Policy-oriented research on Korea grants

The Korea Foundation invites applications for its policy-oriented research on Korea grants. These support in-depth analyses and policy recommendations on Korea, including political, social and economic issues. Projects are required to hold at least one related event, such as a workshop or conference for dissemination of the research results. Public policy-oriented research institutes are eligible to apply. Priority is given to proposals with Korea-based collaborative partners.

Personnel expenses and other costs directly related to the research activities are subsidised.

The foundation will support indirect costs amounting to 10 per cent or less of the total grant amount. While the foundation’s grant period is normally one year, projects lasting up to three years may be considered.

Closing date 12 Jun 15

Visit funder’s web page

Travel grants – Herrenhausen symposium

The Volkswagen Foundation invites applications for its travel grants to the Herrenhausen symposium. These support researchers to attend the symposium to be held from 20 to 21 November 2015 in Hannover, Germany. The symposium will address topics like long-term processes of socio-economic developments.

Applicants are required to present their project in a three minute “Lightning Talk” as well as on a poster.

30 grants are available to cover symposium attendance, accommodation and travel expenses.

Closing date 10 Aug 15

Visit funder’s web page for this opportunity

DFID-ESRC Growth Research Programme (DEGRP) – call 3

ESRC and DFID are pleased to announce a third funding call under the Growth Research Programme, focusing on Financial Sector Development and Growth.

Deadline for proposals: 16.00 BST 2 July 2015

This £20.9 million programme is focused on economic growth and related issues in Low Income Countries (LICs); in this context, economic growth is defined as sustained increase in the quantity and quality of goods and services produced per person, providing the basis for increased national income and living standards. Since its inception in 2011, DEGRP has facilitated cutting-edge social science research, with large potential for impact on policy and practice.

The 2015 call is focused on the theme of financial sector development and growth. We are pleased to invite proposals to establish a single programme that will produce excellent research on financial sector development and growth in LICs. The funding aims to create a core of research excellence, strengthen evidence-based policymaking and build research capacity.

We expect to fund one research programme under this call with a total of up to £2 million available for proposals to this call. Proposals are invited for projects with a full economic cost (fEC) value of between £1.5 million and £2 million. Proposals outside this value range will not be accepted. This budget limit refers to the total cost of the project, not the contribution paid by the ESRC and DFID. Projects may be for a maximum of four years in duration.

Proposals are sought from across the social sciences and may be for fundamental or more applied research topics, as long as the policy relevance is clearly stated. There are no geographic restrictions on who may apply for this funding opportunity. Researchers from developing and developed countries can work together in any configuration of their choosing, and principal investigators can be from anywhere in the world.

Click here for further details from the funder’s website

Transatlantic postdoctoral fellowship for international relations and security

Fritz Thyssen Stiftung – Fritz Thyssen Foundation, DE and other funders

The Fritz Thyssen Stiftung along with other institutions invite applications for their transatlantic postdoctoral fellowship for international relations and security. This enables candidates who have recently received their doctorate in social and political sciences or economics, and whose work focuses on international relations, peace or security issues, to spend three eight-month stays at participating research institutions or think tanks.

At least one stay must be on the Eastern side of the Atlantic and one on the Western side. Each candidate must have successfully defended their PhD by 1 October of this year and must either be a citizen of the US, Canada or Europe or must have resided in the US, Canada or Europe for at least two and a half years in the five years before the application deadline.

Up to seven fellowships will be awarded. Funding provides a monthly stipend worth €1,800, a monthly health insurance allowance worth €200 and a one-time travel allowance worth €3,500 for travel to and from the host institutions.

Closing date: July 10th 2015

Click here for original post

Visiting professorships

Weizmann Institute of Science, IL

The Weizmann Institute of Science invites applications for its visiting professorships. These support scientists from institutions of higher learning and research institutions in any country who wish to undertake research in Israel.

Applicants must have achieved appropriate recognition in their fields of activity and hold the rank of full professor or equivalent in their home institutions.

Funding may include financial remuneration, round trip airfare and rent free housing for two months to one year during the academic year of 2016-2017.

Closing date: Dec 31st 2015

Click here for original call

Anti-corruption evidence partnership

British Academy, GB and other funders

The British Academy and the Department for International Development invite expressions of interest for their anti-corruption evidence partnership. Funding enables leading international research teams to research and identify the most successful ways of addressing corruption in developing countries. Successful applications must provide the evidence needed by DFID country offices and other policymakers to make a practical impact in reducing corruption and strengthen the evidence base for best practice in what works in addressing corruption across different contexts. Areas of interest include:

•reform of public financial management;

•procurement reform;

•tax reform;

•civil service reform;

•audit institutions;

•community monitoring initiatives;

•anti-corruption initiatives involving the media;

•anti-corruption laws;

•gender and social exclusion;

•anti-corruption conditionalities in aid-allocation decisions.

Worldwide researchers may apply. Research groups must be led by PIs who have at least three years postdoctoral research experience.

Eight grants, worth up to £400,000 each, are available. Funding may cover salaries for PIs, postdoctoral research assistance, travel and related expenses, networking costs, and a contribution to university costs in hosting and supporting the research team.

