8 April 2015.

Keynote speakers will be Pablo Fajgelbaum of the University of California Los Angeles and Thibault Fally of the University of California Berkeley.

We invite colleagues in this field (JEL-Classification F0 to F2) to submit papers for presentation at the workshop. If you are interested, please send your abstract or preferably your complete paper to

The deadline for submissions is November 7, 2014.

Conference participants are expected to serve as discussants at the workshop. There is no registration fee. Unfortunately we are unable to offer financial assistance to participants.

Upon acceptance, you will be asked to book your travel and accommodation independently. The (optional) conference dinner will be held on Tuesday April 7 at a Sydney restaurant. The cost of this event will be approximately A$80-$100 per person.

If you have any further questions about the workshop, please e-mail Mark Melatos:

Permanent ATW webpage
2015 local ATW webpage


The Department of Economics and the Centre for Development Economics at the Delhi School of Economics will hold their annual conference, the ‘Winter School’, from December 15-17, 2014. The distinguished plenary speakers this year are Professors Tom Sargent (New York University), M. Scott Taylor (University of Calgary), and Michele Boldrin (Washington University in St Louis).

Paper submissions in all areas of economics are invited for the contributed sessions. Doctoral students and younger faculty are particularly encouraged to participate, although submissions from researchers of all vintages are welcome.

The submission deadline is September 14, 2014. Acceptance decisions will be intimated by October 14, 2014. Those interested must send a cover letter, CV and paper (all PDF files) to <>.

Organising Committee, DSE


Call For Papers: Deadline – 31 July 2014

CEPR Annual Conference on

Development Economics


London School of Economics

26-27 September 2014 

Scientific Organisers:
Oriana Bandiera (LSE and CEPR)
Robin Burgess (LSE and CEPR)
Chang-Tai Hsieh (Chicago and CEPR)
Gerard Padró i Miquel (LSE and CEPR)

The CEPR Annual Conference on Development Economics will take place at the London School of Economics, on 26 and 27 September 2014. The meeting will be held jointly with the Bureau for Research and Economic Analysis of Development (BREAD) and Policy Design and Evaluation Research in Developing Countries (PODER). Financial support for the conference is provided by PODER. The conference will occur directly after IGC Growth Week at the LSE which takes place 23-25 September.

We now invite submissions for this conference from interested researchers on any topic within the area of Development Economics. The deadline for submission is Thursday 31 July 2014. Only full-length papers will be considered.

CEPR can cover accommodation and travel according to the new CEPR guidelines for presenters and a limited number of participants. For PODER Team Members, Early Stage and Experienced Researchers, the reimbursement of travel costs will be handled by the local nodes. Some funding is also available for external participants.

Authors who are CEPR members can upload their submission on Authors who are not CEPR members can email their submission to . Please indicate in your email whether you will be able to cover your own travel and accommodation costs, or whether you will require funding from CEPR.

We are looking forward to a productive meeting in London.

With kind regards,

Oriana Bandiera, Robin Burgess, Chang-Tai Hsieh and Gerard Padró i Miquel

* This conference is partly funded by the European Commission’s FP7 Programme Marie Curie Actions ITN contract number 608108.

Click here to view the original call.

XII ELSNIT Annual Conference – IDB

The Euro-Latin Network on Integration and Trade (ELSNIT) is now accepting submissions of papers examining the impact of product market regulation on cross-border trade and investment and regional integration. The aim of the conference is to promote contributions from analysts and practitioners from different academic disciplines (economics, law, political science, business). Papers may focus on economic, institutional, or social dimensions of approaches to identifying and addressing the market-segmenting effects of regulatory policies, and may be empirical or normative.

The deadline for submissions is April 30, 2014.

Conference website

Barcelona Political Economy Summer School

The Barcelona Political Economy Summer School will be offered by the Barcelona Graduate School of Economics from June 30 to July 11, 2014. It is directed by Patricia Funk, Associate Professor of Economics at Universitat Pompeu Fabra. Professor Funk is a Barcelona GSE Affiliated Professor.

The Barcelona Political Economy Summer School offers courses on different topics in Political Economy and is taught by leading experts in the field. The courses cover theoretical and empirical aspects and are designed to provide students and researchers with knowledge of the most recent developments in the field. During the courses, instructors are available to discuss research ideas and projects with the program participants.

Barcelona Political Economy Summer School Website

Barcelona GSE Summer Forum – Call for Papers

The Barcelona GSE Summer Forum workshops will take place in Barcelona on June 9-27, 2014.

The Barcelona GSE Summer Forum is a series of independent workshops and policy events that cover the main fields of Economics. The objective of the Summer Forum is to bring top research leaders and young promising economists from around the globe to Barcelona to debate the present and future of the frontier of knowledge in Economics.

