Call for Proposals: International Growth Center (IGC)

We are pleased to open our call for proposals, across our four research themes: State; Firms; Energy; and Cities. Core research questions and priorities for each theme can be accessed here. Applicants are strongly encouraged to review these focus areas before preparing their applications.The IGC strongly encourages proposals for research projects implemented in any of our 15 partner countries in Africa and South Asia.

Projects in India

As a result of India’s economic growth over the last few years, DFID, our principal  donor, has changed its aid relationship with the country. Due to these policy changes, we are now able to only fund research in India that is of exceptionally high quality and has the potential to impact global academic and policy frontiers. Projects that focus on specific policy initiatives within India, whose findings cannot be broadly applied to global challenges, will not be considered. We therefore expect to apply tighter criteria, and commission significantly fewer projects in India, than we have in the past.

Project durations

Our current contract with our principal  donor terminates in December 2018. While we are confident of securing additional funds that will ensure the continuation of the program beyond that date, we are contractually obligated to only commission research projects that will be completed and produce a final deliverable by December 2018. This is an opportunity for researchers to submit proposals for projects that have either early impact, or that test proof-of-concepts for larger interventions. We also encourage analysis on secondary/existing datasets, which can produce a paper in a relatively short time. Please keep this in mind as you design your projects.

The IGC offers several benefits along with funding, such as:

  • Joining our global network of top researchers and policymakers
  • In-country teams who can facilitate engagement between researchers and policymakers, to generate ideas and build the policy impacts of research
  • Access to local and international datasets

To apply, please visit the ‘How to Apply’ section

Our process

The IGC funds its research through its two core funding streams, the Research Programme and the Country Programmes. This is a biannual call for proposals which encompasses both programmes. The Research Programme is primarily focused on the production of cutting-edge and policy-relevant academic research that goes towards informing effective policymaking in developing countries. The Country Programme is focused on tailoring top-quality research with the specific policy needs of the IGC’s partner countries.

Given the overlapping aims of the Research and Country Programmes, many proposals may be eligible for funding from either programme. Decisions on which programme will fund a particular proposal are made centrally at the IGC.

Submitted proposals are assessed against the following criteria:

  • Innovation: extent to which the proposed research contributes to knowledge creation by expanding and or strengthening the relevant literature on growth and development.
  • Policy relevance: reflects the importance of the policy target and both current and planned engagement with relevant policymakers.
  • Quality and composition of research team
  • Contribution to local capacity
  • Value for money: expected research and policy impact relative to costs.

All funding is centrally decided. Proposals are first graded by the relevant IGC Research and Country Programme Teams, with final assessment by a Commissioning Board that meets in March 2017. Applicants will be notified in April 2017.

Assistant or Associate Professor in Economics, Universidad de Santiago de Chile

The Department of Economics at Universidad de Santiago de Chile (USACH) and the Centre for Experimental Social Sciences (CESS) USACH-Oxford (Nuffield College) invite applications for four full-time faculty positions at the rank of assistant or associate professor.
A Doctoral Degree either in Economics or Finance is required. Candidates must have an active research agenda.
The Department of Economics will consider all fields (microeconomics, macroeconomics, econometrics, economic history, etc.), and preference will be given to candidates with a strong publication record. Applicants are expected to be able to teach in Spanish within two years
The Centre for Experimental Social Sciences (CESS) is looking for candidates specialized in Behavioral Economics, with experience in lab-experiments. The position will be based in Santiago, Chile.
The application should include cover letter, CV, one research paper and three letters of reference. Universidad de Santiago de Chile requires that all applicants send their applications to:. Please email   if you have any questions. The department is planning to open the positions in 2017.
Universidad de Santiago de Chile, founded in 1849, is one of the leading research universities in Chile; its main campus is located in downtown Santiago, Chile.

URL for Online Application:

Assistant Professor, University of Vienna

The Economics Department at the University of Vienna invites applications for six positions at the assistant professor level (“University Assistant”) in the following fields:

  • Two Positions in Macroeconomics, ID No. 7036
  • Three Positions in Applied Economics, ID No.7037
  • One Position in Applied Microeconomics, ID No.7038

For the six positions we welcome empirical, experimental, or theoretical approaches. The contracts are for 6 years. Applicants should have completed (or should be close to completing) a PhD in economics. Knowledge of German is an asset, but not required. The University of Vienna is an equal opportunity employer and aims at increasing the number of female faculty members. Therefore, it particularly encourages qualified women to apply. Information about the Department of Economics can be found on the website at  We will also be interviewing at the Spanish job market (SAEe 2016, December 15-17, 2016, Bilbao).

