Job Opportunity: Readership in Development Economics, University of Cambridge

The Faculty of Economics seeks applications for a Readership in Development Economics which is a permanent senior position and is available from 1 September 2017. Candidates should have an internationally established academic reputation for excellence in research and a proven capacity to take a leadership role.

Candidates must be able to demonstrate evidence of international recognition and excellence in research/scholarship with reference to originality, contribution to the advancement of knowledge and reputation; the successful candidate will be expected to publish in the best international journals and must have a proven capacity to take a leadership role. It is envisaged that the successful applicant will play a leading role in the research programme of the Faculty.

The successful candidate will be expected to undertake teaching (which may be in the form of lectures, seminars and classes) and will also be expected to act as an examiner, as directed by the Faculty Board. They will also be expected to undertake research with a view to publication in the best international journals and to undertake administrative tasks as directed by the Faculty Board. The Readership is a tenured position.

Appointments are subject to the Statutes and Ordinances of the University of Cambridge. Applications should include:

  • curriculum vitae
  • outline of research plans
  • full list of publications
  • three sample pieces of major work
  • teaching and research interests

The current pensionable stipend is £59,400 (Reader, University Grade 11, Point 63). In exceptional circumstances, it may be possible to offer a supplement to the salary stated for this role of up to £25,600 for five years in the first instance. Any such supplement would be awarded on the basis of a demonstrable history of outstanding achievement and an expected future level of contribution and is entirely at the discretion of the University.

To apply online for this vacancy and to view further information about the role, please visit: This will take you to the role on the University’s Job Opportunities pages. There you will need to click on the ‘Apply online’ button and register an account with the University’s Web Recruitment System (if you have not already) and log in before completing the online application form.

The deadline for applications is Sunday 28 May 2017.

Further information can be found at The generic role profile for a Reader at Cambridge can also be found at Reader Role Profile

Informal enquiries can be addressed to Professor Sanjeev Goyal (email )

Please quote reference JH05696 on your application and in any correspondence about this vacancy.

The University values diversity and is committed to equality of opportunity.

The University has a responsibility to ensure that all employees are eligible to live and work in the UK.

Giovanni Anania Scholarship 2017

The Italian Association of Agricultural and Applied Economics (AIEAA), the Manlio Rossi-Doria Centre for Economic and Social Research (Roma Tre University), the Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics of the University of California at Davis, and the Department of Economics, Statistics and Finance of the University of Calabria (Arcavacata di Rende, CS) are offering a scholarship in memory of Giovanni Anania. The scholarship will be awarded to a PhD candidate enrolled in the first or second year of an Italian doctoral program (i.e. 31th and 32nd doctoral cycles) whose research project focuses on one of the following fields: 
– international trade, 
– international negotiations and agreements on market liberalization, 
– sectoral and trade policies in the agri-food sector. 
The scholarship is worth € 5,000.00 as a contribution to cover the expenses for a stay study and research period, tuition-free, at the Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics of the University of California at Davis. The winner will be entitled to attend lectures and seminars organized by the Department. The time spent at UC Davis is a minimum of 4 months, preferably in the Fall term 2017-2018 and in any case not after Spring 2018. Thanks to the International Agricultural Trade Consortium (IATRC) the winner can also attend the IATRC’s Annual December Meeting free of charge.  
The selection will be made by a committee of three members designated by the institutions that sponsor the scholarship.  
The applications will be evaluated on the basis of a research project whose academic objectives and methodologies must be clearly specified. The description of the project, written in English, must not exceed 15,000 characters. In case of research projects receiving equal evaluations, preference shall go to candidates born in Calabria region. 
The deadline for the 2017 Call for Applications is April 30th. By this date, applications must have been transmitted to  along with: 
– research project description 
– copy of an identity document 
– certificate of registration at the doctoral cycle 
– letter of recommendation from the doctoral program supervisor or coordinator. 
The results of the evaluation procedure will be communicated to candidates by May 15th 2017. The winner shall commit to carrying out the program described in the Call – whose details will be agreed upon with the participating institutions – under penalty of revocation of the award and related benefits. 
At the end of the period, the beneficiary will write a summary (in English) on the activities carried out at UCD. Publications resulting from research activities carried on, entirely or partially, thanks to this Scholarship should acknowledge the grant received. 
The Italian Association of Agricultural and Applied Economics (AIEAA),
the Manlio Rossi-Doria Centre for Economic and Social Research (Roma Tre University), the Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics of the University of California at Davis, and the Department of Economics, Statistics and Finance of the University of Calabria (Arcavacata di Rende, CS)