Closing date: June 24th 2015

Click here for original call

ESRC/NSFC call for collaborative research on urban transformations in China

Economic and Social Research Council, GB and other funders

The Economic and Social Research Council and the National Natural Science Foundation of China invite proposals for their collaborative research on urban transformations in China, under the Newton Fund. This supports collaborative projects between the UK and China that address urban transformations, and the economic development and welfare of China. Proposals must address the following topics:

•urban systems and hierarchies;

•migration and public services;

•land use, housing and infrastructure;

•inequalities and everyday life;

•urban environment and sustainability.

Proposals should also consider the economics and governance of urban transformation as cross-cutting issues.

Applicants based at UK higher education institutions, research council institutes or independent research organisations eligible for RCUK funding, may apply.

ESRC provides up to £3 million to support UK researchers, with matched funding from NSFC to support Chinese researchers. Grants are worth between £500,000 and £750,000 at 80 per cent full economic cost for UK applicants. Approximatively four to six proposals may be funded for projects lasting up to three years, starting on 1 January 2016.

Closing date: 28th May 2015

Click here for original call


EIB Prize

The EIB Prize is an annual economics award created by the European Investment Bank Institute to recognise and stimulate excellence in economic and social research, and its implementation and diffusion. Research should be of specific relevance to European development and integration. It consists of an “Outstanding Contribution Award” of EUR 40 000 and a “Young Economist Award” of EUR 25 000.

The topic for the 2015 EIB Prize is “Economics of Inequality and Economic Growth”. The Prize will be awarded for applied research conducted on the interaction of economic performance/growth and inequality. Research may focus on the effect of income and wealth inequality on GDP as well as broader concepts of well-being. Special consideration will be given to work comparing the European experience (including between EU member countries) with that of other large advanced economies.

Eligibility criteria for candidates

Nominees for the EIB Prize must be researchers that have made substantial empirical contributions based on solid theoretical foundations in areas covered by this year’s topic. Both awards are open to all economists regardless of nationality or work location.

The Outstanding Contribution Award honours scholars for their lifetime scientific contribution of specific relevance to the prize’s topic, including academic excellence and publication record and impact on public policy or society at large.

The Young Economist Award honours scholars under the age of forty at the end of the current year. It recognises influential research or a significant contribution to economic thought and knowledge that is of specific relevance to the prize’s topic and demonstrates great promise for the future.


Nominations can be submitted between 30 March until 20 May 2015. Self nominations are not accepted. Please click here to nominate a candidate for the Outstanding Contribution Award and click here to nominate a candidate for the Young Economist Award. Only electronic submissions will be accepted. The submission must include your contact details, a brief motivation statement and a copy, or link to, the candidate’s CY. You may propose no more than one candidate for each award.


The winners are selected by a jury composed of distinguished scholars and chaired by Professor Sir Christopher Pissarides, LSE, Nobel Prize laureate in economics (2010).

Click here for original announcement.

Socialdemokraterna – Social Democratic Party in Sweden, SE

The Social Democratic Party in Sweden invites applications for its international cooperation grants, under the Tage Erlander Foundation. These enable international scholars to study Swedish social state of affairs in Sweden, and Swedish scholars to study social state of affairs in a developing country. Studies should preferably be conducted in the areas of solidarity, equality, peace and freedom.

Applications from young scholars are especially encouraged. Preference is given to applicants from a developing country. Swedish applicants must conduct their studies in a developing country.

Closing date 15 Apr 15

Funder’s website

European Commission: Call for expressions of interest

The following fields are covered by this call for expressions of interest:

1. Economic analysis of trade and investment arrangements/agreements (unilateral, bilateral, multilateral, sectoral etc.) covering the EU and partner countries, including inter alia the use of modelling techniques, econometrics and literature reviews (Excluding Sustainability Impact Assessments, Ex-post Evaluations and studies supporting impact assessments prepared for Commission initiatives which are expected to have significant direct economic, social or environmental impacts).

2. Economic analysis of trade restrictive measures taken by partner countries e.g. in the context of the Trade Barriers Regulation or disputes discussed at the World Trade Organisation.

3. Economic analysis, including literature reviews, of any other specific trade policy topic.

4. Development of trade policy modelling and trade data analytical tools. For example, building extensions of existing models, creating user-friendly modelling modules and providing analytical means to assess and analyse large volumes of trade related data such as firm level trade data and product level trade data.

5. Trade policy related surveys.

6. Peer review (blind) of tasks carried out under the points above (primarily points 1-3) safeguarding standards of the work undertaken commensurate with the level of technical requirements for publications in peer reviewed journals (A vendor may be included in one or several of the sub-lists above, but must not review his/her own work. Collusion with vendors on the other sub-lists is prohibited. Any potential conflict of interest should be signalled to the Commission before the review commences).

Expressions of interest should be submitted in one of the official languages of the European Union by electronic means at the following address: TRADE-CHIEF-ECONOMIST@ec.europa.eu.
The list will become operational on 1 May 2015. Inclusion on the list entails no obligation on the part of the contracting authority concerning the conclusion of contracts.

For full details, see http://trade.ec.europa.eu/doclib/docs/2014/december/tradoc_152990.pdf.