Applications should include a curriculum vitae detailing the candidate’s education, teaching experience, list of publications, and a letter of motivation. Moreover, the application should include up to two selected papers. Three letters of reference should be sent by the referees directly to Ms. Sandra Weissenboeck ().
Candidates should send all application material in a single pdf or zip file to Ms. Sandra Weissenboeck (). The application must specify the corresponding Identification Number(s).

Deadline: November 25, 2016.

If you need further information, please contact Ms. Sandra Weissenboeck at .

Associate Professorship(s) in Economics – Department of Economics, University of Copenhagen

The Department of Economics, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Copenhagen, invites applications for one or more positions as Associate Professor in Economics. The Department of Economics has a strong international research profile and a vibrant and dynamic research and teaching environment. The new staff is expected to contribute actively to the advance of this environment.

The position(s) is/are available from February 1st, 2017, but a later start is also possible.
Situated in the heart of Copenhagen, the Department of Economics is a highly research-orientated department within Denmark’s premier University. The Department is one of the leading economics departments in Europe and offers courses at Bachelors, Master’s and PhD levels.
Appointment as Associate Professor requires research and teaching qualifications at the level that can be achieved by satisfactorily completing a period of employment at the level of assistant professor or equivalent.
Job description
General duties attached to the position as Associate Professor are:
  • Research within the field of Economics
  • Teaching, supervision and examination of undergraduate, post-graduate  and Ph.D students
  • Administrative tasks
  • Dissemination of knowledge to society
  • Research and teaching management
  • Fundraising
 For additional information about associate professorships, see: “Job Structure for Academic Staff at Universities 2013”, which is found at:  (Associate Professorships, see 3.1.A).
Conditions of employment
Terms of employment will be in accordance with the agreement between the Danish Ministry of Finance and the Danish Confederation of Professional Associations (AC). The annual salary as Associate Professor is currently DDK 449,700 (EUR 60,500 app.). In addition to the salary paid directly to you, the University will also pay a monthly contribution to the pension fund corresponding to 17.1 % of your salary. Negotiation for additional supplements will be possible. A special tax scheme is offered to researchers recruited from abroad, see
Applications must be in English and must include the following information and documentation:
•A full CV, including name, address, telephone number, e-mail, previous and present employment and academic background including a record of research and international
research cooperation.
•A complete and numbered list of publications. The publications enclosed in the application – maximum 6 – that the applicant would like the assessment committee to consider should be marked with an asterisk (*).
•Documentation of experience with management of research groups (if any) and received external grants (if any).
•Teaching portfolio in accordance with the Faculty’s rules:
•Documentation of the ability to disseminate information to and share knowledge with society at large.
The parts must be clearly labeled with the above-mentioned numbers.
If publications marked by an asterisk (*) are the result of joint work, the extent and the nature of the applicant’s contribution to each individual publication must be clarified in the application, and if possible, a declaration from the co-authors or the head of the institution or office at which the work was completed should be enclosed as well.
Applications that do not meet the requirements listed above will not be taken into consideration.
Application procedure
 After the expiry of the deadline for applications, applicants are selected for assessment on the advice of the Appointments Committee. All applicants are then immediately notified whether their application has been passed for assessment by an expert assessment committee. Selected applicants are notified of the composition of the committee and each applicant has the opportunity to comment on the part of the assessment that relates to the applicant him/herself. You can read about the recruitment process at 
The University of Copenhagen wishes to encourage everyone interested in the positions to apply, regardless of personal background.
Additional information can be obtained from Head of Department, Christian Schultz, phone +45 35 32 30 39, e-mail: 
Information about the Department can be found at
The deadline for applications including enclosures is 14 November, 2016 (at midnight 23.59 Danish Time).
Please note that it is only possible to upload one document per attachment category. If more than one document has to be uploaded in the same category, please make sure that the documents are scanned and collected in one file.
Applications received after deadline will not be taken into account.
Please note: Applications sent by regular mail will not be accepted.


Part of the International Alliance of Research Universities (IARU), and among Europe’s top-ranking universities, the University of Copenhagen promotes research and teaching of the highest international standard. Rich in tradition and modern in outlook, the University gives students and staff the opportunity to cultivate their talent in an ambitious and informal environment. An effective organisation – with good working conditions and a collaborative work culture – creates the ideal framework for a successful academic career.

Assistant or Associate Professor, International Political Economy

The School of Global Policy and Strategy at UC San Diego invites applications for an advanced tenure-track Assistant Professor or Associate Professor position in the area of international political economy to begin July 1, 2017.