PhD Economics at York


We are recruiting new PhD students in Economics for the next academic year (2017-2018) and some PhD studentships are available:

As one of the largest economics departments in the UK we offer a great diversity of research expertise and research-led teaching. The Department has been constantly ranked top 10 in the UK and top 70 in the world. Our research strategy is founded on six research clusters, Microeconomic Theory, Macro economics and Finance, Econometrics, Applied Microeconometrics, Health Economics, and Economic History, which promote, sustain and monitor research excellence and embrace opportunities for external funding, as well as engagement with research users and impact. Our academic community of staff, students and visitors is both intellectually vibrant and international in perspective. We aim to deliver research excellence via contribution to discipline, research supervision and relevance to the broader economy and society.

Our PhD programme includes some taught PhD modules during their first two years. Nevertheless, the vast majority of a PhD student’s time is devoted to personal research work, which is conducted in regular consultation with the student’s supervisor(s). We are keen that our PhD students be involved in the general research and teaching of the Department. Students are expected to actively participate in seminars and workshops organised by the Department of Economics and to play an active role in the Department research clusters.

For more details on how to apply for a PhD in Economics and funding please see

Area of Study or Research:

  • Economics
  • Finance
  • Politics
  • Education
  • Statistics

Application Requirements:

  • Personal data/curriculum vitae
  • Personal Statement
  • English proficiency certificate
  • Research Proposal
  • Transcript of records



Job Opportunity: Researchers Ifo Center for Business Cycle Analysis and Surveys

The Ifo Center for Business Cycle Analysis and Surveys has an immediate vacancy for two post-doctoral economists as

Researchers (m/f)

This Ifo Center conducts macroeconomic and econometric research, does economic policy advisory work and is also responsible for the Institute’s economic forecasts. The successful candidate will primarily work as part of a team on drafting the Joint Economic Forecasts and Ifo’s economic forecasts. His/her research area will be international macroeconomics. S/he will present research results at conferences and in articles for peer-reviewed journals. The successful candidate is also expected to contribute to the acquisition of third-party projects and will have the opportunity to teach and habilitate at the University of Munich.

Applicants should have a doctorate in economics, an excellent command of English and German, and proven knowledge of international business cycle analysis, as demonstrated by a track record of publishing articles in high-level journals. Experience with DSGE models and macro-econometric methods are also desirable. Candidates require a solid grasp of the theoretical basics of economics and Europe’s institutional framework conditions.

Compensation and benefits are based on the German public service pay scale (TV-L). The working contract is initially limited to three years.

As an equal opportunity employer, the Ifo Institute encourages applications from men and women. Women are expressly encouraged to apply.

Please send your complete application by 9 April 2017, preferably via email (as a pdf file) to to the Ifo Institute, Poschingerstraße 5, 81679 Munich. Should you have any queries, please contact Susanne Crefeld or Juliane Neumeier at .

Social Innovation Tournament

The Social Innovation Tournament recognises and supports the best European social entrepreneurs. It is organised every year in a different country to reward and sponsor European entrepreneurs whose primary purpose is to generate a social, ethical or environmental impact.

Four prizes are awarded by a Jury, composed of specialists from the academic and business world: General Category and Special Category 1st and 2nd Prizes of EUR 50 000 and EUR 20 000 respectively.  In 2017, the Special Category Prizes will go to projects focusing on ageing.

Projects are typically related to combating unemployment, marginalisation of disadvantaged communities and promoting access to education in a wide range of fields, from education and health care to natural or urban environment, through new technologies, new systems, and new processes.

The Tournament runs in two rounds. A Selection Committee comprised mainly of EIB Group experts in innovation, the environment, and other relevant disciplines, selects 15 finalists. The finalists are invited to a mentoring bootcamp to provide them with the necessary guidance for the finalisation of their proposals. In the Final Event, all the finalists have to present and defend their project to a Jury composed of social innovation specialists.

In 2017, the Final Event, will take place in Riga, Latvia, on 21 September, where the fifteen selected projects will compete for the four prizes and several mentoring vouchers.

The EIB Institute, in collaboration with the Universidade Católica Portuguesa, also organised for the first time in 2016 an SIT Impact Bootcamp where a dozen selected social entrepreneurs benefited from a full-time executive training course focused on scaling, pitching and engagement with investors.

If you have any questions, please email .

For more information about the SIT, please click on the links below.

Rules for applicants

Key dates & deadlines

Frequently Asked Questions

Scholarships for New MRes and PhD research programme in Economics

The Adam Smith Business School at the University of Glasgow is now recruiting for the 2017 intake for our comprehensive MRes and PhD research programme in Economics.

