Call for Papers: The 16th Annual GEP Postgraduate Conference 2017

University of Nottingham, United Kingdom
4th – 5th May 2017

The 16th GEP Postgraduate Conference will take place on 4th – 5th May 2017 at the University of Nottingham. The Conference provides a forum for the dissemination of student research relating to issues of Globalisation and Economic Policy from both theoretical and empirical perspectives. These areas include Foreign Direct Investment, Trade, Productivity, Economics of the MNEs, Migration and Labour Market Adjustment.
The objective of the Conference is to bring together a number of PhD students and postdoctoral researchers to discuss their own research ideas with established researchers in a relaxed atmosphere. The conference is open to graduate students and post-docs. Speakers will be selected on the basis of submitted papers or an extended abstract. (Preference will, however, be given to papers.)
Applicants must submit their CV, a letter of support from their PhD supervisor (sent separately by email; this is not required for post-docs) and the paper to be presented. If a full paper is not yet available, please include a detailed abstract, providing clearly the motivation for the work, the relationship to the literature, the method used and the expected results.Every paper accepted will be assigned a discussant who will present and comment on the paper. Therefore, those who are invited to present a paper are expected to deliver a complete paper before the Conference.

Applications must be sent by e-mail to:
Dr Alejandro Riaño

Deadline for submission: 19th February 2017
Keynote speaker: Natalie Chen (University of Warwick and CEPR)

There is a £180 registration fee to contribute towards costs which includes up to two nights’ accommodation (3rd and 4th May).

Best Paper Prize
The organising committee will award a prize of ₤100 to the best paper presented at the Conference.

Further information
Further information on the Conference can be found at:

Workshop “Finance and Development“

Financial systems have developed rapidly in many developing countries. These changes increase the need for research into their effects in developing countries, especially with a focus on individual responses. To this end DIW Berlin will host a workshop on the topic of “Finance and Development” to be held in Berlin on May 4 in the afternoon and full day May 5, 2017. The workshop will last 1.5 days and there will be no parallel sessions. We ask for contributions towards the workshop with a particular focus on, but not exclusive to:

– Household finance in developing countries
– Individual responses to changes in financial institutions
– Financial literacy
– Microfinance
– Financial inclusion
– SME finance
– Capital flows and its impact on SME finance

Decisions of participation will be made by the program committee, which consists of Laura Alfaro (Harvard Business School) also providing the keynote address, Thorsten Beck (Cass Business School), Martin Brown (University St.Gallen), Robert Lensink (University Groningen), Lukas Menkhoff (DIW Berlin), Ugo Panizza (Graduate Institute Geneva) and Bilal Zia (World Bank). Please send full papers together with your name and affiliation to by February 5th 2017. Notices of acceptance will be given by March 2nd. In case of questions please don’t hesitate to contact Anja Kegel at the same email address.

Second World Congress of Comparative Economics “1917 –2017: Revolution and Evolution in Economic Development”

Conference Dates: Jun 15, 2017 to Jun 17, 2017
Deadline for paper submissions: Jan 15, 2017
Deadline for participant registration: Monday, May 1, 2017

The European Association for Comparative Economic Studies (EACES), The Association for Comparative Economic Studies (ACES), The Japanese Association for Comparative Economic Studies (JACES) and The Korean Association for Comparative Economic Studies (KACES) in collaboration with the Italian Association for Comparative Economic Studies (AISSEC), The Society for the Study of Emerging Markets (SSEM), The Chinese Economists Society (CES), The European Association for Evolutionary Political Economy (EAEPE)  and other scientific associations and networks invite you to submit proposals for  panel sessions and individual papers for the Second World Congress of Comparative Economics in St. Petersburg on June 15-17, 2017.

The Second World Congress of Comparative Economics will be held at National Research University Higher School of Economics (HSE University, St. Petersburg, Russia), June 15 – 17, 2017, following the first successful meeting in Rome in 2015. It is expected that the congress will bring together about 300 – 350 academics and experts from around the world to discuss a broad spectrum of economics issues in a comparative perspective, both at micro and macro level of analysis.