Applicants should be PhD graduates in economics or political science with an established record of scholarly productivity. The successful candidate will have a background in the field of political economy with a focus on international issues and mastery of theoretical methods and modelling. GPS has a special interest in candidates whose range of teaching is relevant for professional master’s students in public policy and international affairs. Applicants must have already completed a PhD.

The School of Global Policy and Strategy at UC San Diego is committed to academic excellence and diversity within the faculty, staff and student body. Preferred candidates should demonstrate the highest standards of professional research, teaching, and service and contribute to our commitment to diversity, equity and inclusion in higher education.

Salary is commensurate with qualifications and based on University of California pay scales.

Review of applications will begin November 20, 2016 and continue until the position is filled.

To Apply:

Candidates for the Assistant Professor position should submit: a curriculum vitae; three writing samples; a personal statement that includes a description of research, training, and teaching; and a summary of past or potential contributions to diversity (see; and three (3) letters of reference.

Candidates for the Associate Professor position should submit: a curriculum vitae; three writing samples; a personal statement that includes a description of research, training, and teaching; and a summary of past or potential contributions to diversity (see; and three (3) letters of reference.

All applicant materials including reference information should be submitted via UCSD Academic Personnel On-Line:

The University of California is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, disability, age or protected veteran status.

Modigliani Research Grant

It’s now open the call for the 7th Modigliani Research Grant competition. The Modigliani Research Grant aims to support academic research in Europe as well as to reinforce the cooperation among universities.

The competition is open to young researchers of any nationality employed at any European universities within UniCredit perimeter.

The Foundation offers 3 grants for research projects in the fields of economics and finance.

Each grant is worth €10,000 per year (gross of taxes) and shall be awarded for a maximum duration of two years.

Applications must be submitted via the link “Apply now” here below no later than 15 November 2016.The winners, selected by the Scientific Committee, will be announced by February 15,  2017.

For further details on the requirements and admission procedure, download the announcement.

Job Opportunity: Assistant Professor, Brazilian School of Public and Business Administration, Getulio Vargas Foundation, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

The Brazilian School of Public and Business Administration (EBAPE) at Getulio Vargas Foundation (FGV) invites applications for positions at the Assistant Professor level (full time tenure track) in Applied Economics, Economic Policy, Labor Economics, Development Economics, and International Economics with a starting date of September 2017.

JOB DESCRIPTION/QUALIFICATIONS: The candidate must hold a PhD or be a PhD candidate from an internationally recognized research-oriented school. The candidate should demonstrate evidence that s/he is able to conduct research leading to top-tier publications. Candidates are also expected to teach at the graduate and undergraduate levels. Neither Brazilian citizenship nor knowledge of Portuguese language is required. Classes can be taught in English only. FGV-EBAPE is strongly committed at fostering a high-quality research environment. To achieve this goal, the school offers an internationally competitive package in terms of salary, teaching load, and research budget.

ABOUT FGV AND EBAPE: Founded in 1944, Fundação Getulio Vargas (FGV) is a world-renowned center for high-quality education and research in Brazil. It hosts eight schools, five in Rio and three in Sao Paulo, and two research institutes. FGV is a private university that is considered the leading think-tank in Central and Latin America and was recently voted 13th best think-tank in the world. EBAPE is the school of administration in Rio de Janeiro. It was established in 1952 and offers undergraduate and graduate programs. The MSc & PhD programs are offered in English. In 2013 and 2014, it was voted the leading school of administration in Brazil by the Brazilian Ministry of Education and in 2014 it obtained the EQUIS accreditation. EBAPE is located at Praia de Botafogo 190, just a short taxi ride away from world’s famous Sugar Loaf. In recent years, EBAPE has become the Brazilian port of entry for prominent scholars who wish to conduct cutting-edge research in business and public administration. The school successfully hired researchers in different areas of business and public administration from leading universities in the United States and Europe (Princeton, UC Berkeley, Rutgers University, University of Washington, Erasmus University Rotterdam, Tilburg University, Goethe University Frankfurt). The school expects to continue this hiring trend in the future. The Center of Behavioral Research in Rio (CBR) and the Center for Banking and Finance Research in Rio (CBFR) promote cutting edge international research and serve as forum for knowledge transfer and collaboration between academics and practitioners. The faculty at EBAPE is highly international, regularly presents at international conferences and publishes in the leading academic journals.