The 2 year MRes programme is normally followed by the 3 year PhD stage. The University of Glasgow will fund up to six studentships covering tuition fees and a stipend for up to five years to enable students to receive comprehensive MRes (pre-PhD) training and to subsequently undertake research in a chosen field of economics, leading to a PhD.

Students are admitted first into a 2-year programme of coursework consisting of core courses in Microeconomics, Macroeconomics and Econometrics, followed by elective field courses, which leads to the MRes (Master in Research) degree.

Candidates who complete the MRes at a sufficiently high level are automatically admitted into the 3-year PhD programme of supervised independent research.

The Adam Smith Business School has a large group of research-active economists whose interests span a wide range of fields, allowing the school to offer supervision across most areas of economics and finance. The Economics group runs four seminar series and regularly hosts workshops and conferences.


The studentship will run for a maximum of 5 years. Each year’s funding is conditional on successful progression and acceptance into the PhD programme and includes:

  • tuition fees at the standard Home/EU or international rate
  • an annual bursary equivalent to the RCUK rate – £14,254 TBC for 2017/18
  • during the 3 PhD years there will be a research support grant of £750 per annum.

Entry Requirements

Candidates should hold a 2:1 Honours degree or non-UK equivalent (eg, a GPA of 3.0 or above) in Economics or a related subject with substantial technical component (e.g. Mathematics, Statistics, Physics, Engineering) You will also need to submit a personal statement which clearly evidences a strong desire to pursue an academic career in Economics and show evidence of exposure to multivariable calculus, matrix algebra and basic probability/statistics. Only academic references will be accepted. Referees will know the applicants in the capacity of students/researchers, not from internship or work in private/public sector. Applicants are encouraged to submit any additional (academic) documents they believe will support their application.

To be eligible for this studentship, you must hold an offer for the MRes Economics at ASBS. Countries of eligibility are Scotland, England, Northern Ireland, Wales, EU, and International.


Studentships are awarded on a competitive basis.

March 2017: First round of awards

Candidates who apply for the studentship and complete an application for the Economics MRes by 15 March will be considered for the studentship in the second half of March. Candidates will be informed of the outcome by email by 31 March 2017.

June 2017: Second round of awards

Candidates who apply for the scholarship and complete an MRes application by 1 June will be considered in June. Candidates will be informed of the outcome by email by 19 June 2017.


The largest city in Scotland, Glasgow has a reputation for being a welcoming, fun-filled and accessible place to live, with something to offer every taste and budget.

Whether you crave cosy campus living or big city excitement you’ll be inspired by our excellent location in the friendly West End of Glasgow.

With 560 years’ experience in producing academic excellence, the University of Glasgow has an impressive past. However, we’re always looking ahead and our role is to pass on our knowledge and expertise so that you can make the world a better place for yourself and for others.

Our students graduate equipped with the skills they need to compete in a global workplace, and with friendships and networks that last a lifetime.

How to apply

In addition to submitting an application for the MRes Economics programme the applicant should email stating that they wish to be considered for the scholarship and include their applicant ID.

For more information please contact:

For detailed information about the programme and the admission process please click on the link for Further Information below

Area of Study or Research:

  • Economics
  • Finance

Application Requirements:

  • You must hold an offer for the MRes Economics at ASBS

More Information

Doctoral Positions at the Munich Graduate School of Economics

The Department of Economics at Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München offers various


Successful candidates will pursue their Ph.D. studies at the Munich Graduate School of Economics (MGSE).

The MGSE provides advanced training for in-depth research in economics. The MGSE’s Ph.D. program has a strong focus on the application of state-of-the-art methods. It combines demanding course work and an early start of individual research. Positions offer comprehensive supervising and mentoring schemes, excellent international contacts, and access to an outstanding research infrastructure from one of Europe’s’ top 10 Universities.


We expect knowledge in microeconomics, macroeconomics, and econometrics at an advanced Master’s level. Therefore, the standard entry requirement is a completed Master’s degree in economics. Exceptions from this rule are possible in special circumstances. Any missing graduate-level training will be specified in an individual supervision agreement. Candidates should be highly motivated to conduct independent research. Fluency in German language is not required for admission.