The 2014 Barcelona GSE Summer Forum will contain 22 workshops covering a wide range of topics:

Week 1 (June 9-13)

Bounded Rationality in Choice (June 9-10)
Organizers: Larbi Alaoui, Jose Apesteguía and Miguel-Angel Ballester.
Firms in the Global Economy (June 9-10)
Organizers: Julian di Giovanni, Christian Fons-Rosen and Carolina Villegas-Sánchez.
International Capital Flows (June 9-10)
Organizers: Fernando Broner, Alberto Martin, Andrés Neumeyer and Guido Sandleris.
Theoretical and Experimental Macroeconomics (June 9-10)
Organizers: John Duffy, Frank Heinemann, Rosemarie Nagel and Shyam Sunder.
Financial Intermediation, Risk and Liquidity (June 10-11)
Organizers: Xavier Freixas and José-Luis Peydró,
Advances in Micro Development Economics (June 11-12)
Organizers: Giacomo De Giorgi, Gianmarco León, Stephan Litschig, Rohini Pande and Alessandro Tarozzi.
Trade, Growth and Income Distribution (June 11-12)
Organizers: Alessandra Bonfiglioli, Gino Gancia and Giacomo Ponzetto.
Applied Industrial Organization (June 12-13)
Organizers: Susanna Esteban, Rosa Ferrer, Christian Michel, Helena Perrone and Carlos J. Serrano.
Asset Prices and the Business Cycle (June 12-13)
Organizers: Andrea Caggese, Alberto Martín, Ander Pérez Orive and Jaume Ventura.
Sorting: Theory and Estimation (June 12-13)
Organizers: Jan Eeckhout and Phillip Kircher.

Week 2 (June 16-20)

The Economic Analysis of Electoral Politics (June 16)
Organizers: Gianmarco León, Maria Petrova and Giacomo Ponzetto.
Information and Market Frictions (June 16-17)
Organizers: Christian Hellwig, Alessandro Pavan and Xavier Vives.
Migration (June 16-17)
Organizers: Lídia Farré, Jesús Fernández-Huertas, Ada Ferrer-i-Carbonell, Joan Llull and Francesc Ortega.
Towards Sustained Economic Growth: Geography, Demography and Institutions (June 16-17)
Organizers: Omar Licandro, Luigi Pascali and Yanos Zylberberg.
Children’s Health, Well-being, and Human Capital (June 17-18)
Organizers: Gabrielle Fack and Libertad González.
Economics of Science and Innovation (June 17-18)
Organizers: Albert Banal-Estañol, Inés Macho-Stadler and David Pérez-Castrillo.
Political Institutions (June 17-18)
Organizers: Carles Boix, Ruben Enikolopov, Patricia Funk and Stephan Litschig.
Understanding Civil Conflict (June 18-19)
Organizers: Laia Balcells, Joan-Maria Esteban, Laura Mayoral, Hannes Mueller and Debraj Ray.
Macro and Micro Perspectives on Taxation (June 19-20)
Organizers: Nezih Guner and Gustavo Ventura.
Learning in Macroeconomics and Finance (June 19-20)
Organizers: George Evans, Roger Guesnerie, Juan F. Jimeno, Albert Marcet, Ramon Marimon and Ho-Mou Wu.
Time Series Analysis in Macro and Finance (June 19-20)
Organizers: Majid Al-Sadoon, Christian Brownlees and Barbara Rossi.

Week 3 (June 23-27)

Statistics, Jump Processes and Malliavin Calculus: Recent Applications (June 25-27)
Organizers: Eulàlia Nualart

You can find more about each workshop (topics, dates, the call for papers etc.) at the Summer Forum’s Webpage.

To submit a paper, please use this Form The deadline for submissions is February 16 or February 26, 2014, depending on the workshop.


Click here for the original post.


2nd InsTED Workshop – Call for Papers

“Advances in the Theory and Empirics of
Institutions, Trade and Economic Development”

Hosted and Sponsored by
the Department of Economics, University of Oregon
Eugene, OR, 12-14 August 2014

Keynote Speakers:
Avinash Dixit (Princeton University)
Kamal Saggi (Vanderbilt University)

Chris Ellis (University of Oregon)
Ben Zissimos (University of Exeter)
Isleide Zissimos (Vanderbilt University)

Submission Deadline: March 28th 2014

To submit a paper or 3-page extended abstract, please e-mail your submission to

We are happy to consider submissions on topics at the union or intersection of institutions, international trade, and economic development.  In the spirit of a workshop, papers do not have to be complete.

The aim is to have 25-40 participants with no parallel sessions.