The Congress will include plenary sessions, workshops, as well as the editors’ panel and special events. There will also be a small exhibition area which will give participants the opportunity to meet with vendors who specialize in providing e-resources.

Keynote Speakers

  • Gerard Roland (University of California, Berkeley, USA);
  • Alexander Auzan (Moscow State University, Russia).

Topic Areas for Submission

Sessions (parallels and plenaries) and round tables of the Congress will be devoted  to a broad spectrum of theoretical and empirical contributions on the following topics:

  • institutional design and institutional dynamics;
  • catching up, cyclical development and structural transformation;
  • macroeconomic stability and macroeconomic policies;
  • development of financial and banking sector;
  • labor market and industrial relations;
  • human capital development;
  • industrial organization;
  • issues of regional development;
  • international trade and trade policy;
  • migration and foreign direct investment;
  • issues of international economic integration;
  • economic history.

The above list is not exhaustive and all submissions broadly related to the topic of socio-economic development and policy will be considered.

The Editors’ Panel

The Editors’ Panel will be chaired by Ali M. Kutan (Distinguished Research Professor of Economics and Finance, Department of Economics and Finance, Southern Illinois University Edwardsville; Editor, Emerging Markets Finance and Trade; Co- Editor, Economic Systems). It aims to provide attendees with an opportunity to meet, interact with, and hear the views of journal editors from leading international journals. This panel is targeted toward active researchers interested in learning about possible publication opportunities. Each invited editor will have an opportunity to present their journal, its aims, scope, and submission guidelines.

Special Issues

Papers presented at the Second World Congress of Comparative Economics are eligible, if accepted, for publication in special issues of partner journals listed below. Supporting publications confirmed for now are: Comparative Economic Studies, Review of Industrial Organization, Eastern European Economics, Emerging Markets Finance and Trade, Russian Management Journal, Russian Journal of Economics, and Public Administration Issues.

Working language: English.

Local organizer of the 2nd WCCE is National Research University Higher School of Economics in St. Petersburg (HSE University, St. Petersburg).


For any questions about programme, submission or further information please contact the Local Organizing Committee at

CESifo Venice Summer Institute 2017

The CESifo Venice Summer Institute, held annually in co-operation with Venice International University, focuses on themes of current interest in European and global economic policy. The eighteenth CESifo Venice Summer Institute will be held from 12 – 17 June 2017 on the island of San Servolo, in the bay of Venice, and will comprise 5 workshops. The respective call for papers for each of the five workshops can be   downloaded from the CESifo Venice Summer Institute webpage (

Online submissions only are accepted. Should you have any (technical) difficulties with the online submission procedure, please contact for assistance.

The deadline for submissions is December 19, 2016.Authors of papers that are accepted for presentation at a workshop will be notified by the end of February 2017.

The workshops are as follows:

12 -13 June 2017:

Organisers: Thomas Crossley, Hamish Low, and Joachim Winter
Keynote speakers: Erik Hurst, University of Chicago, and Luigi Pistaferri, Stanford University
Organisers: Zeno Enders and Gernot Müller
Keynote Speakers: Barry Eichengreen, University of California, Berkeley, and Charles Engel, University of Wisconsin-Madison
14-15 June 2017:
Organisers: Toke Aidt, Kai Konrad, and Dan Kovenock
Keynote Speakers: Dominic Rohner, University of Lausanne, and James D. Fearon, Stanford University
Organisers: Tobias Seidel, Jens Suedekum, Maximilian von Ehrlich
Keynote Speakers: Patrick Kline, University of California, Berkeley, and Henry Overman, London School of Economics
16-17 June 2017:


Organisers: David R. Agrawal, and William H. Hoyt
Keynote Speakers: Andreas Haufler, University of Munich, and Henrik Kleven, London School of Economics

Conference: Highly skilled migration in the labour market: Brain waste or brain gain?

