Centre of excellence on impact evaluation of international development

The Department for International Development (DFID a department of the UK government) invites tenders to establish a centre of excellence on impact evaluation of international development.

The centre will provide a range of services which will develop and strengthen the evidence base for what works and what does not work in international development, as well as developing and strengthening evaluation research capacity within the UK and internationally.

The contracted organisation will need to establish and maintain a high quality centre with strong management structures and commitment to cross-institutional working.

DFID will contribute up to £20 million in core funding over a period of five years. This will represent 80 per cent of income in the first three years, reducing to around 50 per cent in years four and five.

For further details, see the post on the DFID website.

China-UK-Africa trade: joint research and scoping

DFID, the Chinese Academy of International Trade and Economic Cooperation (CAITEC) and the Chinese Ministry of Commerce (MofCom) wish to explore the potential for working together to enhance the trade performance of African countries, and its development impact. They have agreed to jointly conduct a country-specific study on the potential and challenges of African trade relations with China and the UK. The first set of studies will focus on 4 countries: Ethiopia, Kenya, Nigeria and South Africa. The findings of the research will provide a basis for discussions about how the UK and China can most usefully collaborate on this issue.

As part of this joint assessment, DFID wishes to engage a service provider (SP) over a period of 1 year to conduct a research study to assess how trade, and trade-related cooperation with China and the UK can most effectively support growth, structural transformation and poverty reduction in Kenya and South Africa. In addition, the SP will be required to liaise closely with a Chinese research team under CAITEC carrying out equivalent work on Nigeria and Ethiopia, sharing information on methodologies and data sources as appropriate.

The SP will be responsible for: formulating and agreeing with CAITEC a methodology and workplan for the research; conducting the research in Kenya and South Africa; maintaining close contact with the CAITEC-led research on Nigeria and Ethiopia; and packaging and presenting the analysis and recommendations to key policy makers and practitioners representing the UK, China and the African countries.

For the purposes of this call, applicants can be an individual organisation or a consortium of organisations applying through 1 lead organisation. Applicants will need to demonstrate capability and experience in (i) delivering high quality analysis of trade and trade policy issues; (ii) managing and conducting stakeholder consultations including with the private sector as well as policymakers and government entities; (iii) getting research into use, i.e. delivering and effectively communicating well-grounded policy advice so as to achieve impact. They will also need to demonstrate how they will work with CAITEC in order to ensure coherence and quality across the overall research programme.

The contract will be issued for 1 year. The successful SP will be chosen based on technical and commercial proposals for implementation, as described in the terms of reference. (PDF, 48.5KB, 9 pages)

Potential applicants will be invited to fill in a pre-qualification questionnaire (PQQ) which will include 4 technical questions covering experience, approach and process. Up to 5 applicants will be shortlisted and invited to submit full proposals at the invitation to tender (ITT).

Interested parties can register their interest on the DFID Supplier Portal

Please note the following envisaged dates and times for PQQ:

  • PQQ intended for publication on 1 October 2013
  • PQQ envisaged response deadline: 25 October 2013 at 2.00pm

Additional information and timelines will be provided within the PQQ documentation.

Click here to view the original post.

DFID Research: call for proposals for systematic reviews for international development

Providing a more robust evidence base for policy makers and practitioners.

The UK’s Department for International Development (DFID) is expanding an exciting systematic review programme that aims to strengthen evidence-informed decision making. DFID has developed a set of systematic review questions based on policy and practice priorities and is now calling for proposals from interested reviewers to conduct a systematic review.

The questions include topics such as:

  • infrastructure
  • growth
  • humanitarian assistance
  • education

Please see the terms of reference and the full list of questions for more detailed information on the call. Interested parties can download the application form here.

The information above was originally posted here.

Kiel Institute´s Excellence Award in Global Economics Affairs 2014

Economists until the age of 35 (born 1978 or later) are invited to apply for this award by submitting up to three published or unpublished papers in the field of global economic affairs, and specifically pertaining to the following areas:

International Trade and FDI
Knowledge Creation and Growth
Poverty Reduction, Equity and Development
Environmental Policy
Reforming the Welfare Society
Labour Market Policy
Monetary Policy
Financial Markets and Macroeconomic Activity

Submission of a paper does not preclude publication in the standard outlets. Submitted papers may include coauthored papers.

The aim of the Excellence Award is to build a community of the brightest young researchers in the area of global economic affairs.