The workshop will take place at The Inn at the 5th with catering by Marché.

There is an attendance fee of US$160 – online payment will be available soon.

Paper sessions will end at mid-day on the 14th, and the plan is to offer participants the opportunity to golf, hike, or go on a wine tour that afternoon.

Jan Tinbergen European Peace Science Conference

23-25 JUNE 2014

We are pleased to announce that the 14th Jan Tinbergen European Peace Science Conference, annual meeting of NEPS, will be held on 23rd -25th June 2014 in the Hague at the International Institute of Social Studies, Kortenaerkade 2518, Den Haag, The Netherlands.

We welcome presentations that address any issue relating to peace and security broadly defined. As in the past, we strive for a multi-disciplinary program comprising contributions with a wide range of theoretical and methodological approaches, including strictly theoretical work, game theory and formal modeling, statistical and econometric analysis, qualitative studies, and experiments. Programs and lists of participants of previous editions are available below.

All abstracts (150-250 words) with a tentative title must be submitted by 31st January 2014.

PhD students are eligible for the Stuart A. Bremer Award. Eligible papers cannot be co-authored with a senior researcher. The winner is rewarded with a bursary to attend the conference of the Peace Science Society (International). If you are a PhD student, please mention your status. List of previous winners is available here.

Those who are interested in participating should submit their proposal including abstract, title, author’ s name(s), affiliation(s) to the following address:

Conference fees are: 80 for senior researchers (NEPS members), 110 euros for senior researchers (non-members), 50 euros for phd students (NEPS members), 60 euros for Phd students (non-members).

Proceedings of the conference will be published on Peace Economics Peace Science and Public Policy.

Click here for the original post.

ABCDE 2014 “The Role of Theory in Development Economics”: Call for Papers

The Annual Bank Conference on Development Economics (ABCDE), organized by the World Bank Development Economics (DEC) Vice Presidency, is one of the world’s best known series of conferences for the presentation and discussion of new knowledge on development. The conference aims to promote the exchange of cutting-edge research among researchers, policymakers, and development practitioners. The next conference will take place on June 2-3, 2014, at World Bank Headquarters in Washington, D.C.  The theme of the conference will be “The Role of Theory in Development Economics”.

The ABCDE Organizing Committee is issuing a call for papers on innovative ways that analytical and deductive methods, as well as issues of methodology such as the use of randomizations, can be used in development. The selected papers will be presented as the main sessions of the conference agenda. Possible topics include:

  • Poverty and Social Protection
  • Behavioral Economics
  • Human Development
  • Role of Social Norms
  • Environment
  • Macroeconomics
  • Trade
  • Finance

Papers that do not fit into these categories, but are related to the main conference theme, are also welcome.

Those interested should submit a draft paper or a two-page proposal by midnight Eastern Standard Time (EST) on February 21, 2014 (email ). The proposal should include the title of the paper, author(s), affiliation, and contact information, and should address the main question(s) to be examined, relevant literature, unique contribution to the literature, and methodology to be employed. Selected conference papers will be included in a special issue of theWorld Bank Economic Review along the lines of the AER Papers and Proceedings.

The Organizing Committee will evaluate all proposals in terms of originality, analytical rigor, and policy relevance. In addition to the papers selected for the main sessions of the conference, some papers will be selected for a poster presentation session. Authors of accepted proposals will be contacted by March 21, 2014.

For authors of selected papers, travel and accommodation expenses for the conference will be covered. Partial financial support will be provided for papers selected for the poster session. Additional information on the overall conference program will be posted on the ABCDE website over the coming months.

Organizing Committee:  Kaushik Basu (World Bank, Chair), Asli Demirgüç-Kunt (World Bank), Andrew Foster (Brown University), Garance Genicot (Georgetown University), Indermit Gill (World Bank), and  Yaw Nyarko (New York University).

Conference Coordinator: Leita Jones ().

Click here for original post

Royal Economic Society Conference 2014 in Manchester

* Deadline for the submission of papers: 13 October 2013.  This must be done via the link available at

* Deadline for the submission of special session proposals: 3 November 2013.  These should be sent to the Programme Chair at the e-mail address below and should include a short description of the intended session along with the proposed list of contributors (typically three/four, perhaps including the proposer) and indicative paper titles.


The conference has a line-up of distinguished keynote speakers:

* David Autor (MIT) will deliver the EJ lecture;

* Sendhil Mullainathan (Harvard) will deliver the Hahn lecture;

* Hélène Rey (LBS) will deliver the Sargan lecture.


Further information about the conference, including details of financial assistance for PhD students, is available via .  Authors of papers accepted for presentation at the 2014 RES conference will be entitled to submit their papers for possible publication in the associated conference issue of the Economic Journal.