We are seeking paper presentations on highly skilled migrants and brain waste in the (European) labour market for the annual IMISCOE conference in Rotterdam, 28 – 30 June 2017. Please submit abstracts by 1 December 2016.

Topic and Scope
Highly skilled migration is a major phenomenon in a globalized world. The international mobility of talent has important implications for source and destination countries. To date, most studies have focused on the so-called brain drain (i.e. human capital emigration from developing countries). Recent research, however, has increasingly emphasized the phenomenon of brain waste: the underutilization of migrant education and skills in the host country. Such a labour market mismatch is often referred to as over-education (also referred to as over-qualification, over-schooling or surplus schooling. The term educational mismatch is broader; it covers both over- and under-education. Under-education occurs when workers have lower levels of education than is required for their job.). Consider the example of a migrant scientist who works as a taxi driver.

We are seeking innovative quantitative papers that examine the (different) reasons and consequences of brain waste, including contributions to better measurement of skills mismatch, either in vertical or horizontal terms. Possible research questions are the propensity of immigrants to become self-employed as a result of mismatch, their propensity to (re-) migrate due to mismatch, or their likelihood to send remittances. We particularly welcome papers that fully account for the gender dimension of brain waste.

Furthermore, the current literature does not adequately address the question of the skills mismatch a migrant would have experienced – if any – if he or she stayed in the country of origin. Notions of brain drain, and brain waste should ideally take into consideration these counterfactuals. After all, the migrant scientist working as a taxi driver may not have found adequate employment in the country of origin.

IMISCOE Annual Conference, 28 – 30 June 2017, Rotterdam

See for further information.

All presenters will have to register for the conference and are given the opportunity to join the IMISCOE network (€200).

Please submit your abstract online at Deadline: 1 December 2016. Results will be announced by 15 December 2016.

Abstracts of maximum 200 words should include a clear research question, information on data and methods, as well as (expected) results.

WINIR Symposium on Ludwig Lachmann

The legacy of Ludwig Lachmann
Interdisciplinary perspectives on institutions, agency and uncertainty

Third WINIR Symposium
11-13 April 2017
University of the Witwatersrand
Johannesburg, South Africa

Ludwig M. Lachmann (1906-1990) was an outstanding social scientist whose achievements ranged across a number of disciplines, including economics, sociology, law and philosophy. Well known for his work on Max Weber, his analysis of the limitations of equilibrium economics, and his contributions to the development of Austrian economics, Lachmann’s legacy revolves around three central themes: radical subjectivism, hermeneutics and human agency; market process and legal order; capital theory and macroeconomics.

To celebrate Lachmann’s life and work, WINIR is holding a Symposium at his former university in South Africa. Submissions on any of the above topics, or any other topic related to Lachmann’s research, are welcome. Papers can be supportive or critical of Lachmann’s views. The Symposium will use Lachmann’s work as a point of departure to generate a wide-ranging discussion of the relations between uncertainty, agency and institutions.

Keynotes lectures will be given by:

Deirdre N. McCloskey (University of Illinois at Chicago)
Richard N. Langlois (University of Connecticut & University of the Witwatersrand)
Virgil H. Storr (George Mason University)

Abstract submissions (300 words max.) from any discipline and theoretical approach are welcome.

Submissions will be evaluated by the WINIR Scientific Quality Committee: Bas van Bavel (Utrecht, history), Simon Deakin (Cambridge, law), Geoff Hodgson (Hertfordshire, economics), Uskali Mäki (Helsinki, philosophy), Katharina Pistor (Columbia, law), Sven Steinmo (EUI, politics), Wolfgang Streeck (Max Planck Institute Cologne, sociology), Linda Weiss (Sydney, politics).