Application Deadline: December 1, 2016; Interview Dates: January 6-7, 2017

INQUIRIES: Prof. Dr. Lars Norden, Email:

APPLICATION PROCEDURE: The application package is expected to contain: 1. Introduction letter, 2. CV, 3. Two to three reference letters (for rookies), 4. Job market paper (for rookies) and up to 2 additional published articles/working papers. Selected candidates will be contacted by email. Consideration of candidates will begin immediately and will continue until the position is filled. Applicants who would like to be interviewed at the AEA meetings in Chicago (January 6-7, 2017) should submit, before December 1, 2016, their CV, research papers, and at least three reference letters to: CONTACT: FGV-EBAPE Adriana Carneiro, Email: Only electronic applications will be considered.

Employer Website URL

Job Opportunity: Assistant Professor in Economics

The Department of Economics of Università Bocconi, Milan, Italy ( invites applications for tenure-track positions at the junior faculty level in ANY FIELD of Economics. The appointment will start in September 2017.
Candidates will be interviewed at the 2017 ASSA meetings in Chicago and may subsequently be invited to give a job talk at Bocconi.
Contracts will run for up to eight years (with one paid sabbatical year and subject to renewal after the first three years). There is the possibility of promotion to a tenured position by the end of that period or before.
Knowledge of Italian is not required. Responsibilities include teaching and, most importantly, productivity in research. Applicants should have – or be close to completing – a Ph.D. and will have demonstrated strong potential in research and teaching.
Compensation and teaching load will be competitive with other top European academic institutions.
Application must be submitted online at:
Letters of reference should be uploaded on the EconJobMarket website
Applications should be received by December 1, 2016.

Job Opportunity: Assistant Professorships (non tenure-track) in all fields

The Economics Department at the University of Munich (LMU) invites applications for several Assistant Professorships (non tenure-track) in all fields.

Applicants are expected to show outstanding commitment to research and must have obtained a PhD when taking up the position.

The positions carry a limited teaching load of one course per semester. Teaching can be in English. The positions can be filled for one to six years.

Assistant professors are independent faculty members and have their own research budget. The department provides a vibrant environment for junior faculty, has strong international ties, and a widely recognized graduate school.

Applications should include a CV, three letters of recommendation and one recent research paper. The review of applications begins November 25, 2016 and the search continues until the positions are filled.

Members of the department will be available at the ASSA Meeting in Chicago to meet interested candidates.


Applications must be submitted on-line via:

Job Opportunity: Assistant Professor in Development Economics

Applications are welcome for a position as Assistant Professor in Development Economics in the Department of Economics, University of Gothenburg, Sweden. The position is for three years initially; if performance is satisfactory, the position may be extended by another three years. By the end of the six-year period, it is hoped that the holder of the position will be a suitable candidate for permanent employment (tenure) in the Department.

Applicants should hold a recent PhD in economics, or be close to finishing their thesis. The successful candidate is expected to carry out research suitable for publication in leading or highly ranked field and general economics journals. Research potential will be the key selection criterion for the advertised position.

Salary takes the form of a tax-exempt scholarship at a European competitive level.  Additional funds are available for travel and shorter visits to other departments. The Department will require involvement in a limited amount of teaching and supervision, the terms of which will be agreed later. It is desirable that the position is taken up by September 2017, but there is some flexibility.

The application should include a detailed CV with a list of publications/working papers, and one job market paper in electronic form. Additional material might be requested. Long-listed candidates will be interviewed at the ASSA meetings in Chicago 6-8 January 2017, or via a video link. Short-listed candidates will be invited to our department for interviews and research seminars after the ASSA meetings.

Applications should be sent no later than November 20th, 2016 to: .

Referees should send their recommendation letters to no later than December 1st. The subject line of the e-mail from the referee should state the name of the candidate. We would normally expect to receive letters from two or three referees, for each candidate.

The Department of Economics is located within the School of Business Administration, Economics and Law at the University of Gothenburg. The Department of Economics hosts a diverse and internationally renowned group of academic economists, including 14 full professors, 40 assistant and associate professors and post-docs, and 15 visiting professors. Core fields of research include behavioral & experimental economics, development economics, environmental economics, finance, health economics, labor economics, and applied & theoretical micro, including public and industrial economics. Smaller but growing fields include macroeconomics and econometrics. For more information about the Department of Economics, please refer to:

The Department of Economics seeks diversity among applicants and promotes a diverse workforce.

We firmly decline all contact with staffing and recruitment agencies and job ad salespersons.

More information can be obtained from the Chair of the Recruitment Committee, Professor Ola Olsson, .