Generally, Ph.D. students are paid according to a 75% position under the German TVL-E 13 payment scheme (or a roughly equivalent scholarship). The exact salary might slightly vary depending on personal circumstances, the affiliating institution and the teaching load the position might carry (maximally 5 hours per week during the semester). Funding for the positions will come from one of the following programs or institutions: Department Chairs, Egon Sohmen Graduate Center, Evidence-Based Economics, GRK 1928 – Microeconomic Determinants of Labor Productivity, ifo Institute, Max Planck Institute for Innovation and Competition, Max Planck Institute for Tax Law and Public Finance.

Application Procedure:

The application period is from December 15th, 2016 to March 31th, 2017. In general, the positions and courses start in October 2017. The application tool will be available on our webpage.

An admission committee will screen applications on a rolling basis. Applicants who present a detailed offer by another doctoral program may ask the admission committee for an early decision on their admission.

Applicants need the following documents for their application: CV, Letter of Motivation, Certificate of Secondary Education (if available, encouraged), Bachelor Diploma, Master Diploma (or preliminary Transcript of Records), Proof of English-skills, GRE-Test, and two recommendation letters. All documents have to be either in English or German.


Munich Graduate School of Economics

Job Opportunity: Professor of International Trade and Development, Goethe University Frankfurt am Main

The Faculty of Economics and Business Administration at Goethe University Frankfurt invites applications for the following position starting at the earliest possible date:

Professorship (W3) for International Trade and Development

The professorship is part of the Department of Applied Econometrics and International Economic Policy and should fit into its teaching and research profile.

Applicants should have a record of publications in leading journals. A research focus should lie in international trade, foreign direct investment, migration and allocation of human capital or globalization. Connections to growth and development are desirable. We expect excellent teaching performance and sound empirical and theoretical methods. Teaching is expected at the Bachelor, Master, and PhD levels. The ability to teach in English is required. German knowledge would be useful.

Teaching obligations are 8 hours per week during the teaching period. The designated salary for the position is based on “W3” on the German university scale or equivalent. Goethe University is committed to increasing the proportion of female faculty and therefore especially encourages women to apply. For further information regarding the general conditions for professorship appointments, please see

Researchers with an excellent research and teaching record are cordially invited to send their applications in German or English, accompanied by the usual documents (CV, record of publications, teaching experience and extramural funding, certificates) and citing the reference “Professorship (W3) for International Trade and Development“ until March 16th, 2017 via e-mail to the Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration: .

For further information, please contact Prof. Dr. Alfons Weichenrieder,e-mail: .

Job Opportunity: Full Professor, International Economics, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität (LMU)

As one of Europe’s leading research universities, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität (LMU) in Munich is committed to the highest international standards of excellence in research and teaching. Building on its more than 500-year-long tradition, it offers a broad spectrum that covers all areas of knowledge within its 18 Faculties, ranging from the humanities, law, economics and social sciences, to medicine and the natural sciences.

The Faculty of Economics invites applications for a

Full Professorship (W3) of Economics with Emphasis on International Economics (Chair)

commencing on April, 1 2018.

The successful candidate is expected to carry out both teaching and research in a field of International Economics

Candidates should have a strong international research record. The appointee will be expected to teach courses at all levels in the Faculty of Economics.

Prerequisites for this position are a university degree, a doctoral degree or a comparable specific qualification, teaching skills at university level, excellent academic achievements and a productive and promising research program.

LMU Munich makes a point of providing newly appointed professors with various types of support, such as welcoming services and assistance for dual career couples.

LMU Munich is an equal opportunity employer. The University continues to be very successful in increasing the number of female faculty members and strongly encourages applications from female candidates. LMU Munich intends to enhance the diversity of its faculty members. Furthermore, disabled candidates with essentially equal qualifications will be given preference.

Please submit your application comprising a curriculum vitae, documentation of academic degrees and certificates, teaching evaluations as well as a list of publications electronically via the LMU Application Tool, no later than March 17, 2017. Furthermore, two research papers should be submitted that the candidate considers particularly helpful to support the application. The link for the application tool is Addressee for your letter of application is the Office of the Dean, Faculty of Economics, Schackstrasse 4, 80539 Munich, Germany.

Job Opportunity: Junior Research Scientist – International trade applied to agriculture and environment

INRA (the French National Institute for Agricultural Research) is seeking a junior research scientist with a focus on international trade applied to agriculture and/or environment. This is a permanent (no tenure track) and research-only position, although some teaching is possible. Candidates must  hold a PhD when they apply. The successful candidate will join the research unit “Economie Publique” in Paris.

Interested candidates are invited to get in touch with Christophe Gouel () before applying.

Candidates have until March 1st (5pm, Paris time) to submit their application online, or until March 3rd to send the application form by post.

Job description and futher information