Conference Dates: Apr 11, 2017 to Apr 13, 2017
Deadline for paper submissions: Nov 30, 2016
Deadline for participant registration: Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Further information:

Call for Papers 27th International Conference The International Trade and Finance Association

Theme:  Leading Issues in International Trade and Finance

May 31 – JUNE 3, 2017

Poznan University of Economics and Business
Poznan, Poland

The 27th International Conference of the International Trade and Finance Association will be held in Poznan, Poland, May 31 – June 3 (Wednesday to Saturday), 2017.  We are delighted that Poznan University of Economics and Business is hosting the 2017 conference.


The general theme of the Conference will be the “Leading Issues in International Trade and Finance,” and the conference will consist of regular competitive sessions as well as plenary sessions dealing with high-profile issues.

IT&FA is a multi-disciplinary association, and welcomes scholars and professionals from economics and finance, marketing and management, law, communications and other disciplines with an interest in globalization and the global economy.

We invite proposals on all aspects of international trade and finance, including such emerging issues as cyber security and economic warfare, digital free trade and e-commerce, intellectual property protections, and trade in various services. In light of the overall conference theme, participants are encouraged to propose papers examining the past and considering the future prospects of issues involving the Trans Pacific Partnership, the WTO, the European Union, and other international institutions, negotiations, and agreements.

As in the past, IT&FA seeks papers on trade policy, exchange rates, investments and capital flows, banking, migration, tourism, communications, transportation, governance and law, and management and marketing.  Industry-specific studies are welcome (such as agriculture, retail, textiles, and entertainment), as are proposals dealing with multilateral, regional, and national issues impacting international trade and finance.  Theoretical, conceptual and empirical papers are also invited.

Poznan, Poland

Poznan is one of Poland’s largest and oldest cities. The recount of its fascinating history (that can be traced back to the Stone Age).

Poznan, Poland sports an array of attractions that range from the beautiful and historic Old Market Square to the natural beauty of Wielkopolska National Park, which is located approximately 15km south of Poznan. Visitors to this region will find a variety of restaurants and entertainment options to satisfy their preferences.


IT&FA is offering a special, discounted registration fee of $300 to all participants who submit initial registration materials and abstracts by January 31, 2017. The late registration fee is $350. This fee will cover registration and an opening reception, two lunches, coffee breaks, one banquet, and one-year’s membership in IT&FA. The conference will open with a reception on Wednesday, May 31, hold sessions on Thursday and Friday, including a banquet on Friday evening, and conclude with final sessions or a group event on Saturday, June 3. Those planning to depart on Sunday, June 4, will have time to investigate the unique circumstances that connect Poland to the evolving global economy. These include important European history, world-class cultural beautiful parks, and shopping.

IT&FA seeks both proposals for individual papers and for complete sessions. Complete sessions should have three to four papers. In the case of multiple authors for a paper, at least one author must register for the conference. No participant will be permitted to present more than two papers.


November 1, 2016, to January 31, 2017 – Registration Materials and Abstracts submitted for Peer Review

February 15, 2017 – Notification of Acceptance by this date

March 31, 2017 – Payment of Registration Fee Due

April 16, 2017 – Deadline for Hotel Registrations

May 1, 2017 – Conference schedule posted online

May 31 to June 3, 2017 – Conference convenes at Poznan University

For additional registration information and updates, please see the association website:   If you have any questions, please contact

Prof. Sarah K. Bryant, the Executive Vice President, at .

Call for Papers: 12th Australasian Trade Workshop

School of Economics and Finance, Queensland University of Technology
18‐19 March 2017

The School of Economics and Finance at QUT will host the 12th Australasian Trade Workshop on 18‐19 March 2017. The keynote speakers for this year will be Jota Ishikawa (Hitotsubashi) and Udo Kreickemeier (TU Dresden).

We invite colleagues in this field (JEL-Classification F0 to F2) to submit papers for presentation at the workshop. If you are interested, please send your abstract or preferably your complete paper (in .pdf format) to .

The deadline for submissions is November 1, 2016.