Submitted papers will be evaluated by a jury. The top contestants will be granted the “Excellence Award in Global Economic Affairs” at a prize-giving ceremony at the Kiel Institute. In addition, they will receive a Research Fellowship at the Kiel Institute, entitling them to a research visit to the Institute, all expenses paid. Research Fellows will receive research support, access to the Institute’s Virtual Research Communities and the opportunity
to participate in the Institute’s research projects and events.

There are four named Research Fellowships: the “Horst Siebert Fellowship”, the “Porsche Fellowship”, the “Landeshauptstadt Kiel Fellowship” and the “Birke Hospitality Fellowship”. Further information is provided on the Excellence Award website:


Papers should be submitted as email attachment to kristina.sander@ifw-kiel.de together with

PhD research internships

The World Institute for Development Economics Research of the United Nations University invites applications for its PhD research internships. These offer registered doctoral students an opportunity to utilise the resources at UNU-WIDER for their PhD dissertation or thesis research, and to work with researchers in areas related to developing economies. The internships typically last from two to three months and take place in UNU-WIDER’s facilities in Helsinki, Finland.

Applicants must be enrolled in a PhD programme and have shown ability to conduct research on developing economies. Fluent oral and written English skills are required. Preference is given to applicants who are living or working in developing countries, and who are at later stages of their PhD. In addition, UNU-WIDER and the African Economic Research Consortium have collaborated to reserve a number of internship positions to economists from African countries.

Internships include a travel grant, medical insurance, and a monthly stipend of €1,500 to cover living expenses in Helsinki.

Deadline information Applications are invited between 1 March and 31 March, and 1 September and 30 September annually. Deadlines on: 30 September 2013, 31 March 2014, and repeated annually.

Funder’s website

Evaluation of preferential agricultural trade regimes

The Directorate-General for Agriculture and Rural Development invites proposals for the evaluation of preferential agricultural trade regimes, in particular the Economic Partnership Agreements. The tenderer will carry out an evaluation analysing the effectiveness, efficiency and relevance of the EPAs relating to the agri-food trade.

Legal and natural persons based in EU states or authorised countries under the WTO procurement agreement may submit bids.

Funding is worth between €480,000 and €600,000 for an 11 month contract.

Closing date 19 Sep 13

Funder’s website

Evaluation of the implementation of the EU-Mexico free trade agreement

The Directorate-General for Trade invites proposals for its evaluation of the implementation of the EU-Mexico free trade agreement and an assessment of the possible modernisation of this agreement. The objectives of the project are twofold: an ‘ex post’ analysis including assessment of the economic, social and environmental impacts of the EU–Mexico FTA since its entry into force, and an ‘ex ante’ analysis including identification of new or future trade and investment interests, and of the most relevant manner to address them in the context of a modernisation of the EU–Mexico FTA.

Legal persons based in EU states or authorised countries under the WTO procurement agreement may submit bids.

Groupings may submit bids. The team leader must have at least 10 years’ relevant experience. The team should also include senior and junior experts, with at least seven and two years’ relevant experience, respectively. Local experts with in-depth knowledge of Mexico must also be involved.

Funding is worth an estimated €300,000 over a period of 14 months.

Closing date 30 Sep 2013

Funder’s website

Call for proposals: IGC Ghana programme

The IGC’s Ghana programme is looking for research proposals from researchers working on the following thematic areas:

  1. Accelerated Growth with Macroeconomic Stability
  2. Agriculture
  3. Private Sector Development
  4. Human Capital
  5. Governance Accountability and the Political Economy
  6. Natural Resource Management and the Environment

Please note that the deadline for submission of project proposals is 16 August 2013.


Vacancy Announcement



United Nations University-World Institute for Development Economics Research (UNU-WIDER)

Starting Date: As soon as possible.

Closing Date:  31 July 2013

UNU-WIDER is looking for an outstanding individual with strong commitment and potential to support the research and training programme of the Institute. For more information on UNU-WIDER and its work programme, please visit www.wider.unu.edu.



Vacancy Announcement


RESEARCH ASSOCIATE (Personnel Service Agreement – PSA) (2 Positions)

United Nations University-World Institute for Development Economics Research (UNU-WIDER)

Starting Date: As soon as possible.

Closing Date:  31 July 2013

UNU-WIDER is looking for two (2) outstanding individuals with strong commitment and potential to support the research and training programme of the Institute. For more information on UNU-WIDER and its work programme, please visit www.wider.unu.edu.