Conference participants are expected to serve as discussants at the workshop. There is no registration fee. Unfortunately we are unable to offer financial assistance to participants. Upon acceptance, you will be asked to book your travel and accommodation independently.

If you have any further questions about the workshop, please e-mail Takae Warwick at  or Pascalis Raimondos at .


2017 InsTED / Sao Paulo School of Economics-FGV Workshop

4th InsTED Workshop on “Advances in Institutions, Trade and Economic Development”

joint with

9th Sao Paulo School of Economics Conference Series on “Trade & Labor and other Institutions”

The workshop will take place at Sao Paulo School of Economics-FGV, Brazil, May 17th-18th 2017.  Sponsorship by the Swiss Programme for Research on Global Issues for Development and the “Firms, Markets and Values” cluster, University of Exeter Business School, is gratefully acknowledged.

Keynote speakers:

Amit Khandelwal (Columbia Business School)

Gianmarco Ottaviano (London School of Economics)

Scott Taylor (University of Calgary)

We invite submissions at the intersection or union of institutions, international trade and economic development.  Topics could include, but are not limited to, the role of labor market institutions or financial institutions in international trade and/or economic development, the role of international institutions such as the WTO or the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, and the impact of political institutions such as democracy or dictatorship on international trade and/or economic development.

Submission deadline for paper or 3 page abstract: February 28th 2017.

Please send your submission to  with the subject line “InsTED / Sao Paulo School Submission”.

We will cover travel and accommodation expenses for those presenting at the conference (economy class air travel and 3 nights in a hotel).  Additional information will be posted on the InsTED website over the coming months.

Organizers: Emanuel Ornelas (Sao Paulo School of Economics-FGV), Vladimir Ponczek (Sao Paulo School of Economics-FGV), Ben Zissimos (Exeter) and Isleide Zissimos (Exeter)

   Logo 3 Swiss Programme Image  Exeter Business School logoSPSE FGV logo


Call For Papers – Asian Development Bank Conference on Economic Development (ACED): Entrepreneurship, Firm Dynamics, and New Technologies

January 9-10, 2017, Manila

Organized by the Economic Research and Regional Cooperation Department of the Asian Development Bank (ADB), the ADB Conference on Economic Development (ACED), aims to promote the exchange of new research and ideas among researchers, policymakers, and development practitioners on significant and emerging topics in economic development.

The theme of the next ACED conference will be “Entrepreneurship, Firm Dynamics, and New Technologies”. Confirmed presenters include: Chang-Tai Hsieh (University of Chicago); Mark Roberts (Penn State), Christopher Woodruff (University of Warwick), and Daniel Xu (Duke University).

TOPICS: We invite submissions of unpublished papers on the following suggested topics, especially as they relate to economies in Asia. Submissions that examine the empirical or theoretical links between entrepreneurship, the adoption and diffusion of digital technologies, and firm management and performance based on experiences from Asian economies will be of particular interest:
– Effects of new technologies (e.g. digital) on firm organization and performance
– Evaluation of policies (e.g. trade tariffs on computers/hardware, licensing, infrastructure investments) that alter diffusion of technologies and its effects on firms
– Usage of new technologies in firm operations
– Micro-level analysis of technology diffusion (including adoption and spillovers)
– Ownership and innovation protection in the digital age
– Evaluation of policies for promoting entrepreneurship and firm dynamism

PAPER SUBMISSION PROCEDURE: Interested authors should submit a draft paper or a two-page proposal by 15 September 2016 to Mr. Yi Jiang and Ms. Glennie Amoranto (email:; with ACED2017_Submission_[your last name]” in the email’s subject line. The proposal should include the title of the paper, author(s), affiliation, and contact information, and should address the main question(s) to be examined, relevant literature, unique contribution to the literature, and methodology to be employed.

Proposals will be evaluated in terms of originality, analytical rigor, and policy relevance in the Asian context. Authors of accepted proposals will be contacted by October 15, 2016. ADB will cover registration, flight and hotel costs for one presenter of every accepted paper.